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New Age Of Summoners

Chapter 1873 Eating the Fruit of Summoners
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Chapter 1873  Eating the Fruit of Summoners

'Since I have completed one of my goals, it is time for the next goal which is to eat the Fruit of Summoners.'

It's been a while since Ajax got the Fruit of Summoners and he was restraining himself from eating it.

It was because the effect of consuming the Fruit of Summoners was so great that Ajax wanted to make full use of it.

After the consumption of the Fruit of Summoners, a Summoner's non-official contracts with the Elemental Spirits would turn into official contracts.

And since Ajax still had his visits to the Elemental Spirit World, he was not eating it and waiting to eat after he was done with them.

Moreover, because of this, Ajax's intention of forming more and more unofficial contracts with the Elemental Spirits increased and he successfully contracted with all the Elemental Spirits in the Elemental Spirit World.

'I have been restraining myself a lot from eating it. It's finally time to eat it.'

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With a thought, a simple but delicious-looking fruit appeared in Ajax's hands and he directly ate it. Nᴇw ɴovel chaptᴇrs are published on ɴovᴇl_Firᴇ.ɴet



'Not only does it have a miraculous effect but it also has a delicious taste.'

Generally, the more powerful their effects are, the lower the taste of the fruits; however, it was opposite to the common idea and very delicious.


 The host has consumed a Mythical Grade Fruit: Fruit of Summoners.


 The effect of the Fruit of Summoners is triggered. Please wait while the effect is completed.

Ajax knew the real reason why he was able to kill the previous rulers of the Metal Region and he also knew that it wouldn't be easy for him to defeat the other rulers who might have a higher awakening percentage of their Divine Rules.

However, things are different compared to his fight back then with the previous rulers of the Metal Region.

Nevertheless, Ajax waited…waited for all his unofficial elemental spirits to turn into official elemental spirits.


In the Water Region,

"What are those lights in the Metal Region? Is that new ruler planning something?"

The ruler of the Water Region, the Veiled Vampire Emperor, Maximus looked into the distance silently muttering to himself.

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'Damn it…it's been a while and there was not much information on this new ruler other than his name and cultivation.'

Just like how Ajax got the information about the other region rulers about their names and cultivation, the other region rulers also got his information.

However, that information made all the rulers hesitate to challenge him.

It was because the information they received from the voice of the Floating Island was,

New Ruler of the Metal Region: Ajax (Human).

Cultivation: Low-level Emperor Realm.

The fact that the new Ruler was able to kill the brothers of the Metal Region and successfully took over it with such low cultivation, made all the rulers anxious.

As far as they know, the voice of the Floating Island never lies to them and it won't lie about the new ruler's cultivation and at the same time, it won't lie about him killing the old brothers of the Metal Region.

Whatever the method the new ruler had used to kill those old brothers, he was able to do it and took over the Metal Region in their region where the rulers would have more advantage and were much more difficult to kill.

Nevertheless, they were still killed.