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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68 - The Bite At The Pool (Anj’s POV) The weekend is a free day for the triplets; they can spend more tplaying or whatever they choose to do.

When my children discovered the indoor swimming pool in Sky's place, they all went gaga, wanting to jump into the pool. Whoever prepared my triplets clothes, | thanked them for including swimwear for my girls. They're like ducks in the water, enjoying the pool with Sky. Sitting in the lounger, | secretly took pictures after | convinced myself these photos would be a good remembrance for the kids. Or maybe for myself. “Mommy, Daddy is teachinghow to float!” exclaimed Lyra Helene excitedly. | rose to my feet, walking near the pool to take a picture. Thinking his daughter was calm and relaxed, Sky attempted to let his hands go in her back, but she almost submerged into the water, scaring her. “You drown my child, Sky; Ill kill you,” | hissed at him. He chuckled. “I got her. Relax, Pumpkin.” | breathed out, wanting to tell him | knew because it was the sthing he had said tothat night at the beach. | put my phone on the chair and glanced at Selene and Leyanne playing on the side. | did not need to worry much because they all had floaties in their arms.

“Don’t you want to swim?” Sky asked as he swam Lyra Helene to the steps to join her sisters.

As much as | would love to swim, | have no swimsuit to wear. Maybe later, when all of them are sleeping, | will take my chance and enjoy skinny dipping in his swimming pool. | sat on the edge of the pool, immersing only my legs to feel the water. | have given up so many things after | got pregnant, including learning how to swim and drinking alcohol, but whenever | look at my three beautiful girls, | feel full and contented. If regret is like water, | have not felt sad or disappointed, not even a single drop of it when I first saw and held my angels in my arms.

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Sky swam towardand placed his hands on my thighs. | groaned, then hissed at him. “Ill get wet, Sky,” | complained, brushing off his hands. “I'd love that,” He smiled naughtily at me. | raised my hand, combing his hair, which was a mistake because he moved closer and rested his arms on my lap, making my shorts wet. “I thought Finn would not leave,” he chuckled. “That kid likes you a lot.” “Kid?” | raised my eyebrows. “Can‘t you see he's not a kid anymore?” “I know,” He uttered, glancing at my squealing daughters. “They‘re adorable, easy to love, and very smart.” | smiled, unconsciously intertwining my fingers in his as | looked at my girls. “Selene and Lyra Helene seemed to have trust issues, though,” He smirked. “It took tbefore Finn got them.” “Just like their father,” | whispered, focusing my eyes somewhere.

Sky scoffed, staring adoringly at our hands.

“You have big hands,” | did not mean to say it aloud, and when | stared at Sky, his forehead creased like thinking of something. When our eyes met, his lips curved into a naughty smile, grabbing my arms and pullinginto the water.

My scream echoed in the large room, but instead of worrying, my children giggled, watchingimmerse into the water. Not touching the pool floor, | continued to scream, entwining my arms around his neck and my legs to his hips.

“Relax,” Sky guffawed, arms stretching to reach and hold at the edge of the pool. | bet he could not tread his legs and feet because of me.

“If I die, it's your fault, Sky. I'm not leaving my children orphans,” | cried, burying my head to his neck and clutching to him as if | would really drown. Sky chuckled, his hand sneaking inside my shirt and slowly grazing my skin as he pinnedto the wall panel of the pool. My lips parted, shivering and sucking air as | felt his hard manhood underwater.

“Daddy, don’t scare mommy,” Leyanne giggled.

When | turned my head to my children, they only looked atto check why | was screaming, but when they sawsafe in their Daddys arm, the three went back to playing with their toys.

Sky moved his head closer to my ears, sighing deeply as he whispered, “So many things | want to do to you here at the pool, Anj.” | withdrew my arms from him and pushed Sky as | tried to climb up. As expected, it would not be easy getting up to the edge. | jolted when Sky grabbed my waist, but he only liftedfrom the water as if | was as heavy as my children and saton the travertine stone of the pool coping.

He gave my kids a quick look, and when he was sure they were not looking, he bit the hard peak of my mound underneath my shirt.

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“Sky!” My eyes widened, glowering at him to show | was angry, but deep within me, he was turningon.

He chuckled, swimming away from me, and when he emerged his head from the water, he called me.

“Who's gonna cook dinner, you or me?” He asked. “I'll cook dinner; you take care of my children,” | said, standing up and facing the three girls.” You have an hour, girls.” “Dad!” The three said in unison, making Sky chuckle and shrug. “You heard Mommy, girls. I'm sorry, but we only have an hour.” He swam toward them when he sawputting on the robe.

| took my phone from the chair and glanced at them again before entering his house. While my mind was full of thoughts about what to cook, | went straight to his bedroom to check if | could borrow another shirt and shorts.

Growling in anger at Sky, | took a quick shower, put on a new pair of shirts and shorts, made a short trip to the laundry room, and placed my clothes, including my underwear, inside the washing machine.

My heart was palpitating as | convinced myself he would never notice | was not wearing anything under my clothes. Closing my eyes, | cursed myself for wanting and needing him. As his voice echoed in my mind, my body desired him to do many things withat the swimming pool.