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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 145 144-The Smart Ones on the Gaming Forum(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)
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Chapter 145 Chapter 144-The Smart Ones on the Gaming Forum(3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

The smile on the store manager's face faltered slightly.

He was about to say something else when he met John's sharp gaze.

"I don't know what Mr. White told you, but I'm not one to accept endless favors. I appreciate your goodwill, but let's proceed as I suggested."

The store manager could only accept John's bank card with a bitter smile and arrange for a professional to take John's measurements.


After buying the dress, there was still some time left.

Emma pulled John to go watch a movie.

Her taste was rather peculiar, as she had chosen a rather obscure horror film.

Seated in the air-conditioned cinema, John found the film utterly boring while Emma was engrossed in it.

She would let out terrified screams now and then and naturally curl up into John's arms, her little hand restlessly clawing at John's chest.

John just sighed. Not just Emma, but most of the audience around them were reacting in a similar manner.

On the huge screen, two bizarre-looking ghosts were chasing the protagonists.

Given the dim lights and the eerie background music blasting from the surround sound system, it was no wonder people were frightened.

But John had no interest in such films.

If it weren't for the little girl in his arms, he wouldn't even be watching it.

With his current abilities, even if ghosts did exist in real life, he would probably be able to slap them silly...

Suddenly, John felt Emma getting restless in his arms.

Despite seeming scared, her hand was slowly moving downwards along his chest...

John quickly grabbed her wandering hand.

He looked down and was met with a strange sight.

Emma was blinking her big, bright eyes at him and sending him flirtatious glances.

Her cherry lips were puckered up, looking incredibly tempting. John was momentarily speechless.

How did watching a horror movie turn into this?

John finally understood why this little miss wanted to watch a horror movie.

She probably derived some odd pleasure from the feeling of fear.

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Since she was the one making advances, it would be a waste not to seize the moment.

Who cares about some bloody horror movie when the joy of love was right there?

With this thought in mind, John didn't hesitate.

He pulled Emma up from her seat and headed towards the exit of the theater, leaving behind a crowd of dumbstruck movie-goers, who watched as the young couple exited.


They hailed a cab, returned home, opened the door, took off their clothes — all in one fell swoop.

Soon enough, two naked bodies rolled onto the large bed.

Shortly after, rhythmic pounding sounds filled the room...

The following afternoon, after lunch, Emma couldn't wait to lock herself in the bedroom, secretly working on who-knows-what.

John, bored, laid on the living room couch, browsing through a gaming forum.

One particular thread caught his eye, "A Rational Analysis: What Secret Does Godslayer Hide?"

The post was made by an anonymous user who had deliberately hidden their username.

In the body of the post, the user laid out their speculations about the game Godslayer:

"I consider myself a veteran gamer. Over the years, I've played countless games, but none have ever given me the shock that Godslayer has. Sometimes, I even wonder if Godslayer is really just a game?

With current human technology, it seems impossible for NPCs in a game to have such self-awareness.

Those NPCs in Godslayer don't bear any signs of code.

They act just like us...

Furthermore, have you guys noticed?

The company behind Godslayer is still unknown, as if it appeared out of thin air.

The game has swept the world's gaming market, capturing 80% share.

It's practically a monopoly, yet governments don't seem to be doing anything about it.

It's as if they are silently condoning this...

I still remember a task I undertook in the game.

The wisdom in the eyes of that old NPC...

It's the kind of gaze that only comes with years of experience.

I don't believe that a bunch of data can mimic this..."

This lengthy post was filled with a thousand words and the user's central idea was clear — Godslayer was not just a simple game.

This post quickly rose to the front page of the forum and swiftly climbed to the third place in terms of popularity.

The thread was only bested by the official update announcements and speculation posts by the user "Galewind".

Underneath this post, countless players expressed their opinions.

Some argued that the original poster was simply speculating wildly, while others found the arguments compelling and logical.

The passionate exchange of views between supporters and detractors ensued in the comment section.

John looked on, his brows furrowed.

Sure enough, there were many smart people in this world.

Although the game officials were adept at covering up, there were always those who could sniff out the slightest hint.

John noticed the post's popularity growing, yet the officials made no attempt to debunk the claims.

It seemed as though they were tacitly allowing this speculation to persist.

John let out a quiet sigh.

His previous worries appeared to be well-founded. The time when the real world would be affected seemed to be drawing nearer...

Just as John was pondering, the bedroom door suddenly swung open, and out came Emma. "Johnny, do you think this outfit suits me?" John lifted his head and was taken aback.

Emma stood in front of him in a red gown, elegantly made up.

The dress perfectly accentuated her curves.

The vibrant red, coupled with her fair skin, looked neither vulgar nor pretentious, but rather exuded an air of elegance and sophistication.

Today, she'd gone for a light makeup look which highlighted her already refined features.

Her hair was neatly tied up, framing her pretty face perfectly.

Seeing John's speechless reaction, Emma thought there might be a flaw in her outfit and softly asked, "Is there a problem? Don't I look good?"

John shook his head slowly and sincerely said, "No, you look absolutely perfect. This evening gown seems to have been made just for you."

John's gaze roamed freely over Emma.

The heat in his eyes was so palpable that Emma could feel it even with her head lowered.

A blush spread from her fair neck, her delicate skin turning a rosy hue, enhancing her allure.

John covertly swallowed, his eyes still on Emma.

Who knew that this girl could transform so dramatically in formal attire and light makeup?

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She looked like a completely different person.

"When did my Emma become so beautiful?" John playfully teased.

Emma twirled shyly, teasing, "Oh come on, I just followed some video bloggers. It's not as exaggerated as you make it out to be, Johnny."

John gave her a slight smile, replying, "Alright, you should wear this tonight. I can already imagine you outshining everyone at the event!"

Emma blushed even deeper, yet shook her head, "No, let me change into the white dress, and you can give me your thoughts on that."

With that, she dashed back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut.

John couldn't help but smirk.

After all the times they'd seen each other bare, what hadn't he seen already?

Was there a need to shut the door so tightly?

A moment later, Emma emerged from the bedroom wearing a fluffy white dress and stood before John again.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Despite just changing her dress, the impression she gave was completely transformed.

In the red gown, she was like a grand peony, exuding an aura of refined elegance and nobility.

Now, in the white fluffy dress, Emma seemed like a blooming gardenia, pure and adorable.

John tilted his head, mulling over it for a while before realizing that clothes were always just the icing on the cake.

The key was the person wearing them.

Someone like Emma, with her beauty, would still be the most beautiful even without anything on...

John's mind started to wander.

Thoughts of Emma's nude form, writhing pleasurably beneath him, set his heart ablaze.

Seeing John's gaze becoming lustful, Emma immediately put on a guarded expression.

Covering her chest, she revealed a cute fang, "Johnny, you can't think of those naughty things..."

John stared at Emma, feigning innocence, "Who told you I was thinking about such things? Maybe your mind is the dirty one."

Emma pouted, huffed cutely, "Hmph, Johnny, don't try to argue your way out of this. I know from your look that you're thinking of something inappropriate."

John grinned knowingly and made a motion as if he were going to stand.

"Since you've guessed it, why not let those inappropriate thoughts run wild?"

Emma squealed, like a startled deer, "Don't even think about it, we're about to leave, and I've just put on my makeup..."

She hurriedly retreated back into the bedroom, fearing that John would pounce on her, leaving him sitting in the living room with a wistful smile on his face.