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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 8
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Chapter 8 – Blame The Alcohol (Anj‘s POV)

“Just a kiss?” Sky Mars, the Mighty Sky, curved a naughty smile on his lips.

I chuckled, feeling the heat creeping through my cheeks. I knelt before him and leaned my head forward.

“Just a kiss,” I whispered. Not waiting for him to answer, I planted a quick kiss on his lips, and I was right

about the softness of his sensual lips.

My heart was dancing with joy, my brain was screaming with shame, and my body was burning with

unexplainable desire as I returned to sitting on the sand. I swallowed hard, wanting to run to the water

and submerge myself to hide from him. Then, I heard him laugh hard.

“You call that a kiss?” he asked amusedly, filling his glass and drinking his liquor. “I was right, then.

You‘ve never been kissed.” He teased me.

I raised my eyebrows and frowned at him. “Excuse me, Mighty Sky, but I have kissed plenty of men,” I

said proudly, taking a sip from my glass, thinking of all the grandfathers I have kissed on their cheeks whenever they missed their children or grandchildren in the nursing home.

Dylan crossed my mind, but I had never thought of him kissing me or me kissing him. “Really?” His eyes

flicker on me, smiling at me. “You must be a witch,” he said, surprising me, but I only raised my

eyebrows, not asking why. He lifted his hand, trailing my jawline with his fingers, causing me to gasp.

“Your face... You‘re beautiful,” he said, creasing his forehead. I cupped my face and grinned at him. “It

must be the alcohol,” I said, but I was afraid that the medicine I took earlier must have taken its effect.

He nodded, agreeing with me. “Maybe.”

It must be the alcohol... I kept on saying that myself. I had even forgotten I was not wearing anything

except my still wet underwear, but here I was, sitting behind the gorgeous man I had ever met, not

minding we were almost naked. I wondered how to explain everything to Anya about how I met Sky Mars

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and became an offering to the god of the elite. “We should stop drinking, Sky,” I said, standing up and

hoping to go back to the water to help me get sober, but I got so dizzy that I lost my balance and fell to

his lap. I giggled when he caught me, but I stopped laughing when our eyes met. If the heart is a

standalone organ in the body, at this point, I think it is doing a hardcore exercise. It was thumping so fast

inside my

chest that I couldn‘t breathe. “If this is the feeling of being drunk, I don‘t want to get sober anymore,” I

whispered. He laughed with me. “What kind of magic do you have?” he asked, not letting go of me.

Instead, he wrapped his arm on my waist and his other arm on the back of my neck “Mental

inducement?” I joked, parting my lips as I hoped to chuckle, but I caught him looking at my mouth. I

swallowed hard, breathing out as I wished for a real kiss. “You‘re right because you‘re making me

insane,” he said huskily, our lips so close that I thought we were breathing as one. My eyes studied his

face, looking perfect under the great night sky, and then fixed my gaze on

his lips. I have read thousands of stories about kisses as most residents wanted me to read romance

s to them but never realized I would have such a great desire to feel and experience one.

I hated and loved the feeling of this unfamiliar sensation, but right now, I wished tomorrow would not

come, just wanting to stay in Sky‘s arms.

“Sky, I‘m burning,” I whispered worriedly, shivering at the unfamiliar feeling as our bodies touched but

exciting me even more. I am not wearing my shirt and pants, yet my body temperature is worse than

having a high fever.

“I know, pumpkin,” he uttered in a low voice, brushing his soft lips slowly to mine like he was very careful

touching me. The intensity of the moment is so high that when he licks my bottom lip, I part my lips and

let Sky stick his tongue into my mouth. At first, I didn‘t know what to do, but he seemed an expert at this,

silently teaching me while exploring my mouth. I could not believe a kiss could be this sweet, delicious,

and magical. His hand moves up, grazing my spine so light that it makes me quiver. I am losing myself to

the Mighty Sky, wanting more of his kisses, loving the sweetness of the moment, and becoming unaware

that he is now laying me on the powdery sand of the beach. Only the full moon shining brightly above us

can tell how long we are kissing.

“Liar,” he chuckled, panting as he moved slightly away from me to look at my face. His thumb trailed my

mouth. “You‘ve never been kissed,” he whispered. His eyes could not hide the excitement as I smiled.

“More,” I uttered in a low voice, forgetting he was above me, not remembering that somewhere there was

another person probably watching us and failing to think of Anya.

He molds his mouth against mine, deepening the kiss as I moan in pleasure. As our kiss becomes fiery

and intense, I cannot help wounding my fingers through his hair, just giving in to him. I groaned when his

mouth departed my lips, but I gasped when I felt him gliding his mouth to my ear while his hand slowly

slid down to my shoulder.

“I want more,” he said in a raspy, sexy voice. I giggled. “Then let‘s have more,” I said.

“But not here,” Sky got up and helped me get up. He took my shirt, putting it on me, and as I wore my

pants, I watched him get dressed. I took the bottle of vodka, seeing there was still half in the bottle. When I turned to look for the glass, he held my wrist and tugged me toward the direction of the car.

“Forget the glass,” he said, opening the lid and drinking directly from it. I chuckled, copying him when he

gave me the bottle, chugging the liquor like I was thirsty for water. We finished drinking the alcohol in

the bottle before reaching the car, and Sky had to carry me when I almost tripped, laughing giddily

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because the world was spinning so fast. Frank had to open the door for us, and we both collapsed on the seat. He kissed me again, crushing my lips as if letting me know how much he wanted me. “Where

to, Sky?” I heard Frank asking. Sky smiled at me. “What do you want on your birthday? I‘ll give you

everything you want.” I laughed again, not thinking clearly except for one thing. “I want you,” I said,

pointing my

index finger on his lips, and giggled when he bit my finger. He chuckled. “You already have me. I‘m yours

now.” My eyes sparkled at the thought that the Mighty Sky is mine now. “I want to marry the Mighty Sky,”

I said dreamily, hoping the time would stop. “You heard the lady here, Frank. Find us an officiant. I‘ll

marry this lovely angel today,” he ordered his driver.

Frank seemed to have doubted for a while, but then he started the car, driving us to the officiant he knew.


Tiny construction workers must be working hard and very busy inside my head, hammering and repairing

my brain because I could feel the throbbing pain when I woke up. I groaned, trying to remember what

happened last night. My body jerked when strong arms pulled me closer to him, and I cursed under my

breath for the first time in my life as my naked body touched another person with nothing on under the

blue peacock quilt. I forced my eyes open, blinked under the covers, and was shocked as I found myself

wearing my birthday suit. Before I could recall everything that had happened, my eyes gaped, seeing the

magnificent hard shaft of the man beside me, “Waaaahhhhh!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, pulling

the blanket to cover me and wrapping myself like a mummy, except for my eyes. Startled, he pulled the

quilt from me, but I wriggled, causing me to fall on the bed. I fell flat on my face, but I heard another

scream before I could get up. “Daddy!” cried a little girl. “There‘s a naked woman in Sky‘s room!” she

screamed, causing my heart to stop.