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My Runes Can Be Upgraded

Chapter 1004 - 1004: Respected Chief Talisman Master of the City of Flames 2
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Chapter 1004: Respected Chief Talisman Master of the City of Flames 2

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“They wantedto bring the necklace into the city to use. They wantedto die. I knew I was afraid of death, so I threw the necklace there!”

“Then why did you activate the necklace?”

“If I didn’t bring the necklace in, they would definitely send more people to die. Not only would they die, but once they were caught, they would definitely sell me, so I used the necklace!

In that case, they would be exposed.

If FlCity finds out about this group of villains with ulterior motives earlier, my own safety will be guaranteed.”

Wu Wei paused for a moment. He carefully looked at Edges and asked, “Well, technically speaking, I’m a hero of FlCity. Can I join FlCity?” “Join FlCity?”

”You can join Fire City at will,” Agares laughed. “It’s even harder for someone like you to join, especially someone with unknown origins.

If you want to join, you have to prove that you are useful to FlCity!” “Oh?” Agares paused and looked into Wu Wei’s eyes. “Then, lovely sir, are you useful to FlCity?

Or rather, can you helpcatch that group of people?

It’s impossible forto help you catch those people. I don’t know much about them, so I can’t help you catch them.

But I still have a skill?

I know how to draw talismans. My talismans drawing skills are very good!” ‘The City of Flames doesn’t need a Talismanmaster of unknown origins…”

Agares laughed when she heard this.

Before she could finish her sentence, she stopped.

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Wu Wei, who was in front of her, took out a talisman pen and materials and actually started drawing talismans on her face.

Drawing the talismans was not the key. The key was that the materials Wu Wei took out seemed to be legend-quality.

What was he doing?

Should he draw Legendary-grade talismans?

Edith’s doubts were answered in the next second. Wu Wei waved the talisman pen in his hand and actually drew the talismans without looking at the talisman paper when his chin was raised.

This was not the main point. The main point was that as the Wu Wei talisman was drawn, a special aura spread out.

Legendary talisman aura!

Edith reacted instantly and put down her hand that was holding Wu Wei. He hurriedly retreated a few meters and silently gave an order to his subordinates to clear the surroundings and keep the surroundings quiet. He had to create a good talisman drawing environment for Wu Guard Camp. At the stime, Edith’s gaze fell on Wu Wei, sizing him up again.

Unlike before, she was exceptionally serious this time.

After all, a villain who threatened the safety of FlCity and a Talisman master who could draw Legendary-grade talismans with a single hand were on completely different levels.

Under the watchful eyes of Agares, Wu Wei only took ten minutes to complete the drawing of a Level 91 Legendary Grade [Torch Talisman],

Just the successful drawing of this talisman was already a pleasant surprise for her.

What she didn’ t expect was that after Wu Wei finished drawing the Fire Seed Talisman, he turned around and drew the Level 91 Legendary Grade [Thunder Pool Talisman], Level 91 Legendary Grade [Power Like Spring Talisman], and Level 91 Legendary Grade [Ghost Blade Talisman],

In an hour, Wu Wei drew four Level 91 Legendary talismans in one go.

When Wu Wei was drawing the talismans, there was only one Edith beside him. After Wu Wei finished drawing, there were already a few more figures beside him.

“I’ll be joining Fire City!” Wu Wei handed the talisman to Agares as soon as he finished drawing it. He was full of anticipation. “Can I join Fire City?”

On the other hand, Agais was still in a daze after seeing the [Torch Talisman] in Wu Wet’s hand that was shining with a Legendary grade light. She did not have the tto respond.

At this moment, a fat figure squeezed over and grabbed Wu Wei’s hand.” What are you talking about? What do you mean by joining FlCity, my Chief Talisman Master of FlCity!”

Yes, with just a few talismans, Wu Wei’s status in FlCity and his situation had changed drastically.

He was about to beca prisoner, but now he was the chief Talisman Master of FlCity.

From the moment Wu Wei displayed his terrifying ability to create talismans, his significance to FlCity had changed completely.

Previously, Wu Wei had been regarded as an accomplice of the murderers, and his greatest value was to help FlCity find those murderers. Now, Wu Wei’s existence was the greatest value!

This was a Talisman master who could draw Level 91 Legendary-grade talismans!

He drew four in an hour.

It could be seen that Wu Wei’s drawing was not easy. After drawing four talismans, he would probably not be able to draw any more legend-quality talismans in a short period of time.

However, Wu Wei’s ability was like a treasure that had fallen from the sky to FlCity.

As long as they could control Wu Wei, FlCity would have the foundation to nurture legend-quality talents.

Don’t underestimate legend-quality talents.

Although the Dao soldiers under Wu Wei were all Epic, and Legendary quality was not as good as dogs, that was only in front of a wall like Wu Wei.

In the entire talisman world, legend-quality existences were not to be underestimated.

Perfect-grade was equivalent to a certain level 7, and legend-grade was definitely able to grow to Dao-entry level.

Mass producing legend-quality existences was almost equivalent to mass producing Dao-grade existences.

Moreover, Wu Wei looked to be in his early twenties. He was still young. If he was given a few decades or even a hundred years, his attainments in talismans would definitely be able to improve again.

At that time, FlCity would have the ability to mass produce epic-quality talents, or even totem-quality talents!

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This effect was no longer at the strategic level. It was already at the legendary level.

For a talent like Wu Wei, even if Wu Wei was a villain and had a grudge against the higher-ups of FlCity, FlCity would try its best to resolve the conflict between them and win him over, let alone the possibility that Wu Wei might be in cahoots with the villains.

Even the revenge of killing his father could beca mere revenge of killing his father, let alone anything else!

At this moment, all the suggestions about using Wu Wei to find those villains, or even fishing them out, were thrown to the side.

How could a talent of this level do such a dangerous thing?

He had to protect it well and provide for it well!

Of course, FlCity wouldn’t completely trust Wu Wei just because he had displayed this talent.

They were definitely wary of Wu Wei.

They would even use all sorts of methods to test Wu Wei!

However, the purpose of probing was not to find Wu Wei’s weakness and kill him, but to better win him over and firmly grasp him in his hands.

As long as Wu Wei was still in FlCity, FlCity would treat him well.

However, as long as Wu Wei had the intention to escape from FlCity, FlCity would let him know how powerful FlCity was.

In the eyes of the higher-ups of FlCity, the moment Wu Wei displayed his talent, he would be able to display his power.

He was destined to live in FlCity for the rest of his life.

While he gained respect, Wu Wei also lost his freedom!

However, to Wu Wei, this was nothing.

After all, he couldn’t control his free FlCity at all. He could leave whenever he wanted.

Therefore, for Wu Wei, there was no harm in exposing his talisman-making talent.

Not only was he free of trouble, but more importantly, Wu Wei could also achieve his goal through FlCity.

He had just joined FlCity, but he had already made a request to FlCity. He hoped that FlCity could capture those murderers and hand them over to him. He wanted to avenge himself and make those murderers pay the price!