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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 87
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#Chapter 87 – Let the Wedding Weekend Begin

“No, no!” Amelia says, skittering across the driveway. “That box goes on top of the packages,” she

says, a big smile pasted on her face as she redirects a Beta. “Very delicate things in that one.”

The driveway is chaos, I think, as I stand with my arms folded across my chest. My two boys and I are

each standing at the edge with our one little suitcase each, watching as Amelia packs three busloads of

wedding supplies into a fleet of vans.

Victor stands across the drive, surveying everything but largely letting Amelia take the lead. When the

final box disappears into the final van, she claps her hands and gives a little squeal.

“Okay!” she says, dashing over to Victor and throwing her arms around his neck in a hug. “That’s

everything! We’re ready to go!”

He gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek and then snaps his fingers. Most of the Betas climb into the

vans and waiting cars, coming with us on the trip. A small few peel away to the house, staying behind.

Edgar, unfortunately, is one of that group.

He comes over to me, giving me a big smile and wrapping me up in a hug. I laugh and return the hug.

Encouraged, Edgar picks me up off my feet and spins me around a little.

“I wish you were coming,” I whisper into his ear. I mean it, too – everything would be so much easier

with Edgar there.

“I know,” he murmurs back to me, straightening up and putting me back on my feet. “But I’ve got to stay

here. Victor’s put me in charge of the Walsh reconnaissance, and honestly, I’ll feel better knowing I’m

doing something to help you.”

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I smile at him again, putting a mittened hand on his cheek. “You’re too good to me,” I say, knowing the

truth of the statement more than he does. I work hard to keep the guilt out of my voice.

Though we haven’t spoken it, Victor and I have tacitly agreed not to tell Amelia and Edgar of our

mistake that night. She was pissed that he didn’t find her during the hunt, I know, but he told her that he

was just too drunk and went home to sleep it off. The Betas, if they know anything, are keeping silent.

It’s better if no one knows, frankly. We can just move on with a clean slate.

“You deserve the best,” Edgar says, catching my hand and giving it a kiss.

“When I come back,” I say, moving closer and speaking softly so the boys don’t hear me. “Let’s talk

more about…next steps. I think I want to move out of the cottage,” I say, nodding towards my happy

little home. “Move somewhere more private. Where you and I can build a life.”

Edgar gives me a broad smile at that. “Nothing would make me happier. I can’t wait.”

I stand on my toes to give him a kiss before he pulls away and heads into the house.

As I glance around the emptying driveway, I see Victor standing, arms folded, watching us. I meet his

gaze levelly for a moment before turning to my boys. I find that they’re watching me too.

I frown at them and then glance between them and Victor, frustrated by all this surveillance.

“Okay!” I say, brushing past it. “Let’s go, time to get on the move!” I shoo the boys towards the waiting

van, which we’ll be taking with Victor and Amelia.

Deciding – correctly – that the house is no fit place for a wedding of three hundred people, Amelia

selected a beautiful estate about an hour away for the venue. It’s a vast mansion set against a

waterfall, with sweeping terraces and a professional staff used to catering to the rich and famous.

Gloriously beautiful and, I presume, incredibly expensive.

Whatever, I think, getting into the van. I wouldn’t personally blow hundreds of thousands of dollars on a

wedding, but Amelia always has the best.

The boys scamper ahead of me, glad, again, to be in the party bus that took us camping. Victor climbs

in after us, looking content to see Amelia and the boys content. I fold myself into a corner of the van,

pulling out a book that I’ve been meaning to read for weeks now. It will be nice to have some down time

while everyone focuses on the festivities.

I’m invited to everything, of course, but I intend to mostly stay in the background when the boys aren’t

doing anything important. If it wasn’t for the boys’ roles in the ceremony, I’d be running as far away

from this event as I can.

“Okay,” Victor says to the Beta at the front of the van. “Let’s roll out.”

The Beta says something into the radio pinned to his shoulder and then, slowly, the van starts to pull

out of the drive, one of a caravan of about twenty cars headed to the venue.

“Why do we need all this stuff,” Ian says, his hands and face pressed against the window, staring at all

the vans and jeeps behind us.

“Because we want the wedding to be beautiful!” Amelia chirps next to him, her excitement making her

uncharacteristically nice to my boys.

“You’re going to be a very pretty bride,” Alvin says, studying her from his place across the van.

Amelia smiles at him warmly, leaning forward so that she is eye level with him. “Thank you, Ian,” she


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Alvin doesn’t correct her as he returns her smile. I smirk, knowing that she’s in for it now. There’s

nothing the boys hate more than being mistaken for one another.

“So beautiful,” Alvin says. “Except for that big spot you’ve got on your nose, right here.” Alvin leans

forward so that she can see, pointing to a spot on his own nose. Unfortunately, he’s right – poor Amelia

is having a breakout.

The smile drops from Amelia’s faced, being replaced immediately with a scowl.

“Alvin,” Victor says, his voice filled with reprimand. He doesn’t look at him though, his eyes focused

instead on his phone.

“Wha –“ Amelia says, spinning on Victor. “Why are you yelling at Alvin – didn’t you hear what Ian just

said –“

“I didn’t say anything,” Ian whines, spinning to glare at her. Amelia stares between the two of the twins,

realizing her mistake. She spins her head back to Victor, still expecting further reprimand. But he

merely raises an eyebrow at her.

“How do you expect me to punish the right one,” he says, a little laughter in his voice, “when you still

don’t know which is which?”

Amelia crosses her arms and leans back against her bench. I can’t help but smirk a little and hide my

face behind my book.

“T-minus an hour and twenty minutes until we arrive!” the Beta announces from the front seat. “Let the

wedding events begin!”

I hear Amelia huff a frustrated sigh. She’s right, I think, peeking over the top of my book at Victor, who I

find to be staring at me again.

It’s going to be a long ride.