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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 57
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Chapter 57 - What Comes After One? (Anj's POV) What was the last number? | was supposed just to plant a kiss, but as my lips touched his again, he opened his mouth, licking my upper lip.

“Hey!” | giggled, but he continued to lick my lips like | was ice cream that should be eaten right away because | might melt. | just lost it; | parted my lips, letting him tasteand allowing myself to enjoy the sweetness of the moment. “One,” Sky whispered, his tongue touching mine, and when | playfully bit his lower lip, he moaned as he grabbed the back of my neck to deepen our kiss, sucking my tongue deliciously. It was crazy, and despite the coldness of the weather, we were burning with desire. “One,” | moaned as | nibbled his lower lip playfully, closing my eyes. | knew a little more of this; | would forget | shouldn‘t be here kissing Sky, and | should be running away from him, planning about escaping from his path. He laughed softly, kissingmore. “One,” We both said in unison, sharing searing kisses passionately, forgetting we were in the car or might get hit by a bolt of lightning. Our hands got crazy as our kiss becfiercer, like having a mind of their own. His fingers were busy unbuttoning my blouse, and my hand just couldn‘t stop myself from curling my fingers to his soft hair while my other hand clutched his shirt, unsure whether | wanted to feel his skin or just hold it as if my sanity depended on it. “One,” Sky breathed, gliding his lips to my ear, licking and biting my earlobe as he took off my blouse, and as to how he managed to unclasp my bra, that I didn’t notice. | pulled off his shirt and kissed the hollow of his neck. “One...” But my voice trailed off when Sky laid my back on the seat, went on top of me, and planted quick, tickling kisses on my neck. “That's a lot,” | chuckled, craning my neck to get more.

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“Mm... Did you count them, pumpkin?” He said in a husky, sexy voice. When | shook my head, he smiled and nipped on my neck, licking and sucking playfully while his hand curved his hand perfectly on my mound. “God, you're so perfect,” he whispered, moving down to my breast, teasingas he licked my bud. How should number one end? What comes after this number? We keep saying one, forgetting to count, but the truth is no one advances to the next number.

| moaned with pleasure that | hadn't felt for a long time, and when Sky sucked my bud like a hungry man, | thought | was floating, flying from one cloud to another, until my phone started ringing and draggedback to earth. “We should stop!” | said in a panicked voice, recognizing the ringtone. “What are we doing, Sky?” | got up and reached for my phone. “Don‘t answer it,” Sky grabbed my hips and saton his lap, then wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed the back of my neck | closed my eyes, parting my lips to suck for air as our position gave him access to play with my mounds and kiss my shoulders, forgetting about the call.

“If I don‘t answer Anya, she'll call the police and turn over our children -"1 shook my head and chuckled. “I mean, my children to a social worker.” “Answer it then,” He whispered, his hand sliding slowly to my thigh. “But letcontinue counting,” When it rang again, | pressed the accept call on the screen.

“Anya,” | whispered, closing my eyes and biting my lips to stop myself from moaning, when Sky‘s hand found his way, touching my satin underwear, feeling the wetness of my core.

“Mooommmmmyyyy!” screamed Lyra Helene on the phone, wailing at the phone that snapped us out of this beautiful, delicious, and deliriously sweet dream. | almost dropped the cell phone as | moved away from Sky.

“Mommy?” Leyanne's voice wokeup for real this time. | turned on the speaker when Sky did not let go of me, so he would know my children were looking for me. My careless brain panicked as | picked up my blouse, but still, I had to find my bra. Where did he throw it? “Mommy, are you okay? We're scared, ” It was Selene’s voice. “Why are you so late today?” she asked as if she were about to cry like her sister.

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“Mommy's coming home,” | said, clearing my throat as | groped the seat. “I just can’t...” find my bra, | wanted to add. “Where is my bra?” | mouthed at Sky, but he was only laughing quietly at me. He helpedfind it and wore it to me, clasping my bra as | continued talking to my daughters.

“Geez, Anj,” It was Anya’s voice now. “I know it's raining really hard. Just tellif | have to pick you up at work.

| did not marry until this age because you know.” “Mooommmmyyy!” Lyra Helene screamed again, and this time, Sky could not stop himself from laughing hard.

Anya gasped, hushing my children. “Anj, are you with Sky?” she asked, and | could imagine her face, smiling and waggling her eyebrows at me. “Hi, Anya!” greeted Sky. “Tell the kids I'm bringing their mom home. We just have to stop because the heavy rain is crazy,” he explained. “Stop crying, Lyra Helene. Daddy’s driving again, okay 7” “Oh, it's okay. Let mommy enjoy for a while. Right, kids?” Anya chuckled.

1 rolled my eyes, crawling back to the front of the car. Sky put on his shirt and followedin front.

“We're almost there,” | said as | peeked outside the window. It was a lie because Sky had to drive thirty minutes more. “I love you, girls!” | whispered. “I love you, mommy! | love you, daddy!” They said almost simultaneously, and then | ended the call.

“Yeah, right. We're almost there,” Sky glanced atas he began driving, sighing as he smiled at me. “What am | going to do with this, Anj?” He puckered his lips, pointing at the bulge in his pants | pressed my lips, suppressing an embarrassed smile and realizing if my kids did not call, my core would have been filled with his manhood. | closed my eyes, imagining him inside me, thrusting his shaft into my core madelicked my lips and opened my eyes, Breathing hard, | turned my head to Sky. “Should we stop the car again?”