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Revenge is Best Served… After Reborn

Chapter 618
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Ricardo's intentions were crystal clear to her. He thought he could use her to lure Colby and James to Duskhaven while conveniently stirring up trouble in Devonport himself. Little did he know, he had already fallen into the trap she had laid out.

Sophie asked nonchalantly, "By the way, Booker, I remember you were always following Mr. Ricardo. How cMr. Ricardo left you behind and went back to Devonport alone?" Sophie knowingly asked. A hint of panic flashed across Booker's face, but he quickly regained his composure and said, "Mr. Odie is our important business partner. That's why Mr. Ricardo sentback." "Is that so? Mr. Odie must be quite influential then." Sophie watched as Booker blatantly lied. She had learned about Ricardo sending Booker back to Duskhaven while she was recording a show on the island.

The Cloude family had their position in Duskhaven severely damaged due to the many subsidiaries she had disrupted and acquired over the past few months.

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Ricardo had initially dismissed the reports of the company's losses, but now the situation had escalated, and the company was on the brink of bankruptcy. Still, he remained oblivious and focused on dealing with S Corporation and Julian. He simply sent Booker to take charge.

Everyone involved was indeed blind... The Cloude family might not survive the next few days.

Well, it would be interesting to stay and watch how Ricardo single-handedly brought down this empire.

"What are you laughing at?" Odie's words pulled Sophie back to the present.

Booker had already left at spoint.

Sophie said, "I'm just thinking about how you're very influential, Mr. Odie." After speaking, Sophie put down her sandwich. "I'm full, Mr. Odie. Please enjoy your meal." Sophie turned and headed upstairs to the hotel room, just as a few new arrivals entered the hotel, immediately spotting Sophie.

One whispered, "Isn't that the woman Hunky was looking for?" "It seems so!" They compared her to the photo in their hands, and it was indeed the former Mrs. Burke! Search the Find_Nøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

"Lucky us, we'll handle her tonight and claim our reward!" "Let's report to the boss first!" "Right!" The two of them walked to the lobby, finding Odie sitting alone on the bed, sipping coffee. One approached and said, "Sir, just as you suspected last night, we've investigated, and there wasno mechanical failure with the flight. Ricardo definitely has something up his sleeve and wants you to stay here!" "Are you done?" "Done!" "You can leave now." "Yes." The two men slunk away.

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Odie gazed out at the view of Duskhaven with a slight smile on his lips.

Indeed, things were getting interesting.


Colby and Adler were preparing to head to Summerfield. They had am calculated the timing, and leaving I now would allow them to reach Summerfield faster than Odie, who needed to change flights. S 'Ding ding-'

Colby's phone pinged. He glanced at the message. It was from Ricardo [Sophiey's being held by Odie in Duskhaven.] Colby read the message, and his pupils dilated in shock.

"Colby! Are you packed? If you're ready, we can..."

Adler cout, and Colby immediately said, "Change our tickets to Duskhaven!" "What? Duskhaven? Didn't Odie take Ms. Sophie to Summerfield?" X