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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 658
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Sophie watched Nichole bow before her and showed no intention of responding for quite stime.

Nichole felt her back aching from bowing, but she couldn't raise her head at this moment. She was seething inside.

"I'm not heartless," Sophie finally spoke, her tone icy. " Ms. Rowena, I just hope that in the future, you can watch your words more carefully. Don't make baseless assumptions about others. That way, you won't bring shto the Burke family, right?" Her gaze shifted pointedly towards Bea.

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Tonight, Bea had truly embarrassed herself. By tomorrow, the gossip amongst the elite ladies would spread like wildfire.

The Burke family's granddaughter-in-law bowed and apologized to the Costello family's granddaughter-in-law with a bow. After this, who in Devonport wouldn't understand the implication? Having lost all her dignity, Bea couldn't bear to stay a moment longer. She glared at James and commanded, "Take your woman and go hnow!" "Yes, Grandma," James complied. He walked over to Nichole and took her hand, which only made her tears fall harder.

Sophie, seeing the pity in James' eyes, couldn't help but scoff at the scene.

Once everyone had left, Tricia noticed Reece hesitating and realized he wanted to ask about Sophie's engagement. "Lettake you home; your grandmother is worried about you." "Okay," Reece agreed, his glance lingering on Sophie one last tbefore leaving.

When they were alone, Sophie asked, "Didn't we agree that I'd calone to pick up Reece? Why did you followsecretly?" "I was worried about you. It was for your safety," Colby raised an eyebrow, his tone confident. "Turns out I was right to come." Sophie was used to Colby's innate self-assurance by now.

Finally, she glanced back at James helping Nichole into the car and mentioned, "Don't you think James has been acting strange?" The first thing James said when he saw her...

"It is strange. I heard that since from the island, consumedhet accidentally has been a bit confused." content belongs to FindS "Did he get amnesia?" How did such a cliché happen to James? Sophie didn't buy it.

"Whether his amnesia is real or fake, 817 I won't allow anyone to bully you Colby Said, holding Sophie's hand firmly. "Let's go home. We have an exciting day ahead of us tomorrow." "What? What exciting thing is happening tomorrow? You could at least tell me!" "It's a secret." "Colby!" The next morning, Sophie was rudely awakened by the doorbell.

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Dragging herself out of bed, she opened the door to find Adler andh Jenna Carrying boxes of various sizes into her house, leaving her stunned. "What are you guys doing?"

"Ah, Colby asked us to bring these over early. He's off getting a om makeover, Adler explained casually.

"A makeover? For what occasion?"

"Don't just stand there; con in!" Adler ushered the rest of the crew! inside, including makeup artists and stylists. Sophie was still trying to process why her house was suddenly filled with people.