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Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 135
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#Chapter 135 – Homecoming

When we arrive home very late that afternoon, everyone is exhausted, unloading themselves from the

van with slumped shoulders and bleary eyes. Even the Betas who work to help us out are worn low, I

see. When I step out of the van I’m glad to see fresh troupes coming to replace them.

I watch them, curious to see the fresh troupes exchange looks with their tired comrades, wanting to

know, silently, who won the day. The Betas who were there in the forest with us give them small nods

and smiles, and the Betas who were at home work hard to hide their happiness.

I work to contain my own joy as I witness this exchange, pleased to see that Victor’s troupes support

him even when he’s not looking. I knew they were loyal, of course, but I admit that I’m pleased at the


“Mama,” Ian says, rubbing his eyes, my phone dangling dangerously from his fingertips. “Can we go


“Soon, baby,” I murmur, accepting his backpack from a helpful Beta and helping Ian sling it over his

shoulders. “I want to make sure your dad is settled in the house, then we’ll take you home.”

“Take them to the cottage now,” Victor says, giving me a concerned look. “I can handle it up here.

They’re tired –“

“No,” I say, giving him a look. He raises his eyebrows, not yet understanding, but curious. “I want to

help you first.”

He shrugs, trusting me. “Of course, Evelyn. Whatever you think is best.”

I help Alvin on with his own backpack and, grabbing my own tiny suitcase, walk with the boys up the

drive and into Victor’s house.

As I settle them in the living room to wait – Ian puts his head down on a pillow almost immediately,

seeking a nap – the rest of the family filters into the house. I make my way casually into the kitchen,

slowly making some coffee and pretending to look through the fridge for some dinner.

Secretly, though, I just want to see what happens next.

Marissa wheels Henry’s chair into the in-law suite that connects to the kitchen while Betas bustle

around, delivering luggage, following orders that Victor has undoubtedly given them to report, to

organize, to protect.

As the coffee begins to drip in the waiting pot, I see a team of Betas carry Rafe into the house and

head with him up the stairs. The wolfsbane has started to leech from his system, I am sure, but he will

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

still be weak for days.

I bite my lip as I watch him go. I can’t quite bring myself to feel sorry for him, but still. It’s not easy to

watch any human suffer like that.

Bridgette follows Rafe into the house, looking up the stairs after him as he goes. After her enters

Victor’s personal physician, who bustles up the stairs, his medical bag in his hands. Bridgette bites her

lip, worried, her hand going absently to her stomach.

“Bridgette,” I call, working to keep my voice friendly and cheerful. When she turns to look at me, I tilt my

head towards the kitchen, beckoning her in. “Come and have a cup of coffee.”

She hesitates, looking back up the stairs after Rafe.

I move away from the machine, then, walking swiftly to join her at the foot of the stairs. Then I gently

take her by the elbow, tugging her back towards the cheerful light of the kitchen. “Come on,” I say,

smiling gently. “There’s nothing you can do for him now anyway, and a coffee will do you good.”

Realizing that I’m right, she smiles at me in turn and follows me into the kitchen. I seat her at a stool

and then pour her the first cup, adding lots of sugar and cream, the way I know she likes it.

She hums in approval as she smells the coffee, taking the cup in both hands and raising it to her lips.

Then, she hesitates and looks at me.

“Is it…um, safe?” She asks, worry in her eyes. “To drink coffee? When I’m pregnant?”

I smile and nod, encouraging her. “One cup is fine. Some doctors say two, even.”

She nods, grateful, and then takes a sip, closing her eyes and savoring it. “God,” she breathes. “That’s


I smile at her, even though she can’t see me, and pour myself a cup. There’s another one still in the

pot, waiting for Marissa, should she ever come out.

“How are you doing with all of this,” I ask Bridgette, resting my elbows on the island. I watch her face

carefully, worried. I know it can’t be easy on her.

She shrugs and opens her eyes to look at me. “Honestly, Evelyn? I don’t care.” She sighs, as if the

admission is a great weight off her shoulders. “Don’t tell Rafe, but I’m glad Victor won. I don’t want to

be Luna of a big pack like this. I mean, I know Rafe wanted it, but…” She shakes her head, thinking

about what it would be like.

I reach out to take her hand. “You would be a wonderful Luna at the head of a pack, Bridgette,” I say,

encouraging. “But if it’s not what you want, then I’m glad, too, that it won’t be on your shoulders.”

She nods, emotional, and I can tell she’s fighting tears. “I’m just scared…that Rafe is going to be so

angry. I don’t know how she’s going to react.”

