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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 638
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"How could you be so hard on yourself?" Colby spoke as he rose to his feet to soak a hot towel in the kitchen.

Just the thought of it made Sophie angry. She glared at Colby. "If not for you! Someone had a gun pointed right at my head. Am I not allowed to save myself?" Colby cover, crouched down, and pressed the damp towel against Sophie's thigh wound. "My gun will never be pointed at you, Sophie." His voice was hoarse, carrying a hint of unnoticed fatigue.

Sophie cradled Colby's face, only then noticing the dark circles under his eyes. Though Colby had tried to cover it, the traces of exhaustion on his face were still easily visible.

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Colby must have suffered a lot these past few days, searching for her and not having slept well at all.

Staring at the face that tugged at her heartstrings, Sophie leaned in, kissing Colby's lips.

What started as a peck quickly deepened as Colby pulled her closer. His kiss turned from gentle to intense, as he held Sophie in his arms as if fearing she would disappear the next second. "Sophie... Sophie..." Colby whispered her nwith restrained patience, his kisses becoming more urgent.

"Mmm-" Sophie's moan completely broke Colby's last line of defense. He lifted Sophie in his arms, then laid her down on the plush bed. Their bodies were entwined, reluctant to part, as if to express their longing for each other during this time.

"Alright, Adler and the others are still waiting outside." Sophie's rebuke now seemed to Colby like flirtatious shyness. With a hoarse voice, he said, "They can wait. haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time. Tonight let's rest well, okay?" Though Colby said this, Sophie knew that they wouldn't have a quiet night! Outside, Adler, realizing the two had no intention of coming out, cleared his throat and deliberately raised his voice. "Guys, everyone's worked hard today. It's been a long journey, huh? Colby's booked rooms for us all. Go downstairs and grab your room Keys. Let's have a good night's sleep and head back htomorrow!" Assured his voice could be heard inside, Adler then led the group away from the floor.

Inside, Sophie blushed as Colby trapped her from leaving, his eyes filled with laughter. "Now, you can't run away." That night, Colby was insatiable, taking her seven times, leaving Sophie so exhausted she didn't want to move at all. She slept deeply, waking up only at noon the next day.

Colby was still by the bed, his eyes closed, breathing steady, his long, curled lashes quivering slightly.

This was the first tColby had stayed in bed so late. It seemed these past few days had really worn him out. Sophie reached out, tracing from Colby's nose down to his lips. The next second, Colby caught Sophie's restless hand, his tone teasing. "Want more?" Sophie's face turned red. She pulled her hand back. Last night had left her back aching, and she didn't want to go through that again! "Get up! Tfor breakfast." Sophie spoke while getting off the bed, but Colby had already risen to scoop her up in his arms before her feet could touch the ground.

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