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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 1975
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Chapter 1975

Hah! I can't believe she has the audacity to stop me from entering!

Upon shooting Juniper a death stare, Susan said nothing and simply pushed the young female

secretary aside. Then, she strutted into the office with swelling pride.

"Hubby, do you need help? Before coming here, Daddy has given me the contacts of our military

base over here. If you need it, I can give them a call right away.”

The woman who appeared at the office like a bolt from the blue had everyone's eyes fixated on

her. One of her arms was hung mid-air with an unlocked phone screen, whereas her almond-

shaped eyes lit up when she saw her man.

Instantly, there was pin-drop silence at the office. The atmosphere grew so tense that a knife

could cut it.

Hubby? And... Daddy?

Everyone froze for several seconds, completely baffled, including Juniper, who was still trailing

behind Susan, exhausting all means to stop her from entering the office.

"Sure. Go ahead and make the call.”

Ian finally came to his senses. He gazed at Susan from his seat. He was absolutely delighted to

see the person who gave him butterflies in his stomach.

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Hubby? Not bad. At the very least, she has improved.

Susan hung her head low and averted her eyes from his fervent gaze. Blushing, she got herself together and was

about to make the phone call.

"Hang on!” The police officer was panic-stricken.

He rose to his feet and stopped Susan before hurrying over to Ian's desk.

"Mr. Hayes, I think that... there's a misunderstanding between US.”

"Oh, is that so?" Ian questioned indifferently.

"Yes, I believe so. Mr. Hayes, please know that I came here today to approach you about the collaboration with

utmost sincerity, otherwise, I wouldn't have come. The reason why I haven't given you an answer was that I had no

idea what Hayes Corporation was going to do next. Take the local tyrants, for example, I have arrested all the

troublemakers. But, what's next? How does Hayes Corporation plan to deal with the matter? If your intention was

only to have them captured for a short period of time, they'll surely take revenge on the police upon being


In the end, the officer came clean with the young man before him and shared his predicament in dismay.

After understanding his situation, a thoughtful look appeared on Ian's handsome face.

Arching his brow, he said, "Don't worry, I got this. All you need to do right now is to arrest all of them so that Hayes

Corporation can resume its daily operations smoothly. You should never think that Hayes Corporation is second to

Tilan Palace just because of the nature of the business we're in. Let me remind you that when the Hayeses

dominated the entire Astoria, the Tilans were not even worthy of being our servants."

"Yes, indeed..."

The officer was relieved at Ian's words, but he was also terrified by his imposing presence at the same time. Cold

sweats started to form on his forehead.

Yes, it's true. How is it possible that Hayes Corporation is deemed less powerful than Til an Palace?

Soon, the police were dismissed.

When Susan, who was standing at the entrance to the office, saw that, she kept her phone and got ready to scurry

away too.

However, before she could make her escape, the man inside the office called out to her.

"Where are you going? I haven't seen you for the whole day. Don't you know that your hubby hasn't had anything to


Everyone outside of the president's office gasped while Susan's cheeks flushed crimson red.

"No way. Didn't she order lunch for you? I asked to have a meal with you at noon, but she told me that you were

extremely busy and even insisted that I stop pestering you.”

Susan pointed a finger at Juniper who was still standing behind her.

At that instant, the man inside the office exuded a menacing aura that sent shivers down the spine of the female

secretary. Hiding behind Susan, her knees immediately buckled, and she nearly collapsed to the floor.

"Um... No, that's not what I meant, Mr. Hayes. I-”

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"Where's Melvin?"

"I-I'm here, Mr. Hayes.” Melvin strode forward, sweating bullets.

"Make sure that she disappears from my sight within three minutes. Henceforth, get rid of

everyone else outside and shift the Finance Department here,” Ian instructed sternly with a

deadpan expression.

What? Isn't he being a bit too ruthless?

Susan was dumbfounded.

After Melvin left the room, she dashed into the office. "What do you think you're doing? This is

the president's office. Why are you asking the Finance Department to relocate here?"

"Simply because my wife works there. Besides, I don't need those random people here.”

Susan was at a loss for words.

"One more thing, why are you so silly? How could you let them bully you? You're officially Mrs.

Hayes. Can't you be more intimidating and tell them that you're the lady boss?"

Susan watched as the boy got to his feet and started walking away from his desk. Wait... no,

he's no boy... he's already twenty-two years old; a legitimate adult who has taken over his

family business and is working hard building a corporate empire.

Ian went up to the dim-witted woman and pulled her into his embrace. Before she could come to

her senses, he planted a domineering kiss on her lips. How can she let others step all over her?