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Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 430
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He couldn't help but think of Jiang Nan's previous instructions!

Strike while the iron is hot and don't give the aunt any chance to think!

It was over if he kicked his nose and face!

He saw Zhao Dewu striding to the front of Aunt Li!

Without saying a word, he directly knelt on one knee on the ground!


Li Ban was stunned to see a big hole. What she wanted was this momentum!

"Honghong! It's all my fault! I only love you in my life!"

"Can you forgive me?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Aunt Li!

There was nothing in his palm! It was empty! In a second, he remembered.

Zhao Dewu: !!!

Change! Fuck! Hurry up and change for me!

[Zhao Dewu's Resentment Points +1000!]

Jiang Nan, who was crouching in the grass, quickly opened the wormhole!

It was in Zhao Dewu's palm!

He saw a red rose slowly grow out of his palm!

"Red! You are like this rose in my heart! Other than you, I can't let go of anything else in my heart!"

Li Hongyan looked at the rose in shock. Her heart beat faster and the corners of her mouth curled up!

But she still said in a gambling tone, "You wantto forgive you with just a broken flower?"

"Don't even think about it!"

Zhao Dewu: !!!

Didn't they say that the whole magic trick could be coaxed with just a flower?

What should we do now?

Zhao Dewu, who was so anxious that he went crazy, frantically squeezed his eyes out of the window!

He saw the rose in his palm slowly shrink back!

Then, a pink cube slowly rose!

He didn't know what was inside, but it looked like a circular ring!

Zhao Dewu took a closer look and saw that the packaging was written:

"Cabourn 0.01!"

"ExtrLight! Unable to extricate itself!"

"You and me! Enjoy the silky silk!"

In an instant, Zhao Dewu's face turned black!

‘Little raincoat? You actually gavea little raincoat?'

‘Ah! Jiang Nan! I, your father, will never live with you!'

[Zhao Dewu's Resentment Points +1000!]


At this moment, the way he looked out the window could already kill!

In the grass, Jiang Nan: ???

Zhao Dewu almost exploded on the spot!

I shouldn't have believed you!

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Just you wait, I'll go out now and cry for you!

Li Hongyan blushed and her eyelashes trembled!

She grabbed the little raincoat and stuffed it into her pocket!

He said shyly, "Bah! You old bastard, cover after 10 o'clock tonight!"

"Whether I forgive you or not depends on your performance tonight!"

Zhao Dewu: ???

Ah this…

This was it?

A little raincoat was enough?

At this moment, Zhao Dewu's brain was in a daze!

Is Jiang Nan that stupid? He went straight to the point!

Watch my performance tonight?

Then I must perform well!

Li Hongyan stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Dewu's hand. She said shyly, "What are you still standing there for? Get up!"

As she spoke, she helped Zhao Dewu up!

Jiang Nan directly opened the spatial wormhole and whispered into Zhao Dewu's ear, "Hurry up and beat her! Kiss her! This matter will be considered settled!"

Zhao Dewu's eyes lit up and he stepped forward!

He pushed Li Hongyan to the wall and pressed his hand against the wall!


The big hand directly pierced through the wall and smashed into Li Hongyan's forehead!


"Aiya, old and indecent! What are you in such a hurry for! Wait for the night!"

Zhao Dewu laughed loudly. "Then I'll cback at night!"

He was so happy that he had gone crazy!

He was walking in the air!

Just as he went downstairs to the door, many beautiful young girls surrounded him!

"Grandpa Zhao! Can you givean autograph? You are so handstoday!"

"Yes! It makes my heart pound!"

"Can we take a picture together? Grandpa Zhao…"

Zhao Dewu swallowed his saliva. This 10,000 people fan package was so awesome?

Am I so popular with women now?

"Sure! It's not a problem to take a photo and sign it!"

"Ho… Grandpa Zhao is so good!"

"Closer! A little closer!"

"Can I touch Grandpa Zhao's muscles? Oh my god! He's so strong!"

Zhao Dewu was so happy that his face bloomed!

Jiang Nan was anxious. "Grandpa Zhao! Let's go! Why aren't you leaving? What are you thinking about? It's almost half an hour!"

Zhao Dewu grinned and said, "It's fine! I'll leave after I sign their names and take photos! What are you afraid of?"

Jiang Nan shrugged. "Good luck then!"

With that, he teleported and disappeared!

At this moment, Aunt Li in the room looked at the checkbook in her hand and her heart beat faster!

