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Please Come Back, Honey!

Chapter 13
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Chapter 13 Trevor shot a deadly glare in the direction of the slim figure who was walking away from him. At that

moment, he felt the urge to strangle her to death. He had never known that she had such a sharp

tongue. After the divorce, she was no longer the gentle and soft woman she had once been when she

was married to him. However, what Trevor didn’t know was that she had only been that gentle woman

because he had been the husband she loved. Right now, he no longer meant anything to her, so she

had no reason to show him the warmth and kindness she once had for him. After Emma got into her

cab, Zachary recovered from the shock he had felt from their earlier encounter. He stared at the cab

with a look of disbelief on his face. “What was that? Did she just talk back to you? Wasn’t she always

afraid to even speak up in the past?”

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Everyone around Trevor knew how obedient and responsible of a wife Emma had been when she was

married to Trevor. She was always the mature and soft woman in the relationship, and it was almost as

if she had no temper at all. That was why Zachary was so shocked after he heard the way Emma had

attacked Trevor without compromising to his needs the way she usually did. She even managed to

make Trevor shut up! This is Trevor Bateson we’re talking about! He’s the sort of man who wouldn’t

even allow his opponents to get a chance to speak when dealing with serious business! It would’ve

been fine if Zachary hadn’t brought up the past, but Trevor felt a ball of rage growing in his chest upon

being reminded of how Emma used to be. The latter had never been one to show emotions on his face,

but he kicked the trash can beside him angrily after hearing Zachary’s words. Upon seeing that,

Zachary was too stunned to even speak. That was just a tiny disagreement with his ex-wife. Does he

have to throw such a huge tantrum? He used to be rude to Emma as well! Zachary hurriedly attempted

to calm Trevor down. “I guess it’s good that she’s not bothering you, right?” Trevor took a long drag of

his cigarette before curling his lips into a smirk. “How do you know she’s not going to bother me?” he

asked. “What do you mean?” Zachary didn’t understand.

Trevor narrowed his eyes while speaking. “Maybe she’s trying to play hard to get,” he uttered. Zachary

parted his lips to speak, but he eventually swallowed his words as a hundred thoughts went through his

head. Aren’t you thinking a little too much? Emma clearly wasn’t playing hard to get. She would’ve

happily avoided us if she could. However, Zachary didn’t share his observations in the end. After all, he

didn’t want to crush his good friend’s pride and ego. When a woman is dumb, she can be dumb enough

to sacrifice everything for a man. Conversely, when a woman wants to be cruel, she can truly torture a

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man’s soul, Zachary mused to himself. Right then, Trevor’s phone began to ring. It was his mother,

Alice Douglas. Trevor felt a headache coming the moment he saw his mother’s name. His mother only

ever called to urge him to get married to Crystal. “Where are you?” Alice’s tone was rather hostile from

the moment Trevor picked the call up. “Didn’t I tell you to bring Crystal home for dinner tonight?” “Sorry.

I forgot,” Trevor replied flatly.

His words annoyed Alice, and she started nagging at him once more. “What’s going on in that mind of

yours? Crystal is such a great woman. You should get married to her as soon as possible! If that

shameless woman, Emma, hadn’t taken up three years of your life, you and Crystal would have had

kids in the house by now.” For some reason, Trevor felt rather annoyed to hear his mother speak of

Emma in such a rude manner. However, he didn’t want to continue being criticized by Alice, so he

simply decided to end the call. “I have other things to do, so I’ll end the call now.”