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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

Eliza fell asleep. In her dreams, she saw Beau escaping the terrible fire with the two boys in his arms. He

did not even have time to be bothered by his trousers that had caught on fire. By the time he made it out

of the fire with the children, he was exhausted. He passed out on the spot after passing the children to a

doctor. “Beau…


She called out his name and woke up with a start. “Did you have a nightmare?” She heard the deep

rumbling of Beau’s voice. Eliza opened her eyes and took a moment to take in the unfamiliar

environment. It was only after a while that she remembered that she had met Beau last night and had

tended to his injury together with Noah.

Then sitting on his bedside, she unknowingly fell asleep. She lifted her eyes and met Beau’s

unfathomable gaze. He leaned against the headboard. His left shoulder was still bandaged, but he was

already flipping through a document that rested on his lap with his right hand. Eliza frowned. ‘He is still

working in such a state?’ ‘Is this man a workaholic? ‘Does he not value his health?!’ Eliza thought to


Then, she stood up and snatched his documents away. “You need to rest.” The man smiled lightly. “It is

just a small wound. “There are a lot of people waiting for my instructions. If I don’t work, many people will

lose their jobs.” Eliza pursed her lips. “But still, you cannot be working this early in the morning!” She

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took a look at the time. It was past six in the morning. “I will go buy breakfast.” Then, she looked at Beau.

“I’ll apply a salve to your wound after breakfast. “No working before the salve is applied. Have a proper


13 28 Beau had no choice but to shake his head. For him to be controlled like this, it was a first. “It really

isn’t that big of a deal.” As the future heir of the Valentine’s Group, he had to bear both the hostility of his

competitors and the internal pressure coming from the competition going on within the family. Attacks

and attempts of assassination were common occurrences over the years. He had long since been

accustomed to it. “You still need rest.” Eliza pursed her lips, took the document with her, and turned to

leave, saying, “I’ll be bringing this with me.” The door shut with a bang! Eliza had not been joking when

she said that she would bring Beau’s document along with her to buy breakfast. Noah stared blankly at

the closed door. “Sir, should I go catch up with Mrs. Valentine to get the documents back?” Beau closed

his eyes. “There’s no need for that. “If she wants to hold on to it, let her.” Noah was flabbergasted. He

gave Beau a faint reminder. “Sir, that is a confidential document. It is the financial report for Sea World

for the past year…” And she just took it along with her on a trip to get breakfast as though it was just

another piece of paper. Wasn’t that considered a flout of the confidentiality of the document? “Think

about it.” Beau sounded indifferent. “For such a clumsy lady who brought a document along with her to

get breakfast… “Would anyone really think that it’s a highly-confidential document?” Noah once again

found himself at a loss for words.

After Eliza bought breakfast, she put the financial report into the same bag as the buns. On her way back

to the hotel, she saw the little girl she met in the mall the day before.

The girl was wearing a nice pink dress and had her hair braided today. She looked like a young lady from

a wealthy family.

At the moment, she was being led out of the hotel by a woman who looked like her nanny.

The girl looked up and saw Eliza entering the hotel. “Beautiful auntie!” She let go of her nanny’s hand

and dashed over. “You live here too! “We’re really fated!” Eliza smiled and nodded. “Fate brought us

together again.” “My name is Liliana Benton. “That’s Liliana with a single ‘L. What is your name, beautiful

auntie?” Looking at the little girl’s adorable face, Eliza felt a soft spot for her. She crouched down and

gave one of the buns she bought to her. “My name is Eliza Lawson.” “Our names both end with an ‘A!

We might be a family in the future!” Liliana took the bun Eliza handed her. “Miss Lawson, let me buy you

breakfast to thank you for the bun! “I can ask Mr. Benton to come over and have breakfast with you! “Mr.

Benton is very handsome. You will definitely like him!” Eliza did not know how she should react to

Liliana’s suggestion. Was this little girl trying to set her up with someone? She smiled helplessly. “That’s

alright. “I’ll be having breakfast with my husband, so I won’t be eating with you.”

The light in Liliana’s eyes gradually dimmed. “So Miss Lawson is married…” “Liliana!” Just then, her

nanny rushed over and grabbed Liliana’s arm. “Don’t go running around!” “Goodbye, Liliana!” Eliza stood

up, waved at the little girl, and left. Liliana looked in the direction she had left and felt so sad that she was

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about to cry. She finally met an auntie she liked. But it turns out that she was married! “Liliana.”

The nanny looked at the bun in her hand with a frown. “Should we throw this away? .

“Mr. Benton said that you cannot be eating food given by strangers.” “Don’t you dare!” Liliana raised her

hand to wipe away her tears. “My plan to find a new mommy has failed. I will eat this bun!” With that, she

lowered her head and took a big bite. Somehow… It tastes really good! “Eva, I want more buns. Go and

buy me more buns! “I want 10 of them!”

When Eliza returned, Beau was already dressed and sitting on the couch waiting for her to return. She

had to admit that this man recovered really speedily. He came back white as a sheet and even passed

out last night. But there he was, looking all radiant as he sat on the couch this morning. No one could tell

that he had been wounded. Eliza put the breakfast on the coffee table. Then, she handed the document

to Beau and said, “Here you go.” He calmly took the document and handed it to Noah. “Put it away.”

Noah took the document and could smell the scent of buns on it. He was so close to crying. How was he

to explain why a highly-confidential document smelled like buns? Halfway through breakfast, Eliza’s

phone rang. It was Graciana. “Where have you been, Eliza? “I woke up to an empty room!” Eliza stood

up and explained to her as she made her way out. “Beau has an injury. I came over to take care of him

last night.” Graciana was silent for a moment. “Will you be back in time? “We will be going to Sea World

at eight o’clock…” Before Graciana could finish her words, Eliza had already entered the room. Eliza

smiled at Graciana’s shocked expression. “I guess so.” Graciana struggled to find her words. “Why is Mr.

Valentine staying next door!” Eliza smiled. “My guess is that it’s because of his wife.” Graciana could not

take Eliza’s showing off of affection. “Quit being so lovey-dovey!”