"No, one might not be enough. I will ask him to take more!"

As she spoke, she ran downstairs, and then she saw Zhao Dewu surrounded by a group of girls!

A girl pulled on Zhao Dewu's finger. "Grandpa Zhao, can you tellthe story of the chaos of the Spiritual Calamity tonight? I want to hear it!"

Zhao Dewu smiled. "Okay! But I have something to do tonight. Maybe I will only have tin the middle of the night!"

"Haha… Then I will leave a door for Grandpa Zhao!"

Zhao Dewu said, "Haha, grandpa's story! It's so long!"

"Oh? Really?"

"Of course! I…"

In an instant, the expression on Zhao Dewu's face froze, and cold sweat flowed down his face!

He turned around mechanically, only to see Li Hongyan staring at him expressionlessly!

"Hong… Hong Hong, Hong, why are you here? This is not what you think! I…"

Li Hongyan narrowed her eyes. "I'm more curious about how long your story is!"

Zhao Dewu was anxious. "I swear to the heavens! I really only love you! I don't have any feelings for that little girl!"

"If I am unfaithful to you! Do you see that street lamp? Extinguishme…"


The street lamp exploded!

The expression on Zhao Dewu's face suddenly froze!

Fuck! Could it be such a coincidence?

I am in a life and death crisis right now! Can you stop playing?

Li Hongyan gritted her teeth, her eyes spitting fire. "Then you can destroy it!"

Zhao Dewu: !!!

"No… It's not this street lamp! It's that one!"

Zhao Dewu raised his hand and pointed!


The light bulb he was pointing at exploded again!

"That one!"


"No, no! It's that one over there!"


[Zhao Dewu's Resentment Points +1000!]

‘My idea is so bad, okay?'

Where he pointed to, he would destroy it.

Street lamp killer? Old 13 kick!

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

"Hong Hong! Believe me! I really am not unfaithful to you! If…"


Without waiting for Zhao Dewu to finish speaking, all the street lights in the Jinglao District exploded!

At this moment, the onlookers were stunned!

"Is this disloyal? Old Zhao! Stop torturing the street lights!"

"Is it so efficacious? The street lights are so pitiful!"

"In the future, don't casually swear anymore. It's so scary!"

Two blue veins popped out on Li Hongyan's forehead!

"Do you have any last words to say? Street lamp killer?"

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Zhao Dewu's face turned green!

Did someone do this toon purpose?

The anxious Zhao Dewu pointed to the sky and roared,

"Honghong! I am sincere to you!"

"If I am unfaithful to you, I will be struck by lightning!"

A bolt of lightning as thick as a millstone cut through the sky like a sharp sword, striking straight at Zhao Dewu's forehead!


The hat was instantly blown to pieces, and a holy light emanated from Zhao Dewu's bald head!

Zhao Dewu was struck black by lightning, and he spat out a mouthful of white smoke from his mouth!


What the hack!

Do you want to be so ruthless?

[Zhao Dewen's Resentment Point +1000!]

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

Old Zhao must have done a lot of bad things behind Aunt Li's back before he was struck by lightning!


Another bolt of lightning struck down, leaving the air and causing Zhao Dewu to smoke!

"Kacha! Kacha! Kacha!"

Then, three bolts of lightning struck down!

Five bolts of lightning struck the roof!

The arrangements were packed to the brim!

Li Hongyan's eyes were blood red, and her entire body was metallized! The violent spiritual pressure even sent the students flying!

"Scum! Today, I'll fucking chop you to death!"

As she spoke, she directly pressed Zhao Dewu to the ground and rode on his body!

She aimed her hammer at the core!

Zhao Dewu pleaded "Ow! Don't hammer! Please show mercy!"

Li Hongyan was furious. "I have to see how long your story is today!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

[Zhao Dewu's Resentment Points +1000!]

"Honghong! Calm down! I…"

Li Hongyan's two fingers were straight, and the metal was deformed!

His fingers turned into:

"Today, this old lady will fix a flower side for you!"


"Ow! Don't! Honghong! You are so ruthless!"

[Zhao Dewu's Resentment Points +1000!]

The students and the elderly and aunt beside him were all trembling!

"Wow! So cruel! So bloody!"

"Don't! Don't look! Otherwise, you will have nightmares at night!"

"Hiss… Who can stand this!"

Jiang Nan strolled back to the square!

There was a flash of lightning behind him, as well as a howl and an earthquake!

She pursed her lips. "The Shield of China! It should be able to withstand the roar!"

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