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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 151 150-The Taylor Family’s Payback(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)
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Chapter 151 Chapter 150-The Taylor Family's Payback(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

As Amelia was berating herself internally, an all-too-familiar voice that she loathed sounded from nearby.

"Isn't this Miss Amelia? I didn't expect that even you would be invited to Benjamin's daughter's birthday banquet."

Amelia turned to look.

A young man, his face slightly pale, was approaching with a smile.

He was handsome in a conventional way, dressed in an expensive custom-made suit, his hair meticulously slicked back.

However, his body was too thin, his steps unsteady, giving the impression of one who had indulged in excess.

With effort, Amelia forced a smile onto her face. "Christopher..."

The man was Christopher Martin, son of Alexander Martin, owner of the largest entertainment company in the city, Ocean Entertainment.

This company ranked among the top in the entire country in terms of strength.

The historical drama that catapulted Amelia to fame was produced by Ocean Entertainment.

Because of that show, Christopher had taken a liking to Amelia and started pursuing her relentlessly.

The reason Amelia attended the Taylor Group's banquet was to get a short respite from Christopher's relentless advances.

But it seemed she hadn't managed to escape him after all.

Christopher wore a sly grin, posing in what he believed to be a cool manner.

"Amelia, I asked you out to dinner a while ago. Have you given it any thought? Honestly, my dad has several new projects coming up, and if you're willing, I can arrange a casting for you. The cast of these projects are all top-tier; they're guaranteed to be a hit."

Amelia's smile became even more strained.

Christopher was implying that if she agreed to date him, she would land the lead role in these upcoming hit shows.

But Amelia knew Christopher's true colors all too well.

Over the years, he had taken advantage of his father's status to prey on newly debuted female actresses.

Even some married actresses hadn't escaped his clutches.

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He was a notorious playboy in the entertainment industry.

Amelia was not willing to let her years of self-discipline be ruined by such a scumbag. "Christopher, I'm truly sorry. I've been really busy lately and I don't have time to accept your invitation..."

Amelia hurriedly rejected him, seeing the smile on Christopher's face slowly turn into a forced one.

She quickly made up an excuse and rushed off.

Christopher Martin, watching Amelia's departing figure, suddenly wore a frosty expression on his face.

After pondering for a moment, he pulled out his phone and made a call. "Darklord, is that drug you gave me last time really as effective as you claimed?"

Seemingly getting the confirmation he wanted, Christopher Martin broke into a lewd grin.

"Right, perfect, I plan to use it tonight. That bitch Amelia really has some nerve rejecting my kind offers, I'd like to see how she can escape my grasp..."

Elsewhere, John was intently listening to Emma going on and on about Amelia.

Like a phantom, Nicholas suddenly appeared before John once more. "Mr. Foster, Chairman Benjamin has sent for you. Our Miss is ready to meet you now."

John shook his head slightly, finding the entire situation absurd.

He felt as if he were some deity that required ceremonial preparations just to be met.

Following Nicholas, John and Emma took the elevator to the second floor of the mansion.

There, John once again met the adorable little girl.

"So, are you the big brother who saved Mia?" Mia stared at John with her innocent, wide eyes.

Her pinkish, delicate face was filled with pure innocence.

John gently nodded, speaking softly, "Yes, when I saw a cute little girl struggling in the river, I didn't hesitate to jump in. A beautiful little girl like you can't be taken away by the water fairy."

Mia giggled, her clear laughter reminiscent of a bird chirping, "Big brother, you're really funny. Is there really a Dragon in the river?"

Scratching his head, John responded earnestly, "There probably is. But Water fairies are very ugly and they especially like sweet-smelling girls like you. So, you must never go near the river again, understand?"

Mia thought about it for a moment, then nodded hard, "Mhmm, Mia will remember. I'll never play by the river again."

While they were conversing, Benjamin and a stunningly elegant middle-aged woman quietly stood by the side.

Their eyes were filled with love as they gazed at Mia.

