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Right Person, Wrong Time

Chapter 1472
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Chapter 1472 Reaching an Agreement

Beryl couldn't help but marvel at his own acting prowess, which had now reached an unparalleled level of finesse.

Upon hearing Beryl's words, Wendy's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Is that a yes, then?"

If that was indeed the case, she would have the opportunity to meet Nicole the following day.

The mere thought of this sent a wave of excitement coursing through Wendy. Her previous encounters with Nicole

had been fleeting, for she was always in the company of her brother. This time, she could finally meet Nicole

without any interference from him.

"You have to tell me what you plan to do, though."

Beryl's tone was stern as he spoke, and one couldn't help but obey him.

Wendy was momentarily taken aback, but she quickly regained her composure. While looking directly into Beryl's

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eyes, she answered solemnly, "I want to go out and have fun."


Beryl nearly choked on his spit. He was genuinely curious as to how Wendy could say that with such seriousness.

"Alright, I understand. Go ahead, but you must inform me about the time and place."

Beryl nodded, maintaining his composure.

Although he was aware that Wendy's intention was to meet Nicole, he didn't press her for the truth, respecting her

desire for discretion.

"Deal. However, I want complete freedom, and you can't tail me either!" Wendy agreed readily. After all, this was a

minor concession. She simply didn't want anyone to discover that she was meeting Nicole.

Otherwise, considering Beryl and Colton's relationship, Beryl would certainly inform Colton about this. Not only

would Wendy land in hot water, but Nicole would be implicated as well.

If Beryl knew that Wendy was withholding the truth for this reason, he would certainly give her a piece of his mind.

How dare she label him a gossipmonger? He was helping her devise a plan, yet this was the thanks he got.

"Alright, I won't tail you. We'll stay in touch constantly to ensure your safety." Beryl nodded in agreement.

Once they worked things out, they began to strategize.

"So how do we make our exit? Any ideas?" Wendy was slightly anxious. Despite getting Beryl's approval, she didn't

know how to proceed.

Beryl glanced at Wendy's anxious countenance and responded exasperatedly, "Isn't it simple? Just say you're going

out with me."

Wendy gave Beryl a look that suggested she thought he was a simpleton, rolling her eyes in silence.

She was aware of this approach, but seeing Beryl pondering so deeply and striving to devise a plan, she assumed it

was something ingenious, hence her curiosity.

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"Alright, let's stick with that. I'll inform you about the time and place tomorrow. I'm off to bed now."

Wendy yawned languidly, waved a casual goodbye to Beryl, then exited the room post haste.

The prima donna shut the door with a bang.

Beryl remained motionless in his seat, staring at the firmly shut door. A wry smile played on his lips as he wondered

how he had been outsmarted by her.

Well, since that was the case, he might as well accept defeat. Perhaps he owed this prima donna a favor from a

past life.

Beryl then retreated to the bathroom to dry his hair before settling into bed. As he gazed out at the night sky, his

mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

It appeared that he would have to deceive his dear friend the next day; that was the only viable option.

It was half the battle won. Wendy lay comfortably in bed, switched off the lights with a flick of her wrist, and drifted

off into a peaceful slumber.

The prospect of having a heart-to-heart with Nicole the next day filled her with joy. With this thought in mind, she

drifted off to sleep, certain that she would be visited by pleasant dreams that night.