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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 1977
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Chapter 1977

The unexpected visit of the tax authority puzzled Susan.

Although the branch here is always in the red, all of its accounts are properly recorded. In fact,

they paid all of the required taxes too, not a dime was left out. I've personally checked

everything, and I'm sure of it. What's the purpose of their sudden visit?

A wary look flashed across Susan's face. Soon, she exited her office.

"Mr. Tanner, this is our newly appointed finance director"

The receptionist introduced several officers dressed in uniform to her the moment she stepped

out of the office.

Susan scrutinized them and then proactively offered a handshake. "Hi, Mr. Tanner. I'm Susan

Limmer, the person in charge of the Finance Department. Nice to meet you."

"Ms. Limmer?"

Unfortunately, Tucker Tanner paid no heed to her.

He looked very arrogant, seemingly the type that came deliberately to cause unnecessary


"I'm here today to investigate the recent export case.

I received a phone call from the customs this morning stating that Hayes Corporation did not register those goods."

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Tucker then waved his hand to signal his subordinate to whip out some official documents while Susan watched on,


When she was handed the documents, she tilted her head and quickly skimmed through the pages.


"Yes, Ms. Limmer?" responded Aubrey who was standing by her side the entire time.

Susan instructed her softly, "Go to the Sales Department and find out what's going on. Additionally, ask the two staff

who completed the customs clearance to come over here immediately."

"Understood, Ms. Limmer." She went to carry out her task at once.

Then, a thought dawned on Susan, and she called out to Aubrey again. "What is Mr. Hayes up to at the moment?"

"If I'm not mistaken, he's out with Mr. Ginn," replied Aubrey.

“All right. If that's the case, there's no need to inform him about this. Go on, then." Susan made a decision on the


Once Aubrey left, Susan smiled and gazed at Tucker and his team from the local tax department.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tanner. Please allow me to learn from my colleagues what happened first. Let me take you to the

reception room. Once I have understood the whole situation, I'll come back to you for a detailed discussion. Is that


"Are you serious, Ms. Limmer? You have no idea what went wrong? Why did Hayes Corporation send you here in

the first place, then?" Tucker was obviously displeased.

Susan plastered a smile on her face and kept her cool. Instead of arguing with him, she led the team into the

reception room and personally served them coffee.

Ten minutes later, Aubrey returned with the sales manager.

"How is it?"

"Ms. Limmer, I'm the manager of the Sales Department. There was one order which we did in a rush. The goods

were handed over to the shipping container first before we completed the procedures. Regardless, the customs

officer was aware of it and gave US permission to do so." The manager could not help feeling wronged when he

was explaining the incident in person.

Clearly, the tax officers are in for pedantic fault finding.

Susan collected some data and invoices received from customs clearance and headed into the

reception room.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Tanner. I've been updated about the incident. You're right that

Hayes Corporation did skip a step when exporting the goods. However, our sales staff has

confirmed that the case has been declared to customs, and we've obtained the green light from

them to go ahead. Please take a look at the documentation. It shows that we've done all the

necessary procedures."

Susan passed the stack of paperwork to Tucker, only to be given a cold shoulder by him.

"You've obtained permission? Who approved it? How come I'm not aware of this at all? If it's

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exactly as what you said, why would the customs still call up the tax department?"

"That's right, Ms. Limmer. Everything needs to be supported by evidence. We can't work based

on your claims. You know, even Tilan Palace never dared to do anything quite like this.

Tilan Palace? There, he said it. So, that's what it's all about, huh?

An icy glint flashed across Susan's eyes even though she kept smiling politely at them.

"Mr. Tanner, Hayes Corporation places heavy emphasis on quality and reputation in all that the

company does in Astoria. We're counted as one of the very best in the world because we're a

trustworthy company. If you think that we aren't as good as Tilan Palace, then I can get Mr.

Hayes' advice on what to do next. This can be easily resolved. Let us know how much the fine is,

and I'll see to it that Hayes Corporation pays exactly that amount."

Susan continued, "However, I have one reminder for you, Mr. Tanner. We agreed to set up a

branch here and invest our resources only because your government has put in a lot of effort to

liaise with the Foreign Affairs Department and applied for a collaboration with US umpteen

times. To date, Hayes Corporation is still suffering from a deficit. Should you and the customs

plan to nitpick on every single matter, I'll suggest to Mr. Hayes to go and seek Mr. George's

advice and see if the corporation would like to withdraw all investment."

Susan, who was apparently half the age of the officers, was readily admitting the mistake made

by the company's employee.