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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 242
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#Chapter 242 – In the Jail

Betas pull open the doors to the detainment facility and Victor strides through, Ian buzzing with

excitement at his side. Victor glances down at the boy to see that he’s looking around at everything, as

fascinated and thrilled as any kid at Disney World. Victor smirks, wondering if it’s the Alpha pup in Ian’s

little soul that makes him fascinated by the work of running a pack, or just a quirk of his nature.

“Where are the prison parts,” Ian asks, his voice hushed with awe as they enter a white room with

several Betas moving around behind a desk, guns strapped to their shoulders.

“Through that door,” Victor replies, taking Ian’s hand and pointing to a white door in the corner.

Ian nods, understanding. “How many prisoners do you have? Like, 500?”

Victor laughs, shaking his head. “No kid, just four right now. It’s a little jail, but a good one. Now,” he

raises one finger to his lips, asking Ian for quiet while he conducts his business. Ian nods, determined

to comply and hoping he can manage it.

Victor and Ian move forward to the desk and Victor has a swift conversation with his Betas. They were

expecting him, of course, and they move efficiently to ensure safety protocols are in order for Victor’s

conversation with John and Joyce, as well as James Willard. The Betas glance uneasily at the child,

but Victor doesn’t hesitate or apologize, so they move forward with the plan.

Inwardly, Victor smiles at the clean and efficient way his Betas move, following his orders and protocols

without hesitation. He only sends his best to this facility, Betas who have been with him for five years or

more and who have a spotless reputation.

The system of pack justice is complicated in that it allows Alphas to serve as both judge and jury in

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matters that pertained to the pack itself, but they have to maintain their own prisons to do it. This also

meant that these prisons have to be incredibly secure and well-defended because if a rival pack

decides to break a prisoner out and succeeds, then it’s was no one’s fault but the Alpha’s for failing to

defend his rights. There is no overarching system of justice to demand that that prisoner be returned

until he faces justice.

The Betas wave Victor forward and he takes Ian along with him, the boy’s hand securely held in his

own. As they pass through two thick metal doors, Victor considers that the system of wolf justice is

rather feudal, but that he prefers it this way. He’d rather be in total control of his enemies rather than

under the sway of some political council.

The final door swings open and Ian gives a little squeak of excitement as they peer into the short room

beyond, which has six white doors pressed shut into four white walls.

“You’re not disappointed?” Victor asks as they pass through, nodding to the two Betas who stand guard

inside. “I thought you’d want to see iron bars and men in black and white stripes peering through them.”

“No this is way better,” Ian breathes, looking around and then up at his father. “Grandpapa had iron

bars in his basement jail and we got out of that really easy. This one is much cooler.”

Victor works hard to stifle his laugh and pay attention to the matter at hand as the door locks behind

them. Another nod to the Beta before them confirms that it’s time, and Victor and Ian move forward to

stand before one of the doors. Then, to Ian’s surprise, his father leans down and picks him up, settling

him on his hip.

“Do you want to push the button?” Victor asks softly.

Ian’s eyes go wide. “There’s…there’s a button?” Victor nods and gestures to a green button on the wall

next to the door ahead of him. Ian’s eyes go as wide as they can, showing white all around his brown

irises. There’s absolutely nothing more he wants to do in the world than push his button. Reverently, he

nods his head.

Victor steps forward so Ian can reach and the little boy holds out his finger, pushing the button with a

definite jab. Immediately after he does, the wall in front of them begins to change, fading from a solid

white to a smokey grey and then, a moment later, to a clear barrier. Behind it stands John Walsh, his

arms held firmly at his side, glaring at them.

“Dad,” Ian whispers. “This is the coolest place in the whole world. I love it here.”

Victor gives Ian a little glance, the corner of his mouth quirking up, but he keeps his focus on Walsh.

“How are you, John,” Victor asks peacefully.

“You know exactly how I am, Kensington,” Walsh snaps, glaring at him, his eyes flickering to his

grandson. He pauses a moment before adding, “you’d bring a child here, to this place? Not precisely

good parenting, I think.”

Victor just shrugs. “He wanted to come, and one day he’ll be in charge of all of this. Never to early to

get started.” He sighs and lowers Ian to the ground then, taking his hand before raising his eyes to hold

his prisoner’s gaze. “Not that I’d take parenting advice from you any way, Walsh.”

Walsh’s lips lift in a snarl and Victor is pleased that the time in confinement has made this Alpha

restless, angry, eager to get out by any means. Precisely the right mood for negotiation, at least from

Victor’s side.

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“How are you enjoying your stay?” Victor asks calmly, sinking his other hand into his pocket. “Is there

anything we can get for you that you are not being supplied with regularly?”

“You can get me out,” Walsh snaps, taking a step forward. “I have been in here for weeks with no

contact with my wife or my forces – I have rights –“

“You have no rights,” Victor corrects casually. “You lost your war, you lost your pack. They’re mine now.

You are, officially, a wolf under my jurisdiction, and I decide your rank as well as your fate.”

“You cannot –“

“It is done,” Victor snaps, his voice definitive, and Walsh takes a step back, shocked at his tone. “The

council approved the takeover more than a week ago. You were declared unfit after they heard your

little…speech, regarding Betas and pack members as expendable fodder who only exist to serve you.

As Joyce was likewise marked as unfit and you marked my children as the heirs to your pack, I have

taken over as regent until they come of age.”

Walsh’s face pales at this news. Ian looks curiously between his father and grandfather, surprised to

hear it himself. He would get a pack now? When did he come of age? He hoped, fervently, that it was

next week.

“So you see,” Victor continues. “Your little plan for a pack takeover with my sons’ inheritance at the

center of the plan did work. Just…not as you intended.” Victor smiles down at Ian, then, directing his

next question to the boy. “What do you think, Ian? Will you enjoy taking over your grandfather’s pack?”

“Yes! I –“ Ian begins, looking up at his father with shining eyes, but he jumps and gives a little shout of

fear when something slams against the plastic partition between them.