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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 636
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"You're already under control. There's no escape." "Ms. Sophie, you truly surprised me." Odie watched Sophie, but the smile on his face was chilling to the bone. Sophie instinctively wanted to stand up and run to Colby, but she felt dizzy the moment she tried to get up.

Strange... What was happening? Sophie glanced at the red wine on the table, quickly realizing that her drink had been spiked.

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Odie had been prepared all along! Before Sophie could steady herself, she was already held at knifepoint by Jonah.

She felt weak and powerless, barely making out Colby's figure running towards her. His pupils constricted with urgency as her consciousness slowly started to fade away.

"I thought the person she contacted this morning was James, but it turns out it was you." Odie stood up, nonchalantly dusting off his immaculate suit. "You know how formidable Jonah is. I'll give you two options: one, driveand Jonah to the airport. Two, watch Sophie die and let her join us in the afterlife." Neither option was what Colby wanted to hear. S~EaRch the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Just as Sophie was about to speak, she heard Colby coldly say, "You think I would give up the chance to kill you for a woman?" Sophie's heart sank at Colby's words. She pinched her thigh with all her might, trying to keep herself awake. She hoped she had heard wrong. Those words couldn't have cfrom Colby, but then she saw him raising his gun as if he was about to pull the trigger the next second.

And the gun was aimed at her! Bang- Only a muffled gunshot was heard and Sophie pinched her thigh harshly again, only to realize that Jonah had quickly pulled her to the side when she cto. S So fast! Sophie was stunned. Jonah had actually anticipated the bullet's trajectory! "It seems you didn't cfor Ms. Sophie but specifically to take my life." "What do you think?" Odie leaned back on the sofa, leisurely saying, "You didn't really think I cunprepared, did you?" "If you did, tell your men to cout. I'll kill them all together!" Tonight, Colby seemed to be surrounded by an aura of malice, and the smile gradually faded from Odie's face.

At that moment, Odie gave Jonah a look, and Jonah immediately understood. He tossed Sophie towards Colby, while Odie and firearms to quickly break theJonah took advantage of their the encirclement and leap down from the third-floor window using a rope.

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Colby held Sophie tightly in his arms, and Adler quickly shouted to the others. "Get them!" "Sophie? Sophie?" Colby carefully placed Sophie on the couch, then started to check her eyelids and mouth, shouting to Adler, "Water! Get swater!" "Right!" Adler handed a full glass of water to Colby, who then said, "Another!" After Colby gave Sophie water to drink, three glasses in quick succession, she couldn't help but spit it out.

As her consciousness gradually cleared, Sophie, annoyed, punched Calby's shoulder. "Why did you take so long to come!" "I'm sorry." Colby's voice was low.

Sophie punched him again, angrily asking, "What did you say to Odie just now?" Search the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality. Chapter 636

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