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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 - Daddy, Fix This (Anj's POV) When Kat told| had a handsvisitor, | wanted to tell her that ‘handsome’ was not even the right word to describe Sky. He is a strikingly gorgeous man, my own perfect Greek god who has the power to bring electrifying feelings to my body, and someone who could makeforget myself and my values whenever he started touching me. Overhearing my colleague about it, my daughters excitedly went inside the faculty room only to be surprised to see a handsman, but not their father. Standing up and smiling sweetly at me, Finn greetedas he handeda bouquet of peach roses.

“Finn, what are you doing here?” A voice so familiar that my children ran to him as if to look for shelter and protection, seeing a stranger in front of them givingbeautiful roses.

“Daddy!” They all cried at the stime, with Selene raising her arms to her father. Like it was just usual for him, he bent and carried her into his arms before walking toward us. “Sky? Daddy?” Finn was not only taken by surprise but shocked as he heard them calling Sky their daddy.

| panicked, taking the roses from him, but when Sky widened his eyes at me, | returned the bouquet to Finn.

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“It's a long story, and it's not what you think, Mr. Mars,” | said in a hushed tone, not wanting my girls to hear about this long story because despite being geniuses, they are still little kids wanting to hear bedtstories and fairy tales.

He pressed his lips, but the smile was still evident, and he only did it to suppress laughter wanting to escape from his mouth. He took the flowers but placed them back on the table, surprisingwhen he smiled gently at the girls. “Hi, girls. I'm Finn, Sky's brother,” He introduced himself that way, causingto turn my head to Sky, panic-stricken at the thought of making our situation worst.

“What are you doing?” Sky gritted his teeth as he approached us.

Leyanne walked to Finn, raising her head and tugging his shirt to get his attention. “Are you really my dad‘s brother?” He squatted to reach her height, and surprisingly, when the corners of his mouth lifted, it was not a villain kind of smile but charming and gentle. “Yep,” He answered cheerily, holding her hands. “You must be my adorable niece he’s been telling about.” Sky and | knew it was a lie because only Steve Mars knew about my children; they were not even close siblings, to begin with.

“What are you doing here?” Sky asked, narrowing his eyes on the roses and placing his hand lightly on Leyanne‘s head. My daughter turned to him and held on to his forearm.

“I just wanted to thank Ms. Perry for her help,” Finn rose to his feet and glanced at the bouquet and a cake box, which I only noticed now. “I am also inviting her for lunch.” “We have plans,” He fixed his eyes on the gifts on the table, and if his eyes could magically emit fire, the roses and cake would be burning now.

“Daddy’s gonna cook lunch for us,” Lyra Helene said happily.

My eyes wandered around the faculty room, and | was glad it was Saturday because only Kat and | had a class on this day. | hate to think this would cause issues and conflict if they started talking about my children and their relations with Mars.

“Really?” Finn raised his eyebrows at Sky. “Daddy has never done that before.” He smiled at, her. “I mean, he has never cooked for anyone but himself.” Lyra Helene pursed her lips, raised her head to her father, and then glanced at the cake on the table.

“Who has a birthday?” she asked him, turning to me, raising her arms forto carry her. | took her in my arms and shook my head as | thought of an answer, but Finn answered.

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“Mommy's,” he said, flickering his eyes atand guessing he was right. “Mommy’s birthday is in September, and she’s turning twenty-three,” Lyra Helene told him, makingwant to groan. Why do my kids just giveaway? Finn raised his eyebrows, creasing his forehead like he was reminded of something, then smiled at her.

“Really? That's nice. My birthday’s in September, too, and guess what? I'm turning twenty-three like mommy.” Selene cupped Sky‘s face with her tiny palms. “Daddy, I'm hungry already. | only ate one moon.” “One moon?” Sky glanced at me. “Why only one moon?” he asked her even though he was confused with what she said.

“I'm worried about Mommy. She did not eat breakfast,” she said before nestling her head to his neck.

“We're leaving,” Sky turned to me. “Get your things, or whatever you want to bring.” | went to my table to put the papers inside my drawer and grabbed my big bag with my children’s stuff. When | returned, Leyanne was already holding the bouquet of roses.

“Mommy, let's bring this and put this in grandma'‘s vase,” she said, not minding Finn. “Umm...” | wanted to tell her it was not a good idea, but she looked at Sky, asking for his permission, not mine. She simply informedbut did not askif it was okay with me. “Good idea,” It was Finn who answered, taking the cake box.

He placed his palm and rubbed his belly, wrinkling his nose as he smiled weirdly at my children. “I just remember | didn’t eat breakfast, too.” “Can Uncle Finn join us, too, Daddy?” Leyanne turned his head at sky. Finn looked at Sky, his lips downturned as he fluttered his eyelashes. “Can | come, too, Daddy?” “Seriously?” Sky snarled at him. He sneered at him. “Seriously, Sky.” He took a deep breath as he shook his head. “Let's start your long story in your kitchen.” He extended his arm, offering his hand. “Who would like to hold Uncle Finn‘s hand?” “I do,” Leyanne took his hand, and together they walked toward the door. As if Sky could feel my overwhelming emotions now, he held my hand and gripped it tight as he smiled at me. “I'll fix this, Anj,” he said, startlingagain as he kissedon my lips.