I feel the pit drop from my stomach, then. This, really, is why I wanted to stay at Victor’s big house

instead of heading immediately for my own. Trust me, my bed is definitely calling to me, but this…

I feel a strange responsibility towards Bridgette, now. She is my friend but also, as Rafe’s fiancé and

the soon-to-be mother of his children, a future Alpha woman in my pack and my sister-in-law. I owe her

my support and I’m worried about how Rafe will treat her in the upcoming weeks.

“What are your plans,” I ask, my voice low.

Before she can answer, though, Marissa comes into the room. She gives the two of us a smile and

comes over to us at the island. I gesture towards the coffee and she nods appreciatively, accepting my

silent offer of a cup.

Marissa takes her coffee black, I know, and so I prepare her cup that way. Surprising, I think, for such a

gentle woman. But she has steel beneath this soft exterior, I think, smiling at her as I hand her the cup

of coffee. Steel that she has recently proven she can wield.

“Thank you,” she says gracefully, wrapping her hands around the warm cup. Then she looks us over.

“You two must be exhausted. Why have you not gone to bed?”

“Um,” Bridgette says, glancing up the stairs. “Rafe is up there, with the doctor, so…”

“We can set you up in the room next door,” I say, taking a sip of my coffee. “He’ll be up all night, and

you deserve a rest.”

“Well, I want to help him, when the doctor goes,” Bridgette says, hesitating.

“We have nurses for that, my dear,” Marissa says, placing a hand on hers. “Let the professionals do

their work.”

I nod at Bridgette, encouraging. I’m glad Marissa is with me on this – I don’t want him anywhere near

him tonight, when his emotions will be volatile and he’ll be looking for someone to take his anger out


Bridgette smiles and nods, hesitating. “Well, if it’s the room next door. I’m sure that will be all right. I can

hear him call, if he needs me”

I make a mental note to let Victor know and then turn my attention to Marissa. “What are your plans?

Have you made them yet?”

She sighs and leans onto the counter. I can tell she is exhausted. “We’ll leave in the morning, Henry

and I,” she says, looking between Bridgette and me. “I’m glad that this question of lineage is…settled.

That there will be no more opportunity to question the future of the pack.”

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She looks towards Bridgette in particular now. “And I hope you don’t mind, too much, my dear, that I

took Victor’s side in the end.”

Bridgette laughs lightly. “No, I was just telling Evelyn,” she says, “that I’m glad.” She quickly glances

over her shoulder, checking to make sure that Rafe didn’t hear her.

“Good,” Marissa says, smiling at her. But then she shifts her eyes to me, and I can see the worry in

them. I nod at her, understanding.

“Bridgette,” I say, slowly, wondering how to put this the right way. “I know Marissa and Henry are

leaving tomorrow, but why don’t you and Rafe…stay awhile.”

Bridgette’s face lights at this idea. Inwardly, I grimace, knowing Victor isn’t going to be happy about it.

But still, without knowing more, I can’t with good conscience let Rafe take Bridgette away like this.

“Sure,” I say, giving her a bright smile and shrugging. “Just until you and Rafe figure out your next

steps. You’re welcome here.”

“Thank you so much, Evelyn,” she says, and I can tell by the change in her demeanor that she’s

thrilled. She stretches her arms above her head. “Actually, do you mind if I go up to bed? I am really

tired. And if we’re staying, then we can talk more tomorrow.”

I nod, encouraging. “The room next to your other one is open. Let me know if you need anything.”

Bridgette gives me and Marissa big hugs, like the sweet girl she is, and then trots up the stairs. I watch

her go, my heart happy to see her happy.

“Thank you, Evelyn,” Marissa says. “I didn’t want to ask, but it is…unlikely that Henry will let Rafe and

Bridgette settle comfortably with us at the moment. And I’d like some eyes on her for the next few

weeks. Especially with the pregnancy.”

“Me too,” I murmur back.

But before we can say anything else, Victor walks into the room. He stops when he sees us talking

closely at the island. He narrows his eyes in suspicion.

“What is it,” he says, putting his hand in his pockets. “What did you two do.”

“Nothing,” his mother says, raising her eyebrows innocently and moving to give him a kiss on the

cheek. “Your father and I are turning in early,” she murmurs, heading for her room. “We’ll say goodbye

before we leave tomorrow.”

Victor nods his goodnight to her and then turns his gaze to me. I give him a big smile, not looking

forward to this conversation.

“Coffee?” I say, a little too cheerful, holding up my cup to him.

He merely crosses his arms over his chest. “What did you do, Evelyn?”