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Sassy Angel’s Secret Sin

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47 - Heaven is Daddy‘s Scent (Anj‘'s POV) “Why do you keep on growing?” | said to myself while fitting on shoes for Leyanne. We just bought a pair of shoes two months ago, and now they complained that their sneakers hurt their toes.

| thought | wouldn‘t make it out of the Excellente Café after Steve slammed on my face that he recognized me. It was when Leyanne started tellingthat Grandpa Steve asked many things about me, and my honest-to- goodness daughters gladly answered all his questions. The beautiful blue peacock handmade quilt and my favorite book gaveaway, a clue that completed his suspicions about my children and me.

“Promise me, girls,” | said, standing up after checking the fit of the shoes on Leyanne. “The next tsomebody asks about Mommy, you're not telling him anything.” “Is it bad that we told Grandpa everything about you, Mommy?” asked Selene, her eyes followingas | searched for the salesperson. When | saw her, | raised my hand and gestured for her to cto us. “Three pairs, this size, please,” | said.

She nodded, smiling at my three kids before getting stocks for us.

“Yes, baby. | mean, if it's about you and mommy, we must be careful. We don’t want your daddy to be in big trouble, okay?” This time, | am telling them the truth. They nodded, although | was not sure if they understoodor not. “Mommy, where are we going after this?” Selene asked as she raised her head, her eyes wandering around the shopping mall. “I'm buying you a new pair of shirts and shorts for the Family Day affair, and - ” | stopped, thinking again of how to resolve our daddy issues. | sighed, brushing the thoughts for a while. “Aunt Anya and Uncle Dylan will chere, and we'll all have dinner in the restaurant.” “Who has a birthday?” Lyra Helene asked. | smiled, remembering that we only eat out when someone celebrates a birthday. “No one, but you just helped mommy got customers for the business, so... it's like a birthday for our business.” “Ah!” she smiled and started humming the happy birthday song happily. “Oh!” Her eyes sparkled as she saw Anya and Dylan walking our way. “Aunt Anya! Uncle Dylan! We're here!” She shouted, waving her arms excitedly.

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Anya waved back, smiling at them as they ccloser to us.

“Aunt Anya, today's the birthday of mommy's perfume,” announced Lyra Helene when they reached us.

“Really?” She widened her eyes to show she was surprised. “Is that why we're celebrating?” “Uh-huh!” She answered, kissing her cheek and Dylan's.

“Congratulations!” Dylan greeted me, kissingon the cheek, which he never did.

| was sure my blood went to my face, and Anya proved it to me.

“Somebody’s blushing,” she chimed, waggling her eyebrows atas she turned to my other two children. | breathed in relief when the saleslady returned with three pairs of shoes. After getting the shoes, we went to the children’s wear, getting new clothes for them, and as soon as we were done, it was like someone had robbed me.

Leyanne peeked at my wallet. “You spent all your money on us, Mommy,” she said. | chuckled, tapping the tip of her nose. “Yes. Next time, I'm telling your daddy to pay for everything.” It was supposed to be a whisper, but | guess | was becoming like my daughters, whispering loud enough for anyone close toto hear. “You should, mommy,” Selene giggled. “Uhm, Mommy,” she pursed her lips while fidgeting with her hands.

“Yes, baby?” | glanced at her.

“Grandpa asked us where you got the nHeaven Scent, and we told him,” She looked guilty that she divulged a secret to the old Mr. Mars.

“And what did you answer?” Dylan asked, and when Anya raised her eyebrows and glared at him, he shrugged.

“What? I'm curious, too.” “Sas mommy's answer,” She giggled, causingto chuckle. “Argh! Uncle Dylan won't be able to sleep tonight unless I'd know,” he pretended to grumble. My daughters laughed at him, but Leyanne answered him.

“Mommy said it was daddy‘s scent. Heaven scent.” | was sure Dylan‘s smile disappeared from his lips. “It's mommy's answer, huh?” “Uh-huh!” Leyanne smiled.

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“Where next?” Anya asked, cutting the conversation for my sake.

“Restaurant,” | answered briefly.

It was almost midnight when | cout of my bedroom. They must have eaten a lot of sweets today because it took a while before the sugar rush wore off. It was only now | heard what happened during the Daddy Day event in their school. They were still excited that they kept on telling us what happened yesterday. When they finally fell asleep, | took timmersing my body in the bathtub, forcing my big brain to tellwhat to do. | have two options, and killing their father in my imagination was possible yesterday, but after meeting Steve Mars, it was out of the possibilities. I still couldn‘t sleep even after the relaxing bath, and drinking chamomile tea would be my last resort to helpsleep. But as | walked to the kitchen, | saw Dylan sitting on the kitchen island, drinking beer.

“Can‘t sleep?” | asked as | made tea.

“It's hard to sleep these days,” He answered, confusing me. “Want a beer?” “I don‘t drink alcohol,” | answered, sitting with him with a cup of tea in my hand. “I have not tasted alcohol for almost six years, and you know why.” He chuckled, nodding at me. “Yeah, | know.” He heaved a sigh and gazed at me. “I always blamed myself that you had to leave, not graduating with us. | shouldnt have forced you to tellabout the girls’ daddy.” “I was young, confused, and crazy, and leaving was the best thing | had thought of before,” I. smiled apologetically.

“I like you, Angela,” He suddenly blurted out, causingto raise my eyebrows and feel glad | was not sipping my tea; otherwise, | would have choked. “I know. You like Anya and me,” | smiled, telling myself it was the normal ‘like, not like someone more than a friend.

He gazed at me, breathing out before uttering the words that seemed to get stuck in his throat. “I love you, Angela,” He uttered in a hushed tone. “And you know what | mean. | had always loved you.” | lowered my gaze, fixing my eyes on the tea | was drinking. “Why are you telling that tonow?” | pursed my lips, staying quiet for a while. “Why not before?” He smirked. “You were sixteen,” he shook his head. “If only | knew what would happen to you, | should have taken advantage of you before. | mean, I should have told you that | care for you, that | love you.” | sipped tea instead of answering, drinking it like water. The chamomile tea failed to calmbecause of Dylan‘s revelation. “Givea chance, Anj,” he said sadly, reaching for my hand, but | put my hands on my lap and smiled nervously at him.

“I have children, Dylan. Love someone else,” | murmured, wanting to cry and hating him for just tellinghis feelings now. Everything could have been prevented when he took courage six years ago “Letbe the father of your children, Anj,” He whispered. | took a deep breath. “Givetto think, Dylan. This is so sudden,” | said, standing up and taking my empty cup withas | walked back to my bedroom. Just before | entered the door, | saw Anya smiling sadly at me. She didn‘t have to tell me, or she may deny it, but | knew she would not stick with Dylan if she didn’t like him.