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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 681
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Chapter 681 Upstairs, Nichole had just changed her clothes when she angrily stomped on her engagement dress, glaring at Marian beside her "Go check what Sophie next door is wearing night now!" She was certain she had seen Sophie in the sdesign. Why did her dress look so different when she tried it on? Just yesterday, she had made sure to inquire, and her gown was considerably more expensive than Sophie's! Marian inwardly despised Nichole, her demeanor towards her growing colder. She pulled out her smartphone, showing the latest photos from the Costello family's gala. Sophie looked breathtaking in the images, her grace accentuated by a floor-length mermaid gown that exuded elegance without needing much embellishment. The gown's hem was adorned with delicate crystals that shimmered like a galaxy, drawing the eye.

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It was the sdesign, yet the outcomes were worlds apart! Sophie's effortlessly regal posture in the photos made Nichole's face flush with anger. "It must be Sophie! She must have conspired with the designer to humiliate me!" Her engagement dress was worth a seven-figure sum, and now it was no better than rags! *Return this dress forright now! They've ruined my engagement party, and I'll make them pay!" Marian, facing Nichole's irrational tirade, responded, "This was crafted by a master in Devonport, with every piece signed under contract. You approved the final design and prototype, Ms. Rowena, and you made all requests. It wouldn't be appropriate to return it at this point." Nichole, remembering the embarrassment she faced before everyone, gritted her teeth. "They've made a fool of me. Why can't I return it? After today, I'll be Mrs. Burke. I don't believe they'd offendthen." Hearing Nichole's arrogant words, Marian couldn't help but roll her eyes tically.

Did Nichole really think she could do anything she pleased once she becMrs. Burke? The store had followed the contract to the letter without breach. Nichole was now causing a scene over a seven- figure engagement dress, which could potentially disgrace the Burke family.

"Ms. Rowena, I advise against making a scene. After all...

Snap! Before Marian could finish, Nichole slapped her across the face, her eyes blazing. “Who do you think you are to lecture me?" "You..." Marian looked at Nichole in disbelief.

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Though she was just a domestic worker, she was officially employed under a contract with the Burke family, and in all her years with them, oven Bea had never raised a hand to her Nichole scoffed, unmoved. "I know you're all for Sophie! Too bad she's no longer James' wife. If you're so devoted to her, you might as well resign and go serve the Costello family! It would savethe annoyance!" 2 F# 23 2 2 z z Faced with Nichole's spiteful words, Marian suddenly slapped Nichole back.

Nichole probably hadn't expected Marian to retaliate. She stared at Manan, saying.

n You just hit me?"

Marian shouted, "Tm officially employed by the Burke family nat just your maid! What right do you have to hit me?"

Nichole, furious and frustrated, exclaimed, "What the heck Security! e Arrest her! Chapter 682 Chapter 682 X