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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 675
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Chapter 675 The comments section below was filled with casual observers and fans engaging enthusiastically.

[Colby, please use your main account when speaking] [Whenever there's a fan of the Sophie Colby ship, Mr. Colby is never far behind...] Sophie quietly liked Colby's comment as she read these Just as Sophie was about to exit the page, something in the comer of her eye caught her attention. It was a video clip of her and James on an island taken from a live broadcast they did together. Captions accompanied each frof the video.

Whenever Mr. Burke looks at Sophie, his eyes are always filled with love [The hand he unconsciously reached out reflects Mr. Burke's true feelings.] [She looks ahead, but he only has eyes for her] Watching the captions, Sophie felt a sudden daze. During the broadcast, she hadn't noticed these details. Soon, the image of James" indifferent gaze re-entered her mind.

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The last tthey met, James didn't look at her with that gaze. Was it his true nature showing, or... was there something else? Thinking about this, Sophie took out her phone and scrolled through her contacts to James' number. She saw his nand hesitated for a moment, but eventually, she decided to call Colt instead At that moment, inside the CEO's office at Burke International, Colt glanced at the caller ID on his phone and looked towards James, who was busy reviewing documents.

James said without looking up, "Put the phone on silent." "Mr. Burke, it's Ms. Sophie's call." Hearing that it was Sophie's call, James frowned slightly. He looked up at Colt and said, "Then hang up." Colt was stunned.

Hang up? For a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of disgust in Mr. Burke's eyes.

"What? You dont understand what I said?" Yes, Mr. Burke Colt ended the call.

On the other end, Sophie saw that her call had been disconnected and knew it was James' doing She had wanted to inquire about the divorce agreement they had signed earlier. Now, it seemed unnecessary.

Just as Sophie ended the call, her phone suddenly blew up with numerous trending topics.

Tricia sent her a message in a very concerned tone.

Tricia (Ms. Sophie! Please tellthat was an accidental like!] Sophie looked down to see the trending topic titled "Sophie likes a comment, her sturesponds, it was an accident." Clearly, Tricia had quickly managed sPR after seeing Sophie's like.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sophie immediately opened her social media account and drafted a post [No accident, thanks for the concem.] Instantly, Sophie's statement pushed the trending topic to the top.

The comments section was abuzz with reactions.

[Did you hear that? It was no accident] [Ah, the Sophie-Colby shippers are ecstatic! This is official confirmation!] [At this moment, Sophie-James shippers are heartbroken...]

Sophie not only didn't retract her like but also made a social media post. Tricia's calbcstraight through to Sophie's phone "Just the truth. Can't deceive the fans.

"The Sophie James shippers are already dropping off, and sare actively tamishing your image. Most importantly, Burke International has responded!" X