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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chatper 124
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Chapter 124

This comment gained a lot of likes, and more and more netizens bega tó sense something amiss.

[I also feel like Jessica intentionally knocked over the water bottle to ruin. Ashley’s design draft!]

[It really doesn’t add up. The timing of the water bottle being knocked over was too suspicious! Right

when Ashley was about to present her design, Jessica’s water bottle just happened to fall over. Can it

really be such a coincidence?]

However, many netizens also disagreed: [You guys are thinking too much. There’s no evidence proving

Jessica did it on purpose. Stop spreading rumors.]

At this time, the Design Exchange Competition had just ended.

Joseph’s phone captured the moment when Jessica deliberately knocked

over the water bottle. He was now fuming with anger and couldn’t wait to show the video to Ashley.

But Ashley was surrounded by several designers asking her for advice.

These designers were not only young but also quite handsome.

Joseph looked resigned. Ashley really was popular wherever she went, and he couldn’t help but worry

for his brother.

Meanwhile, Jessica browsed the internet, her mind swirling with doubt.

‘Have the netizens discovered that I had intentionally knocked over the water bottle? No way.”

Jessica believed she had been so discreet, and there was no way she could have been caught.

She carefully rewatched the reporter’s broadcast.

As she expected, the angle of the shot didn’t capture her tipping over the water bottle. The online

speculations were just guesses.

With this realization, Jessica felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

‘So what if I had knocked over the water bottle to ruin Ashley’s design?

Who could accuse me of anything without evidence?’



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Jept 124

Jessica sneered smugly, crafted a feigned innocent tweet, and sent it

[I didn’t mean to knock over the water bottle, and I’m sorry Ashley’s design got splashed. But I didn’t do

it, and if criticizing me makes peop feel better, then go ahead. The truth will stand clear in the end. I

won’t argue.]

[Ashley is my sister, and I’ve always hoped she’d come back to the Ramos family. I’ve wanted to get

along with her…).

[She grew up in an orphanage, and I really feel bad for what she went through. Just a couple of days

ago. I made donations to five orphanages. hoping to do some good deeds for Ashley…]

With this tweet, Jessica portrayed herself as a victim of online harassment, misunderstood and


Upon seeing this, the public was immediately filled with questions and confusion.

[Who’s criticizing you? And you are playing the victim now?]

Some netizens thought they were rational and came to her defense.

[Enough already. Jessica has responded, saying she didn’t mean to knock over the water bottle. Some

of you need to let go!]

[Exactly. Jessica’s been quietly doing charity work, donating to five orphanages!]

[While donating to charity shouldn’t be a moral obligation. Ashley grew up in an orphanage and never

donated herself, right? Jessica’s really done something great here.]

As public opinion kept going, the hashtag. “Jessica donates to orphanages” was even trended on social


Meanwhile, Joseph had been waiting for several minutes and finally saw the group of designers around

Ashley leave.

“Ashley!” Joseph ran over, showing her the video he had captured. “Look what I go! Jessica

deliberately knocked over that water bottle!”

Being directly involved, Ashley knew all too well Jessica’s intent. Watching the video Joseph shot, she

nodded in approval. “Nice, it’s very clear.”

Joseph was thrilled. “I’m going to post this video right away. Expose her!”



Chapter 124

He then looked at Ashley, habitually seeking her opinion.

Ashley smiled brightly with a hint of amusement, “Why are you lo at me? Go ahead and post it. Or

what? Save it for Jessica’s sake?”

“Right on!” Joseph immediately logged onto the internet.

But as soon as he opened Twitter, he saw a trending topic with the hashtag, “Jessica donates to


Joseph frowned and clicked on the link.

It turned out Jessica had tweeted a denial of intentionally knocking over the water bottle.

Joseph couldn’t help but sneer, thinking, ‘How can she have the audacity to deny it?

‘And she even uses charity as a badge of honor? The hypocrisy is practically jumping off the screen.

And then there were those self-proclaimed rational netizens, going on about how Jessica donated to

the orphanage, but Ashley didn’t.

Joseph looked at these comments with an incredulous expression. ‘Who said Ashley never donated to

the orphanage?

‘My brother and the Kingsley Group had regularly contributed to orphanages for years, all because of

Ashley’s childhood experiences.”

Jessica’s public announcement of her donation made it to the trending topics, causing quite a stir.

Amidst the online spectacle, a blogger, verified as a volunteer, dropped at


[Wait a minute, I always volunteer at our local orphanage, and from the director, I was told that

someone named Ashley has been donating yearly. I thought it was a coincidence, but it turns out to be

the Ashley who became a celebrity!]

Netizens were shocked when they saw this comment.

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What surprised them even more was that, besides this volunteer, a reputable charity organization also

posted on social media.

[Ashley donates annually to orphanages through our organization. Below is the

Detailed breakdown of her contributions.]

Chapter 124

Upon seeing the donation details, netizens realized that Ashley h doing charity work for a long time,

making annual donations wit seeking publicity.

[Wow, having had a tough childhood herself, Ashley has been quietly helping kids who went through

similar hardships after gaining the mean to do so…]

[This is what true charity looks like! Ashley never publicized her efforts. This is my first time hearing

about it.]

[Wait a minute, it just hit me. Jessica only donated once to the orphanage and made it public. Is she

using charity as a tool for self-promotion?]

Someone tagged Jessica in a post saying: [You’re just using charity to glorify yourself! I can’t believe I

was just praising you for your charitable work. You’re deceitful! Ugh!]

Joseph couldn’t help but nearly burst into laughter at this sudden turn of


And he thought it was the perfect timing to strike while the iron was hot.

He uploaded the video he had taken of Jessica knocking over a water. bottle and called her out


[Jessica, come see the evidence for yourself!]

[Evidence? What evidence?]

The onlookers clicked on the video curiously, only to be stunned the next. second.

The video Joseph posted clearly captured Jessica deliberately knocking over the water bottle, ruining

Ashley’s design drafts.

Temperamental netizens couldn’t sit still. They flocked to Jessica’s Twitter, commenting: [Jessica, I

dare you say it one more time that you didn’t knock over that bottle on purpose!]

Jessica hadn’t seen the video Joseph posted and replied confidently: [I’ll say this one last time. It

wasn’t on purpose. The truth will stand clear in the end. I won’t admit to something I didn’t do!]