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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 641
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Chapter 641 Booker said indifferently. "If you've already made up your mind, why bother asking me? Without me, you could still take over Cloude Enterprises without even negotiating here." "It's not the same," Sophie retorted. "You're a long-temployee of Cloude Enterprises. No one inside knows it better than you. When Julian takes over Cloude Enterprises, it won't matter without you by his side, even if he's a finance expert. Besides... Weldon personally trained you. With your acknowledgment of Julian's role, I believe no one within Cloude Enterprises would object." Booker pondered silently for a moment before responding, "Alright, I agree to it." "Great, I'll have the team in Devonport draft the contract as soon as possible, and I hope for a smooth collaboration." Sophie extended her hand, and Booker hesitated for a moment before finally shaking hands with her.

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In the aftemoon, the plane from Duskhaven to Devonport took off, and Sophie managed to get sgood rest in the cabin for once.

By the tthey landed, it was already midnight. Jenna, hearing of Sophie's return, left her dinner party, evening gown in tow, and rushed to Colby's place.

Once inside Colby's home, Jenna hugged Sophie and burst into tears. 1 thought you were really gone this time! You scaredto death!" "There, there, I'm fine, aren't I?" Sophie whispered in comfort.

Adler, unable to stand by any longer, stepped forward to pull Jenna away. “Jenna, she's cback from the brink. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! What are you talking about!" Jenna wiped her tears and said, "Anyway, it's all the same! It's good as long as you're back safe and sound. I was so worried over here in Devonport, fearing something might happen to you every day!" "Alright, alright, wipe that stuff off your nose. It's disgusting!" Adler was about to reach for a tissue on the coffee table when Jenna grabbed his high-end suit and wiped her face on it, Instantly darkening Adler's expression. “Jennal" Sophie couldn't help but laugh out loud, and Jenna said, "Sophie, stop laughing. You don't know what's happened in Devonport while you were gone. I've been so busy running around, nearly worked to death!" Sophie asked, "What could possibly make you run around so much, Ms. Jenna?" "It's all because of you!" Jenna glanced at Colby, then cleared her throat and pulled Sophie aside to whisper, "While you were away, James got engaged." Hearing about James' engagement, Sophie remembered their narrow escape from the cave together. It could be considered that they were even now But... why would James suddenly get engaged? "Strange, right? Guess who James is engaged to?" "Nichole?" "Yes, Nichole!"

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Jenna's voice rose a bit, catching Colby and Adler's attention Adler frowned "Nichole? Is she causing trouble again?"

"I don't know about causing trouble, but those two are definitely making a statement Plus... they're openly challenging S Corporation." Sophie frowned, asking, “James is going against S Corporation?"

Jenna turned on the TV, and sure enough, the financial news was m broadcasting footage of the "Look."