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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 645
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Chapter 645 "I've figured it out." Sophie's gaze turned cold. "I asked you to help with the company because I trusted you, but what is this situation now? i need a reasonable explanation from you." At that moment, the elevator doors opened, revealing they had stopped on the third floor. Sophie's frown deepened. "Why have you broughtto the third floor?" "Ms. Sophie, it's not convenient to talk here. Let's go to my office first" Seeing the look on Tricia's face, Sophie realized the severity of the situation.

Tricia escorted Sophie into the office and, after ensuring they were alone, said, "Ms. Sophie, your office has been claimed by the new CEO Sophie couldn't help but laugh in frustration. "I'm the boss here. I make the decisions! Did I approve this new CEO?" "Ms. Sophie, the person who did this... it was Mr. Burke." *James?" "Yes." "What gives him the right?" "While you were away on the island shoot, the company was attacked by Burke International. Initially, Reece was just tangled in sscandals and couldn't get out, but then somehow, he got arrested for getting into a fight and has been in custody ever since! Right after that, you got in trouble. Colby and Mr. Adler went to the island, leavingalone here. Burke International then started their aggressive moves against us, even purchasing shares of S Corporation from various minority shareholders!" Hearing this, Sophie finally grasped the seriousness of the situation. "How much of S Corporation's shares has Burke International acquired?" "Twenty percent!" "How did it get to be so much?" Tricia spoke gravely, "Sof the company's key partners, for reasons unknown, sold their shares to Burke International. Coupled with the high-price acquisition of minority shares, they accumulated twenty percent. You were missing, and we couldn't contact you. Colby and Mr. Adler were away, and Reece was arrested. The person with the most shares gained decision-making power." The fact was now clear. The Burke family had joined S Corporation and had becits major shareholder. Sophie was silent for a long while before asking, "Was it James?" "...Yes." When she received this answer, Sophie clenched her fists, asking, “I was with James on the island shoot. How could he possibly manipulate all of this from within the country?" "It wasn't Mr. Burke who did all these, but Bea. However, Bea is old and lacks financial knowledge, so...

"So, you think that James had everything planned out from the start. His agreeing to the island shoot was just a play to distract me, Colby, and Adler?" "That's the most likely possibility. Moreover, we had hinted to James before that Reece was the Blake behind S Corporation, and during your two days at Duskhaven, James personally cto the company and introduced the new CEO."

Sophie took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions at the moment, and asked, The new CEO, who is it?" "It's... Nichole."

Hearing Nichole's name, Sophie's half-suspended heart finally sank. It seemed nothing had changed.

Just like in her past life, James was never caught in the throes of dove. Everything he did was a schfor his own benefit