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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 48
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Chapter 48

After breakfast, Eliza grabbed her bag and trailed after Beau into the car. Demarion and Braint stood at

the door like parents who were seeing their kids off. Demarion urged earnestly. “Be careful. “Don’t be too

nice to the other kids. “Come back soon and make us delicious food. “Remember to take lots of nice

photos. “Remember to…” Braint shot him a chilly glance. After a long while, he raised his head and

stared at Eliza with his big sparkly eyes. “Be happy.” Eliza nodded. “I will.”

She was going on this trip to unwind. When she came back, she would no longer be bothered by Jay or

Madeleine anymore! “Get in the car.” Beau, who stood behind the two boys, frowned and instructed

coldly. Eliza complied obediently and got in the car. The tall man turned around and looked down at the

two kids. They did not even reach his thighs. “I’ve been on so many business trips, but never have you

seen me off.” Demarion rolled his eyes and said, “Daddy, you are an adult now. You do not need any

concern from us kids.” Beau paused. “Is Eliza not an adult too?” “That’s different!” “What’s the

difference?” Before Demarion could come up with an answer to Beau’s question, Braint replied, “Women

require more attention than men.” Then, without another word, he turned and entered the house.

Demarion immediately nodded in agreement. “That’s right! Women require more attention than men!”

“Daddy, take good care of Mommy!” And with that, he jogged over and caught up with Braint. “Wait for

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me, bro!” “Keep your hands off the biscuits that Mommy prepared for me!” Beau stood where he was

and watched his sons leave. He heaved a faint sigh. Were they not even going to bid him ‘Bon Voyage ?

He felt so betrayed!

He stood there and watched until the two boys disappeared into the house before he got into the car.

Eliza was in the middle of a call with Graciana in the car. “Eliza, I’m waiting for you at the intersection!

“I’ve already put on all my most valuable pieces. If Mr. Valentine still thinks I’m shabby, please remember

that I’ve already tried my best! “I got up at 5 this morning and spent more than two hours on make-up just

so that I do not embarrass you.” Graciana’s voice was loud. Though Eliza did not put her on speaker and

had even covered the earpiece deliberately, Graciana’s voice could still be heard. Beau, who was in a

black suit, sat elegantly beside Eliza and glanced at her. Eliza was sure that he heard everything. “Keep

your voice down!” She pursed her lips and covered the earpiece up even more.

But that seemed to be a futile attempt.

“Mr. Valentine had seen me when we had a video call back then, but he is such a busy person, I am sure

he can’t remember how I looked. “I must make right the impression I leave on him this time around!”

Eliza rolled her eyes. “Graciana, please lower your voice…” Before she could finish her words, a hand

reached over. He reached out his fingers and took her cell phone from her. Then, he put the call on

hands-free mode. “Don’t bother.” Graciana, who was chattering on the other end of the line, halted. Beau

said indifferently in a deep voice. “You don’t have to do this next time. It’ll just be a waste of time. “I won’t

look at you, anyway.” Graciana fell into an awkward silence.

Eliza went silent too.

Beau gracefully ended the call amidst the silence and stuffed the cell phone back into Eliza’s hand.

“Let’s go.” Noah quickly started the car. The black Maserati sped along the streets of the city. Clutching

onto her cell phone, Eliza seemed out of it for a long time. After some time, she pursed her lips and

looked up at Beau. “What you did… Wasn’t that…”


“Wasn’t that discourteous?” Beau took a comfortable position and leaned back into the back seat lazily

with his eyes closed. “She’s too nervous. “You are my wife, and she is your best friend. I will often meet

her in the future.” Then, he opened his eyes and stared at her. “Or do you wish to see her this nervous

every time she sees me?” Eliza had no words. She wasn’t sure if his eyes were too captivating or if his

voice was too attractive. But at that moment, looking into his eyes, she became speechless all of a

sudden. What he said even seemed to make sense to her. They stared at each other in the back seat of

the car. When their eyes met, Eliza found it hard to catch her breath, and her face got warmer with each

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passing moment.

Just as the tension in the air reached a breaking point, the car stopped. Noah rolled down the window

and glanced at the woman standing at the bus stop. “Miss Graciana?”

“That’s me!” Graciana nodded and ran excitedly to their car in her extravagant gown and high heels.

When she was just five meters away from them, Graciana suddenly twisted her ankles.


She fell to the ground face-first. Eliza pursed her lips and quickly got off the car. She rushed up to

Graciana and helped her up. “Are you alright?” “I’m fine.” Eliza propped her up. “I feel so embarrassed,”

Graciana groaned. “That’s alright. He’s family. “He’s my husband. You’ll be seeing him a lot more in the

future.” Then, she ushered Graciana to the back seat and said, “Get in.” Graciana was about to take a

seat when she saw the face of the man in the back seat. She let out a squeal and quickly stood back up.

“Forget it. I will ride shotgun.” And then, disregarding her sprained ankle, she rushed over and got into

the car. Eliza froze in position. She had actually planned to get Beau to give his seat to Graciana. But at

the sight of Graciana, who had already buckled herself up into the seat, Eliza had no choice but to give

up and sit back beside Beau. Ertonphia was a distance away from Krine. But the journey there was dead

silent. Eliza yawned as she watched the same scenery pass by outside the window. The quiet

surrounding and overly comfortable ride gradually made Eliza drowsy. In the end, she heaved a sigh and

fell asleep against the window. In her sleep, she felt a gentle hand shifting her head away from the

window. She ended up leaning against a broad, warm chest. She vaguely heard voices speaking around

her. “Mr. Valentine, you treat Eliza… really well.” “She is my wife.”