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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55

After Eliza did her business, she cleaned herself up simply before walking out of the bathroom “Beau,

let’s continue sleeping…” She spoke in a hurry as she opened the door. Because she had been in there

for a long time, she was afraid that Beau would think she was being dishonest. The whole room was

silent. She thought that Beau was asleep again. But as soon as she looked up… ‘When did four other

people come into the room?’ she thought. At this moment, Beau was leaning against the headboard.

Noah and three other men were standing in the middle of the room, staring at her in shock.

It was so awkward.

Eliza was stunned for two seconds before finally coming back to her senses. She smiled awkwardly.

“You… are talking business?” “Yes… These three senior executives especially came to ask after you

when they heard that you were attacked…” Noah anxiously explained, as if he had realized that he had

done something wrong. “The three of them came very early in the morning. I was worried that they would

disturb your rest, so I didn’t let them in.” “Mr. Valentine usually gets up at seven o’clock. Since it’s already

past nine o’clock, so I brought them in…” After that, Noah looked at Eliza apologetically. “Mrs. Valentine,

I really didn’t mean to disturb your… time together.” Eliza paused for a moment before understanding

what he meant. She felt like crying but had no tears. “Noah, I think have misunderstood.” She said she

wanted to sleep with Beau. Just to sleep! “No need to explain.” Beau shifted into a more comfortable

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position. “Go and buy me breakfast.” Eliza glanced at Noah and the three men behind him. Clearly, the

four of them still misunderstandood her. And yet, she didn’t know how to explain. She could only turn

around and go out

looking dejected. o The moment she closed the door, she could clearly hear Beau’s low and smiling

voice, “My wife is shy.” Eliza was stunned speechless at this. She was not shy at all. She felt torn over

being misunderstood! Filled with discontent, Eliza went downstairs to buy breakfast. It was already past

nine in the morning. There was no one else in the diner. Eliza sat by the window, waiting for the waitress

to pack her order up while looking out of the window at the scenery outside.

Two people on the beach attracted her attention. It was a man and a woman. The man was large-bellied

with glasses and looked to be in middle age. As for the woman… Eliza knew her. It was none other than

Madeleine Robinson, who was in a whirlwind romance with Jay Carr. Eliza narrowed her eyes and

picked up her phone. She then took a photo of the old man holding Madeleine’s arm and saved it to the

cloud as a backup. For as long as Madeleine walked on the beach with the old man, Eliza kept taking

photos. She didn’t even notice when the waitress put her breakfast on the table. After returning to the

hotel, she sent breakfast to Beau’s room and returned to her and Graciana’s room. “My sweet Eliza, you

finally woke up.” Graciana lay on the sofa and looked at Eliza helplessly. “I asked Noah half an hour ago

but he said that you were still asleep.” “I dare not disturb you sleeping with Beau, so I could only come

back and wait!” Eliza frowned and replied Graciana perfunctorily. She then sat on the sofa and began to

flip through the photos she had taken earlier. She wanted to know who the man who had been with

Madeleine by the sea was. To her recollection, Madeleine did not have someone like that in her family.

Eliza’s slender fingers enlarged the photo and then zoomed in some more. Finally, the middle-aged

man’s greasy face was revealed. She had never seen it before. After all, Eliza and Madeleine had been

besties for six years, and she knew almost all the elders in Madeleine’s family

“Eh? Raul Vance?” Graciana came over and saw the photo on Eliza’s screen. Eliza quickly looked up

and asked, “Do you know him?” “Yes, I do.” Graciana nodded, took the waffles Eliza had bought, and

started eating, “I used to be a stuntwoman on his film set.” “He is a really good director. He specializes in

making films. He has a lot of renowned achievements and also made a lot of actresses famous.” D

“Recently, he has been selecting a new female lead. All the female celebrities in the entertainment

industry are eager to be selected.” After eating her waffle, Graciana glanced at Eliza. “Why do you have

his photo?” Eliza scoffed and zoomed out of the photo, showing the close relationship Madeleine

seemed to have with Raul. “D*mn…” Graciana exclaimed, “Madeleine is really ready to risk everything!”

“Raul is 56 years old. He is fat and bald. He has a wife and children too…” Eliza smiled slightly and said,

“So, it’s not just me who was cheated on and betrayed.” Jay had betrayed her and regarded her as a

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fool, thinking that Madeleine was his true love. But what came of it? “Your photos will surely cause a

sensation in Krine’s entertainment industry.” Graciana sighed. “It seems that the female lead of Raul’s

next movie is Madeleine.” “That’s not necessarily true.” Eliza smiled and back the phone over. “Graciana,

tell me, Madeleine is so willing to ruin herself, but if Raul doesn’t pick her as the female lead… will she

cry herself to death?” “Of course!” Graciana began to drink her coffee. “At her age, why else would she

stick with Raul if not for the leading role? It can’t be true love.” “But, Eliza, she has already put herself out

for Raul. How could the role not be hers?” “What if it’s mine?” Eliza narrowed her eyes and looked into

the distance. “I want to compete with Madeleine for the leading role.”

“I’m determined to win.” She had been oppressed by Madeleine for long enough. When Eliza said these

words, there was a firmness in her voice that stunned Graciana completely. She had never seen Eliza

this way. She seemed to be more charming than her usual soft and cute appearance. “However...” Graciana sighed. “Raul’s movie is a thriller. You haven’t been acting for so many years. Can you handle

it?” Eliza lazily leaned back into the sofa and closed her eyes. “Who says I’m really going to act?” She

was not interested in Raul’s movie. She just wanted to take away the leading role that Madeleine had

obtained through dirty means. Then she wanted to watch Madeleine fall apart. Finally, she would publish

the photos and videos of Madeleine with Raul. Madeleine would disappear from the entertainment

industry! Eliza narrowed her eyes and coldly looked into the distance. In the beginning, she was the one

who had personally taught Madeleine all she knew, and she also supported Madeleine, little by little

turning her from an Internet celebrity into a fully-fledged actress. In the past, Eliza had not wanted to be

so cruel. But since Madeleine and Jay had gone so far each time… Eliza could not be blamed for using

such methods to let them know that she could help them become famous but also ruin their reputations!