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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76

The award ceremony for the Golden Bull Award was held at the Glacier Hotel. The Glacier Hotel was the

largest five-star hotel in Krine. The boss was mysterious. Even the manager of the Glacier Hotel had not

seen the boss himself. O However, half an hour before the commencement of the Golden Bull Award,

the owner of the hotel called the general manager. “Go to the parking lot and pick up a woman named

Eliza. Invite her to the venue and find the most prominent seat for her. Treat her well.” “Yes sir!” The

general manager eagerly agreed. “Boss, what are the characteristics of this woman called Eliza?”

The boss on the other end of the line was silent for a moment. “She’s very pretty.” o After that, he hung

up the phone directly. The general manager, “.” The characteristic was that she was beautiful!? Which

female star attending the award ceremony tonight was not beautiful? How could he find such a person!

Helplessly, the general manager had to search for Eliza’s information on the Internet while taking the

elevator to the parking lot to welcome her personally. What shocked him was that the Eliza whom the

boss asked him to take care of was actually a female martial arts substitute before!? It was not that there

was no news on the Internet about Eliza. It was just that for some unknown reason, every picture of hers

was very blurry, and he simply could not recognize her face! Just as the general manager was anxiously

looking for someone in the parking lot, a black Maserati stopped. Eliza, dressed in a navy blue backless

dress, got out of the car. She was not used to wearing this kind of exposed gown for the first time. She

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took a white jacket and put it on. She smiled and said goodbye to the two little guys in the car. “Go back

obediently.” Demarion leaned on the car window, his large, watery eyes filled with reluctance. “If only I

could join mommy at the ceremony.” In the past, it was not like the Valentine family had never attended

such formal occasions as parties and galas. However, the two little guys, Braint and Demarion, were

not interested in this kind of occasion at all, so they never attended it. But now, looking at the sexy and

beautiful Eliza in front of him, Demarion suddenly wanted to attend with her. He wanted to hold her hand

and stand in front of everyone, proudly telling them that this beauty was his mommy! “Be a good boy.”

Eliza helplessly raised her hand to rub his head. “Tonight is the award ceremony in the entertainment

circle. There are many reporters and media.” “Someone will see me if I take you in.” “Your daddy doesn’t

want you to be exposed. He’s afraid that your life will be disturbed by irrelevant people.” “So go back

now. Mommy will take good care of myself. Don’t worry!” Demarion pouted and retracted his little head

into the car. “Go home early!” After that, the car started. Eliza’s figure was getting further and further

away from the car window. It was not until Eliza’s figure became a small blue dot in his sight that

Demarion sighed and sat back in the car. “Braint.” he said. “Should I call Matthew and ask him to take

care of mommy?” Braint raised his head and looked at Demarion as if he was looking at a fool. “It’s not

his turn yet.” “What do you mean?”

The little fellow rolled his eyes at Demarion. “Haven’t you noticed that we haven’t heard from daddy this

afternoon?” Demarion was still puzzled. “Noah said that daddy was busy attending a meeting in the

company this afternoon.” “The purpose of working hard and having meetings is to make time at night.”

After that, he glanced at Demarion. “You are so stupid that it will be hard for you to find a girlfriend in the

future.” e Demarion, “…” Was his brother already thinking about this at such a young age?

After sending Braint and Demarion away, Eliza slowly left the parking lot while holding her dress.

However, the parking lot was too big. Eliza could not find the exit for a while.

A lot of people in the parking lot were busy, as if they were looking for someone. “She used to be a

substitute. She should not be beautiful. Search carefully. Don’t let go of any ordinary-looking woman!”

The leader reminded them in a cold voice. The security guards responded and took action separately.

When everyone passed by her, they did not veen look at her. Eliza frowned. Only when the bodyguards

had dispersed did she carefully walk to the leader. “Excuse me, where is the exit? The man pointed in a

direction irritably and said, “Just walk straight here.” “Thank you.” Eliza nodded. She was just about to

turn around and leave when she suddenly thought of something and turned around. “That one.” She took

a serious look at the general manager’s face. “I’d like to tell you that…” “Many of the substitutes are

beautiful. They are not ordinary at all.” For example, her. However, Eliza didn’t say the last sentece. After

saying this, she turned around and strode away. The general manager looked in the direction the woman

left and rolled his eyes in silence. “Lunatic.”

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When Eliza came out of the parking lot, Roseane’s assistant, Gilbert had been waiting for her at the door

for a long time. Seeing Eliza coming, Gilbert rushed to her and gave her an invitation card. “Roseane has

already gone in.” “She is one of the heroines tonight, so there are a lot of people looking for her.” “Okay.”

Eliza smiled faintly and accepted the invitation card. She followed Gilbert into the venue. It was very

lively in the venue. Before the awards ceremony even began, the actors, directors, and producers were

all gathered together in groups to have a casual chat. Eliza randomly found a corner and sat down. “Hey,

you are really here.” Before she sat down for long, a female voice full of sarcasm sounded behind her.

It was Madeleine. Eliza subconsciously turned around. Behind her, Madeleine was walking towards her

while holding Jay’s arm. Madeleine was wearing a white long chiffon dress and Jay was dressed in a

white, gold-gilded suit. He looked elegant and gentlemanly. The two of them stood together like a

beautiful couple. Eliza’s lips curled into a faint smile. “I remember when I first discovered your

relationship, I told you that regardless of whether you win or not, I’ll come and see with my own eyes.”

Madeleine sneered. “You do keep your promise.” “That’s only natural.” Eliza continued to smile in neither

servile nor an overbearing manner. “I can’t just break my promise like the two scumbags, can I?”

Madeleine’s face turned pale. “What did you say?” “It’s nothing.” Eliza remained elegant in her seat, a

faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Don’t take it personally.” “Or, are you admitting that you’re

the scumbag that I mentioned?” Madeleine’s face looked terrible. “Don’t take it to heart.” Jay snorted,

raised his hand, and held Madeleine’s hand as he said, “She can only be sharp-tongued for now.” “After

tonight’s ceremony, our social status will be different. Why should you be angry with such a nobody?”

Madeleine squinted. “You’re right.” “Eliza, no matter how sharp your tongue is, you will not be able to

change your poor fate of being trampled under our feet in the future.”