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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87 - The Stolen Hearts (Anj's POV) After that conversation with Dylan, | knew the night would be long, and it would be difficult to stop my brain from thinking.

For six years, | always settled with tea and books to calm me, but now, with all the lies, Sky and Dylan, and wanting my children to be happy, they were all confusing my brain.

| stopped by the bar next to the kitchen, got the sbottle of Vodka Sky and | drank years ago, and walked to the bedroom. My children were sleeping in the most oversized bed I've ever seen that even if Dylan and Anya joined us in the bed, there would still be space for Sky and Finn.

sky. Why do I always think of Sky when he doesn‘t even think of me? I scoffed and walked to the closet room. | opened the caband saw shopping bags inside with a note. There was nothing special to it, just the scribbled message For Anj. My lips curled into a sneer, but I opened them since | had no plans to wear the sclothes, the only ones | had.

A small sigh slipped my lips as | pulled off my clothes, chugged on the bottle of alcohol as if this was my last day on earth, and went to the shower area. | could not drown myself in the sprinkle of water from the shower, but the liquor might. By the t| was done showering, the Vodka was almost half empty.

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“Oh!” | exclaimed, suddenly laughing for no reason at all.

| put the bottle on the dresser. Still dripping wet, not minding drying my body with a towel, I found myself swaying in entering the bedroom. | chuckled as | barely reached the bed, feeling my body so light. | kept my eyes open to check on my children, kissing their foreheads.

“Mommy lovhs... loves you very much,” | whispered.

When Selene groaned and wiped the dropped of water from my head, | touched my dripping hair.

“Dryer,” | uttered, crawling down the bed. When my body fell to the floor, | saw shoes. | blinked and rose to my feet, holding to the edge of the bed to helpstand up.

“Oh!” | exclaimed again, pointing my index finger at the chest of the man standing before me. | chuckled. “I know you.” | shook my head. “Geez! I'm drunk!” | held on to the door frin going back to the closet room.

“Dryer,” | whispered, opening the drawers and finding the hairdryer. | smirked as | sat down, taking the bottle and drinking again. | lifted the hairdryer to my head. “Izh broken. What kind of place is this?” | sneered, putting it down.

“Why are you drinking, Anj?” | gasped, my hands flying to my mouth to cover my mouth. “You're talking. You sounded like him.” | was too hurt that | was already imagining Sky.

“Stand up,” He uttered in a low voice.

I did and watched my imagination of Sky opening a cabinet, taking a towel, and drying me. After slippingon a bathrobe, he saton the chair. My scalp felt the hot air of the hairdryer, and the warmth was makingsober and sleepy like its sound was a lullaby to my ears.

“Do | need to get drunk to shee you, Shky?” | cried as | reached for the bottle. | drank again, but before I could finish it, he took it from me.

“That's enough,” | heard him sigh. “Lettake you to bed.” “Sshhh!” | hushed him and stood up. | opened the empty closet door and crawled inside. | didn‘t know what was with their houses, having big closets.

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“What are you doing there?” He asked me. I ignored him as I sat and hugged my knees in the corner. When it becquiet, | buried my face in my arms and began sobbing. There was something heavy insidethat | had to cry to helpease the pain | was feeling. | hate myself for expecting Sky to be there on the day he promised my children he would come.

| despise myself for giving Dylan a chance when it was unfair for him to wait forwhen it seemed more possible for humans to be cloned than reciprocate his feelings for me.

“Talk to me, Anj. Why did you drink?” He asked after givinga few minutes of peace. But | didn’t answer right away; only the sound of my sob echoed in the closet room. He pulledto him, and as | sat beside him, | rested my head on his shoulder.

“You seemed real,” | whispered as | groped my hand to his chest, but he caught my hand and gripped it, entwining our fingers. | buried my face to his shoulder, letting my nose inhale his intoxicating scent. “Anj, you toldbefore you escaped your husband years ago. Why?” He asked.

| stopped breathing in his scent and craned my neck to look at his face. “Because he didn‘t love me.

He'’s in love with someone else.” “Did he know you were pregnant when you left?” My mouth released a giggle, tapping his nose. “Even in my dream, you're taking advantage of me, Sky.” | shook my head. “Na-ah! I'm not telling you. How about you? What happened to your wife?” “She ran away from me.” He answered while he brushed my hair with his hand.

“She's shtupid,” My lips curled into a pout, and then | scoffed. “But why did she run away from you?” | asked, closing my eyes. Sleep was waving at me, but | didn’t want to sleep yet.

“Sreason as yours. | love someone else.” | opened my eyes and poked his arm. “Shee! That's my point. Why stay when that person doesn’t love you?” “How about Dylan? Do you love him?” His voice was fading, but | managed to answer.

propter 87 - The Stolen Hearts “Yes and no,” | chuckled. “That man promisedforever. He's stupid. He wanted to marry me, but | didnt have my heart with me. How can | love someone when | don‘t have my heart?” “Where's your heart, Anj?” “I dont know. My husband? Maybe he stole it from me,” I'm slipping into a coma, but | heard him askinganother question. “Do you love me, Anj?” My lips curved a smile. “Yes and no. I'm in love with you; then I'm not. | love you, and then | don't. Do you love me, Sky?” Even in my dreams, | was hopeful, but my answer echoed to me. “Yes and no. I'm in love with you; then I'm not. | love you, and then | don’t.” | felt warm lips on my forehead, then a peck on the tip of my nose. “Tell me, Anj, what do you want?” “From you? Nothing. Just a kiss! A kiss from an elite. A kiss from the Mighty Sky,” | whispered. As Sky bent his head to claim my mouth, | parted my lips, allowing him to tastefully. | moaned in his mouth as our kiss went deeper until | felt like getting lost in the magical world of Sky. He pulled away fromand kissedon my forehead.

Before my consciousness was pulled away into the Land of Nod, | heard Sky say, “I didn’t steal your heart, Angela. You stole mine.”