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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 “I‘m her father! She went missing while I was hospitalized! Why can‘t I name and shame her? She

failed as a daughter!” Steven shouted.

That was what Emma heard when she came to the room. She felt like laughing. Man, he knows no

shame. I‘m her father‘? How can he even say that with a straight face? Is his conscience gone or

something? Maybe they thought I didn‘t know anything about my adoption. That‘s probably why they

thought they could push me into a corner.

Wesley tried to persuade them. “But this will be a lose–lose situation. You guys won‘t get anything if

she loses her job.”

Steven cursed, “I don‘t f*cking care! I‘ll make her life a living hell if she doesn‘t give me what I want!”

Emma could not hold back anymore, and she barged into the office right away. So much for my family.

They deceived me four years ago, and now they want to ruin my life again?

The moment she came in, Steven pounced at her. “You useless girl! How dare you show up?” Steven

wanted to raise a land against her.

Wesley came to her rescue right away. He pushed her behind him and warned, “Touch her and I will

call the guards.” He never thought these men would go so far as to hurt Emma.

Simon and Steven took a few steps back, scared that Wesley might hurt them.

Simon looked at Wesley for a moment and leered. “Oh, you seem worried about my sister. Do you like

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her? Well, she‘s used goods now, so I can give you a discount. You can buy her at a cheap price from

us. What do you think?”

Wesley stared at Simon in disbelief. He had no idea someone could say something so horrible. That

was insulting to both him and Emma. His hands were trembling with rage.

“Sorry, Mr. Zurich.” She was not surprised. If they could give her to Trevor like a present four years ago,

they could give her to another man now. She was numb to their tactics. Emma came out from behind

Wesley and announced coldly, “Why should I provide for you? You‘re not my real father.”

Wesley was shocked. Simon and Steven froze for a moment, but then the old man angrily denied,

“What do you mean I‘m not your father?”

“Yeah!” Simon agreed. “How could you, Emma? You would renounce your own father just so you don‘t

have to provide for him?”

“Enough with the arguments. Mom told me everything before she died.” She was disgusted by their

antics. If she had the paternity test results, she would have thrown that at them and saved her breath.

Simon and Steven exchanged panicked looks. The old man decided to deny everything. “You can‘t

believe everything your mother told you.”

Emma said calmly. “Fine. Let‘s do a paternity test then.”

Steven snorted. “Why should I? You‘re my daughter because I said so. You‘re obligated to provide for


Emma expected Steven to deny it, so she had already done the test.

Simon agreed, “So what if you‘re not Dad‘s real daughter? He raised you up. At least be grateful.”

“You‘re calling me an ingrate?” Emma sncered. “You got a lot of money from Trevor when we were

married, didn‘t you? You sold me to him. It was enough money to last you for life if you just knew how

to use it, and you‘re calling me an ingrate? Steven, you love gambling more than your own life, and

Simon, you spend money like no tomorrow. You didn‘t even use a single cent of the money on the right


“Don‘t waste your breath, Emma.” Wesley was fuming, and he was not even a part of the family. He

pulled Emma back and gave the men a warning look. “Are you leaving by yourself? Or should I get the

guards to throw you out?”

Steven growled, “What do you mean?”

Wesley said with disgust, “I thought this could have been a misunderstanding, but now I see Emma‘s

right. You guys know no shame.”

Simon shamelessly threatened, “You‘re still taking her side? I‘ll tell the public that you guys have an

illicit relationship.”

“I‘ve been working in this industry for years. I‘ve seen everything. Do your worst,” Wesley shot back

without mercy and called the guards,

They were dragged away kicking and screaming.

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“Thanks,” she thanked Wesley even though she was in a bad mood. She then apologized, “I never

thought they‘d come to the company. I‘m sorry you guys had to see that.”

Wesley poured her a glass of warm water. “Have a seat.”

She took the glass and sat down. He said, “I thought this was just a misunderstanding at first, so I

called you over. I would have thrown them out if I knew they were this


“I still have to face them sooner or later,” she muttered. “I was going to confront them after I got the

paternity test result. I‘d just give them some money and be done with it, but now…”

Emma regretted giving in to them in the past. “I would never have abandoned them if they had just

treated me nicer.”

“They‘re the epitome of selfishness and greed.” Wesley sighed.

“Will this hurt the company‘s image?” That was what Emma was worried about. She could take care of

herself, but it would be bad if she dragged Wesley and the company down.

“No. It‘s fine,” Wesley assured her. “First, you‘re not a celebrity, and second, the court of public opinion

is smarter than we give it credit for. Just go home and work on your script.”

Wesley‘s assurance soothed her anxiety, and she was thankful he helped her out. “Thank you, Mr.


Wesley smiled warmly. “Not a problem.”

She sipped some water, and he asked out of the blue, “Emma, have you considered getting a new

boyfriend?” He had no idea her past was so harsh. He sympathized with her, and what happened to

her just now pushed him over the edge. He decided not to hold his feelings back. Wesley wanted to

protect her with all his might.