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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 656
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Chapter 656 James watched Bea's frightened demeanor and stepped forward to support her. Frowning, he asked, "Grandma, what's wrong?" Bea was unsettled. She managed a weak shake of her head, saying, "It's... it's nothing." James' gaze turned icily towards Sophie. "Sophie, what have you done to my grandmother?" "Mr. Burke, I've been right here. I haven't done anything." Sophie retreated to Colby's side, also full of confusion.

She said, "Why did Bea act so scared upon seeing me? It's as if she's seen a ghost?" At the mention of 'ghost,' Bea beceve more scared and dared not look at Sophie. She said, "Things were said on the news before... I thought..." "That's all false. Haven't I clarified it already? Look how scared you are, and here I am, alive and well." Bea began to calm down. She looked towards Sophie, realizing that Sophie was indeed alive.

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Solana had deceived her! Bea thought of her thirty million and felt an intense sting of loss. That was the money she got by selling a lot of her jewelry! Sophie, observing Bea, becmore convinced that the kidnapping in Duskhaven had something to do with Bea.

Nichole quickly went over to Bea, took her hand, and said, “Grandma, this is Ms. Sophie. She's still alive. Moreover, Ms. Sophie and Mr. Colby are engaged, and their wedding date is the sas mine and James'." Nichole's simple statement was undoubtedly meant to tell Bea that Sophie was fickle, having just divorced and now soon to be married to someone else.

Indeed, Bea was shocked that Sophie could get engaged to Colby.

She looked Colby up and down, indeed finding Colby to be the man she had people secretly photograph back then.

She hadn't expected Sophie to be so fortunate, leaving her grandson and finding another wealthy family! Bea was well aware of the Costello family's reputation, but at this moment, she didn't want to lose her dignity, so she feigned politeness. "Colby, right? I've met your elders when I was younger. By seniority, you and James are the same; both should call'Grandma." At this, Sophie suddenly let out a laugh.

Bea frowned, "What are you laughing at?" "I just found what you said to be funny, so I laughed." After saying this, Sophie paused, then looked towards Colby. "Colby, I remember decades ago, the Costello family was the leading family in Devonport, right?" "Of course." "I often heard my grandparents mention that back then, being invited to a Costello family dinner meant you were among the elite. Even my family had to wait in line. I didn't realize Bea was so wealthy decades ago, truly enviable."

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As soon as Sophie said this, several other ladies couldn't help butdaugh. But quickly they realized it wasn't the right tand closed their mouths. Only Bea's face turned sour.

Who didn't know the Burke family cinto wealth late? Decades ago, the Burke family hadn't the standing to enter the circle of the four major families. Even now, the Costello family's status was clear for all to see.

Asking the head of the Costello m family to call you 'Grandma was Le indeed stretch. Chapter 657