"Big brother, how should Mia repay you for saving me? I wanted to give you all my allowance, but Daddy said giving money is too vulgar." Mia blinked her big eyes, her voice as delicate as a feather, enough to melt any heart.

John replied with a warm smile, "Big brother doesn't need any repayment. All I want is for Mia to grow up happy, study hard, and always remain this lovely little girl."

Mia suddenly looked at Emma and giggled, "Mia will grow up and become as beautiful as big brother's girlfriend."

Emma covered her mouth, trying to suppress her laughter.

Everyone else in the room chuckled along, filling the room with cheerful laughter.

After Mia was taken away by the maids to get freshened up, the elegant woman turned to John with a slight bow, her eyes reddening slightly, "I can't express my gratitude enough for saving Mia. I can't even imagine what might have happened if it wasn't for you."

John quickly moved to the side, avoiding her bow.

He waved his hands, "Please, madam, there's no need for that.

Chairman Benjamin has already thanked me, if you continue to do so, I won't know where to put myself..."

But the middle-aged beauty insisted on performing the formalities. Then she handed over a gold card. "This is the VIP card of our Taylor Group. You can use it to consume in all industries of our Taylor Group, with an annual limit of 30 million. It is a small token of our gratitude, please accept it, Mr. Foster."

"From now on, you will be the greatest benefactor of the Taylor family. If there's anything you need help with, don't hesitate to ask."

John declined repeatedly.

However, this middle-aged beauty was indeed stubborn, seeming to not back down until John accepted it.

Benjamin also stepped in, saying, "John, just take it. We can't buy back our Mia's life with any amount of money, so what's a little token of appreciation?"

Without any other option, John finally accepted the VIP card.

Only then did Benjamin and his wife show satisfied smiles.

Under Benjamin's personal guidance, John and Emma returned to the grand hall on the first floor.

At this point, the hall had been fully arranged by the mansion's servants.

On a giant wall in the center, Mia's name and the large words "Happy Birthday" were written.

The area was filled with flowers.

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A massive six-tier cake tower was placed right in the middle of the hall, waiting for the birthday girl to make her appearance.

Many children around Mia's age were circling the cake tower.

These kids were likely Mia's classmates and friends.

Soon after, Mia also arrived at the hall, hand in hand with her mother.

By then, all the guests had arrived.

Accompanied by the sound of fireworks, the birthday banquet officially began.

Dressed up, Benjamin and his wife brought Mia to the center of the hall.

"Today is our little girl's birthday banquet. We are grateful to all the guests who accepted our invitation to attend. Your presence is the best blessing for our little Mia!"

Benjamin said with a broad smile, eliciting applause from the crowd.

Suddenly, Mia whispered something into her mother's ear.

After getting a nod from her mother, she turned to Benjamin.

Though he seemed a little surprised, he quickly adjusted himself.

"Here, I want to introduce a very important guest to everyone. This young man is brave and fearless, not only an important junior in our hearts, but also our little Mia's favorite big brother — John."

The crowd was instantly confused, whispering among themselves about who John was.

Suddenly, Benjamin stretched out his hand, pointing to somewhere in front.

The crowd there quickly dispersed, revealing a stunned John.

"The recent dangerous incident with our little Mia must have been heard by many. If it wasn't for John, who risked his life to leap forward, I dare not imagine what could have happened."

"We are fortunate to have Mr. John here today, which is a wish shared by my wife, Mia, and I."

"Mia wants to invite John to make a birthday wish with her. What do you say, John, would you?"

Suddenly spotlighted, John was unprepared.

But seeing the hope in Mia's big eyes, he found himself unable to refuse and reluctantly stepped forward.

Seeing such a young and handsome John, the crowd was overwhelmed with shock.

At the same time, many were envious of John's good fortune.

Being introduced publicly by Benjamin was essentially an indication that this young man had climbed aboard the Taylor family's ship.

Essentially, he's made a huge leap forward and the sky's the limit for his future.