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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 168
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Chapter 168

A few moments later, Wesley arrived in the meeting room at Alpha Productions, where his appointment

with Zola was going to be. In the meantime, Zola looked haggard, as she didn't sleep well the night

before because of the news about Emma's visit to Wesley's house. Because of that, Zola appeared to

be emotionally unstable even though she had long arrived at their rendezvous. The moment she saw

Wesley entering the meeting room in high spirits, she couldn't help but think about the night he spent

with Emma together, allowing her jealousy to take over her rational mind.

Nevertheless, Wesley pretended as if he didn't notice Zola's strange behavior and sat down in front of

her, whereupon he went ahead and directly made his point. "Zola, as your old friend and partner at

work, I have to tell you that you don't belong with Crystal." In fact, he had long sensed Zola's romantic

admiration for him but had been acting ignorant toward it because he didn't want to put both of them in

an awkward position.

Zola pursed her lips in silence, trying to calm herself down. A few moments later, she mustered her

courage and looked at Wesley, questioning him about his stance. "President Zurich, you told me that I

don't belong with Crystal, but who are you to tell me that?" Zola forced Wesley to show his hand by

aggressively pressing on with her question. In fact, she was aware of Wesley's indifferent attitude

toward her advances, but at that moment, she was driven by her rage to push her luck due to the news

of Emma and Wesley from the night before. Because of that, she impulsively decided to make Wesley

pick his choice between her and Emma against her better judgment, even though a part of her knew

she was in over her head.

Wesley kept his head down just as a disgusted look flashed across his face. Little did Zola know that

one of the reasons Wesley had no interest in her was because of her ordinary looks. After all, as a

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celebrity himself, he considered himself an aesthete with high standards, which was why he preferred a

woman with good looks, but on the contrary, Zola had ordinary looks that failed to catch his eyes.

Besides that, another reason that turned Wesley off was Zola's lack of professionalism at work.

Because of those two reasons, Wesley knew deep down that Zola was not his cup of tea and reckoned

she should get his message, but instead of making the sensible move of backing away, she chose to

make a fool out of herself by forcing Wesley to show his hand.

Nevertheless, Wesley decided to put his words mildly to protect Zola's pride for old times' sake as he

rose to fame back then because of her production. Thus, he gently said, "I'm telling you that as your

superior and your former business partner. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors after leaving

Alpha Productions."

Although Wesley had done his best to euphemistically make his point understood, Zola unleashed her

rage and lashed out, rising from her seat as she glared at Wesley with a pair of bloodshot eyes. "The

public may not know your girlfriend is Emma, but I do." She gritted her teeth and questioned the man.

"Why did you choose her over me? What's so good about her? As a producer, I have at least one

famous masterpiece, but what does Emma have? She was never even a producer, so what exactly

does she have?! She has nothing but a face that looks innocent with a mind full of ideas about

seducing men!" Zola blurted out her thoughts as her emotions completely got the better of her.

Meanwhile, Wesley's face darkened the moment he heard her response. While he could put up with

Zola's doubts and distrusts, it didn't sit right with him to hear her insult Emma. Feeling his anger surging

through him, the man held the pen in his hand so tightly that he broke it in half as Zola looked at him in

a startled manner. Soon, Wesley said, "Zola, since you insist on turning things ugly, I suppose I have

no choice but to break it down to you. You're nothing like her at all." His words were filled with

indifference and coldness, devastatingly humiliating Zola.

In the meantime, Zola instantly found herself in an awkward position after hearing what the man had

told her. While Wesley had hardly ever lost his temper in front of his employees, he had actually been

so nice to everyone that Zola began to take his kindness for granted. Thanks to the illusion that Wesley

was a Mr. Nice Guy, Zola paid the ultimate price with her pride for having pushed her luck when she

shouldn't have. In a fit of pique, her tears rolled down her eyes as she held her phone tightly and said,

"Wesley, I'm going to make you regret what you said today!" As soon as she finished her sentence, she

tearfully stomped off from the meeting room and left Alpha Productions with Becky.

On the other hand, Wesley was left behind in his seat with a long face, frowning at Zola's unreasonable

attitude. After all, he deemed his action of talking back justified and blamed it all on Zola for starting the

argument by first insulting Emma. I was just trying to stand up for Emma. I have done nothing wrong,

haven't I? Anyway, I suppose it's not a bad thing for Zola to join Crystal either because that'll mean she

has just doomed her career.

Meanwhile, Emma was heading back to her home on foot right after Wesley dropped her off at the

entrance of the residential area in which she was living. As she was silently thinking about ideas and

inspirations to come up with a new script, she got so caught up in her train of thought that she didn't

notice a black luxury car parked downstairs of her apartment. Before she could respond anything,

Trevor showed up, acting strange with his hands in his pocket. "Finally, you're back. Do you know that

Minnie had been yowling non-stop? I could even hear it from the opposite side of the door."

Worried about Minnie, Emma quickly ignored everything else and reached for her house keys to open

the door. However, it was only after she opened the door that she realized it was a false alarm because

Minnie wasn't yowling like Trevor said but was instead hiding under the couch. In fact, the kitten had

always favored hiding under the couch and would only come out to explore every corner of the house

when Emma was in her study or bedroom. However, Emma decided to let it be as long as its health

wasn't concerned while trying to bond with it over time.

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Feeling speechless about Trevor's behavior, Emma replied in an annoyed manner, "I didn't know you

were such a good liar, Mr. Bateson. You hid that pretty well."

In response to Emma's sarcastic remark, Trevor continued to lie and said, "I did hear the cat yowling

just now."

Nevertheless, Emma had no intention of debating that with him as she changed the subject and asked,

"What brings you here?"

Meanwhile, Trevor appeared tired, but Emma didn't seem to notice that. After all, he didn't have a good

sleep the night before because of his anxiety about the thought that she was staying at Wesley's place,

although he got a message from Wesley, who told him that he was sick. Nonetheless, Emma hardly

had eye contact with Trevor whenever she talked to him, which was why she didn't notice the man's

haggard look. On the other hand, she had a good night's sleep the night before. In order to make sure

she could hear Wesley anytime, she slept on the couch in the living room instead of the guest room.

Even so, she had to admit that the luxury couch in Wesley's house felt even more comfortable than her

own bed at home, which was why she slept well through the night.

In the meantime, Trevor appeared to react with a stiffened expression on his face in the face of the

lady's direct question. "I-I'm here to visit Minnie."

"Okay, go ahead then." Emma grunted coldly and made her way to the study where her laptop was

because she wanted to write down some good ideas that she reckoned would make a good script.

Nevertheless, Trevor immediately seized her hand and pulled the petite lady toward his embrace

without realizing he had done that too hard.

When Emma picked up the familiar scent she once caught from the man, she became furious yet

awkward at the same time. The next second, she tried to shove him away and angrily questioned him.

"What do you think you're doing?!"