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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover

Chapter 1974
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Shortly after, Ian and Susan left the company and were sent to the hotel.

"Are you tired?" Susan asked concernedly.

On their way there, she noticed Ian had shut his eyes and was furrowing his brows, leaning

against the back of the chair as they sat inside the car.

She had seen him in that manner when they were at Yartran in the past.

At that time, the company faced a lot of issues when it was just established. Ian would

experience such a condition when too many thoughts occupied his mind, and he could not take a

break from being mentally exhausted.

Back then, Susan would always help relieve his condition whenever he wore that agonized


However, perhaps it was due to the driver's presence in the front seat, Ian shook his head

despite the apparent fatigued look on his face.

"I'm fine. What plan do you have in mind? Did you visit the Finance Department today?"

"I did. There aren't any issues with the company's accounts. Nevertheless, the company is not

doing well financially because we have been in the red these few months.”

Susan recollected herself and began seriously discussing work.

Upon hearing that, Ian merely grunted in response.

"I expected this to happen because of those local tyrants' influence. A war will be inevitable and

we'll need to prepare for it at once. You'll begin work at the Finance Department tomorrow. The

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

first thing to do is to tidy up the accounts there."

Susan remained silent in the car for a long while before finally agreeing, "Okay..."

An uneventful night ensued.

The following day, when Susan woke up, she walked out of her room and noticed the room beside hers was already

empty. She made a phone call and was informed that Ian had gone to the company.

She trudged toward the bathroom in her slippers after she was made aware of Ian's whereabouts.

Twenty minutes later, she exited the house as well.

"Ms. Limmer, you're here. I heard you'll become the head of the Finance Department from now on. I've already

vacated and cleaned your office. I'll bring you there now."

"Okay. Thank you."

Taking in the friendly demeanor of the Finance Department staff, Susan smiled politely in response before following

the staff to her office.

From that day onward, Susan became an official member of the Finance Department.

As for the president's office, Susan heard the new vice-president acquired a secretary shortly afterward. The

secretary was none other than the young female assistant who accompanied Susan to buy food yesterday.

"Juniper is so amazing. So many people competed for that position. Unexpectedly, she secured the job."

"That's right. But I guess she has an advantage since she worked under Mr. Ginn previously. Now that Mr. Hayes is

here, it's only natural that she'd be promoted to be Mr. Hayes' secretary."

"You do have a point."

Everyone in the company was discussing that matter.

Susan merely ignored their gossiping.

However, she called Ian's office when it was almost time to go off work.


"Hello, I'm Ms. Limmer. Please help inform Mr. Hayes that I am having a meal with him later." Hearing the familiar

voice, Susan tried her best to suppress the discomfort in her chest as she spoke nonchalantly on the phone.

To Susan's surprise, the female secretary, Juniper Xaynes, directly turned her down after listening to her request.

"Oh, it's you, Ms. Limmer. That's not needed. I've already ordered food for Mr. Hayes. He's very busy now, so he

doesn't have the time to have his meal outside. Ms. Limmer, why don't you eat by yourself instead?"

Susan was rendered speechless.

"Ah, I suppose you're not familiar with this place since you're new here. Do you want me to order a meal for you,


Susan could not believe Juniper even began showing concern for her, which prompted her to hang up the call.

Susan always had a mild temperament. As such, she didn't really mind what just transpired. After exiting the

Finance Department's office, she was planning to head upstairs to look for Ian. However, at that moment, a

colleague working in the same department as her walked over.

"Ms. Limmer, let me show you where to eat. Since you just came here, I suppose you're

unfamiliar with the surroundings. I'll bring you to try the delicacies around here."

That colleague was a veteran employee at the department. Her name was Aubrey Cobbett.

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In the end, Susan tagged along with Aubrey to have her meal. She had always been someone

with good manners and a collected personality. She would never take action unless the situation

progressed to the worst stage.

In the afternoon, Susan stayed quietly inside her office and focused on her work.

The only disturbance that occurred during that day was when a group of police visited. They did

not have a pleasant discussion with Ian upstairs. At one point, the group of police even started

to threaten Hayes Corporation.

After hearing about that matter, Susan got up and walked out of her office.

"Ms. Limmer, where are you going?"

"I'm going upstairs."

She did not feel like explaining herself to the others in the Finance Department, so she strode

away without saying another word.

Soon, she arrived at the top floor by taking the elevator.

The scene was as she heard. Before Susan even entered the president's office, she could see

many fully armed police officers standing outside, despite the building being Hayes Corporation.

It was as if the police officers were not there to discuss a collaboration and were there to arrest

someone instead.

Susan's delicate face turned grim. She headed straight to the president's office after stepping

out of the elevator.

"Why are you here, Ms. Limmer? Mr. Hayes is having a meeting with their superior at the

moment. You can't just enter and interrupt them."

Susan was amused because just as she approached the president's office, Juniper immediately

moved forward to stop her.