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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 285
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My Hockey Alpha Chapter 285

My Hockey Alpha Chapter 285: The Last Battle


As we looked out at the scene in front of the Alpha King’s mansion, I could already tell that the new

recruits were nervous about what was to come. This was the first time that they would ever experience

real combat, and I didn’t blame them for being terrified. I was even scared, too. The Luna’s genetically

engineered rogues patrolled back and forth all around the mansion, their large heads set on a constant

swivel as they observed the area. Their glowing yellow eyes, huge stature, and vicious claws and teeth

were like the stuff of nightmares.

I looked back at the recruits behind us, and my suspicions were confirmed. Many of them looked

absolutely petrified. One girl already had tears streaming down her cheeks, and many of the others

looked as though they were about to pass out.

Seeing the terrified looks on our little army’s faces, I nudged Enzo with my elbow and nodded my head

toward them.

“They’re frightened,” I whispered. “Maybe we should give them a pep talk.”

Enzo looked back at the recruits for a moment, taking in their scared faces, and nodded. He then

turned to face them and gestured for them all to gather closer so he could talk to them without being

overheard by the rogues.

“I know you guys are all scared,” Enzo said, “and I don’t blame you. But just remember your training,

and remember that the person you’re fighting today is going to destroy humanity if we let her. You’ve all

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trained hard, and I believe that you can all get through this. Those rogues don’t stand a chance against


Enzo’s words seemed to inspire the recruits a bit. I looked over at him in the darkness and felt myself

soften for a moment at his strong Alpha appearance. He was a good leader, and I was happy to have

him by my side.

“Alright,” Enzo said. “Let’s shift.”

As we all shifted, I felt myself become filled with both overwhelming power and overwhelming fear. My

heart pounded faster than it ever had before, but at the same time the wolf in me felt excited to fight

and finally end this all. Once we were all in our wolf forms, we gathered one last time.

Enzo walked up to me in his wolf form. His eyes glowed brightly in the darkness, and as he approached

I felt him nuzzle up to me.

“I love you, Nina,” his voice echoed in my head.

I felt my heart skip. “I love you, too.”

I looked over at Luke then, who offered me a weak smile. Nodding slightly, I bent down for him to climb

onto my back. He hesitated for a moment, but finally did it, and I felt his fingers tangle into my fur.

And then… We charged.

The rogues didn’t expect us to come. We took them by surprise, charging toward the mansion in a

mass of teeth and claws. Right away, Enzo and Matt each slammed into two rogues and went tumbling

across the grass, fighting viciously. All around me, the recruits fought tooth and nail with the onslaught

of rogues that came at us. Luke shot out what looked like lightning bolts as he sat on my back, which

collided with the rogues and sent two or even three of them flying at a time.

I tried to dodge the rogues, but it was nearly impossible with how many there were. The air became

filled with the sound of howling and snarling as I dodged and weaved through the fighting, making my

way closer to the mansion. My goal wasn’t to fight here; it was to get inside and assassinate the Luna.

But my plan was soon proven to be too difficult to pull off on my own.

A rogue charged at me. I tried to dodge out of the way, but it caught me with its claws on my leg,

causing me to cry out in pain as I felt my flesh tear. I snapped at it, managing to sink my teeth into its

neck. I shook hard before releasing it and watched it skid across the ground, digging up grass and dirt

as it slid away. All the while, Luke managed to hold onto my back tightly. I saw another lightning bolt

shoot out from his hands just in time before another rogue attacked me, and the force of the lightning

bolt sent the rogue flying back several yards.

I charged forward a little more, dodging around a fight between a rogue and one of the recruits. I heard

the sound of painful yelping and felt blood splatter on my face as I passed, although I didn’t know

whose blood it was and I didn’t have time to check.

A moment later, I felt Enzo’s presence beside me. He knew what I was trying to do; he cleared a small

path for me through the chaos, using his massive size and sharp teeth to throw unsuspecting rogues


“Go,” he said. “I’ll watch your back.”

I nodded and pushed forward. The sky lightened again with more of Luke’s lightning bolts. It blinded

me, but I kept going. Behind me, I heard Enzo collide with another rogue. I whipped around to see the

rogue pinning Enzo to the ground, and I let out a while snarl as I raced back and slammed into the

rogue, sending both of us flying. Luke toppled off of my back and skidded against the ground,

disappearing into a mob of rogues and recruits. I struggled to my feet and searched frantically for him,

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finally spotting his hand poking out from beneath. In one swift move, I shot forward with an

unimaginable speed and tried my best to gently pick up his hand between my teeth without puncturing

his skin, then dragged him out. Thankfully, he was unscathed and clambered back up onto my back.

“Hurry!” I heard Enzo’s voice say. “There’s an opening!”

I looked up to see that Enzo was right. He had created a perfect opening for me, and xo.com fast

updateahead I could see the door to the mansion. I shot forward, blinded once more by Luke’s lightning

bolts, and sprinted up the stairs.

Once we were up on the landing, Luke climbed off of me. I shifted back and took one last look over the

battlefield. My heart caught in my throat as I saw the lawn strewn with the bodies of rogues. A few

recruits seemed to be injured, and a few of them weren’t moving as they laid lifelessly on the ground.

“Nina, come on,” Luke said, pulling my attention away. “Let’s go.”

But I couldn’t bring myself to leave them like that. They needed their doctor; I had to protect my

classmates, my friends.

My hesitance was going to be my downfall. Before I could make a decision, the door suddenly flung

open. The hard wood of the door collided with me and Luke and sent us flying. I slid down the steps

and came to a stop at the bottom, my head aching from an impact with the bottom step. Luke fell

beside me and stopped moving.

Above me, I heard the sound of pained groaning and whimpering. Footsteps approached. I groaned,

pushing myself up onto my hands and knees, and looked up to see my worst nightmare.

While the chaos of the battle ensued around me, the Luna was walking slowly down the steps. And

behind her were Lori and Jessica, being suspended in the air by magic with terrified looks on their
