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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 274
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My Hockey Alpha Chapter 274

My Hockey Alpha Chapter 274: Welcome & Goodbye


Enzo, Luke and I led Jason and his team over to the athletic fields to meet the new recruits.

“I used my power of Claiming to turn all of these people,” I said as we approached. “It was voluntary, of

course. They can take the antidote when this is all over if they want to shift back.”

Jason nodded slowly as he took in the scene in front of him. It had appeared as though the recruits

decided not to take a break after all, and were now playing an intense game of touch football. I couldn’t

help but smile as I watched them zoom around the athletic field, using their newfound werewolf abilities

to run faster, jump higher, and be more agile. They all seemed to be having a lot of fun.

“So,” Jason said, turning to look at me, “you have the power of Claiming, huh?”

I nodded, then glanced over at his team. They had all been human when I met them before, and I was

sure that they were all human now unless they had found another way to be turned. Judging from the

way they watched the new recruits run around with such freedom, it appeared as though they were still

human. The awe on their faces gave it away, and therefore I knew what Jason would ask next.

“Would you be interested in turning my team?”

My eyebrows raised. Jason’s team looked at me intently with smiles on their faces.

“I mean… Sure, if you guys want,” I said, glancing up at Enzo, who gave me a silent look of mild

approval. “We can have another Claiming ceremony, I guess.”

Jason’s team got excited by the thought of that. I decided that it was best to keep the whole ceremony

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under wraps though, unlike last time; with the progress I had made with Selena, I didn’t want her to find

out that I was Claiming more people and excluding her once again. We came up with a plan to hold the

ceremony at the cabins, but to disguise it as a small party with only the two hockey teams and our

close friends in attendance.

That night, we held the Claiming ceremony, followed by a small party. It felt just like the party we had at

the lodge when we first met Jason and his team, and maybe all of us got a little too drunk. We spent

the night dancing to loud music by the fire, playing drinking games, and talking. I quickly discovered

that Jason and his team had done their best to protect their small town against the Crescents when the

rogues first began to spread, but there were too many rogues for them to keep up with. It wasn’t until

the antidote started being passed around that their town managed to keep its head above water. And

apparently, that was the case with a lot of towns on the island. But the good news was that the antidote

was working, which was keeping the Crescents at bay. Only a few towns were left completely

overtaken by the Crescents, and apparently the Crescents had taken up their main residence in a town

on the other side of the island for the time being. I knew, however, that it would only be a matter of time

before the Crescents were aided by the Luna’s genetically engineered rogues, and I hoped to keep that

from happening. But I needed more information first.

A few more days passed, and it turned out that Jason and his team were a huge help. Between the two

hockey teams, proud Mountainview citizens and the new recruits, the town of Mountainview was being

patrolled constantly and felt safer than ever. Luke’s spies kept an eye on the surrounding area and

watched nearby towns to check for any Crescent action as well as to spread the word that it was safe

in Mountainview, and soon the town was seeing an influx of people who were coming to wait out the

storm and join in the fight. People who had previously been holed up in hiding returned to

Mountainview, and refugees filled up all of the local motels, bed and breakfasts, and camping areas. By

the end of the week, it felt as though absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary. I hoped that it could

stay that way; maybe the Crescents would see that we were stronger in Mountainview and they would

be more hesitant to attack. Now, all I needed was to focus on taking down the Luna. Hopefully then,

this would all be over.

However, that wasn’t the only thing on my mind. It was Friday morning now, and final exams would be

starting on the following Monday. That meant that the semester would be over, and students would no

doubt be planning on going home to their families. That also meant that some of our recruits might

want to leave.

On Friday morning, I woke up in Enzo’s arms. He was still sleeping beside me, and when I turned over

and began to kiss along his neck, his eyes slowly fluttered open. A slow smile spread across his lips as

I continued to kiss his warm neck.

It was still early, leaving his room cast in a dark hue as the sun hadn’t fully come up yet. But when I

reached down and groped along the front of his boxers, I could feel that he was already hard.

Without speaking, I slowly turned over and arched my back, pushing my butt up against him. As I did, a

soft moan played on Enzo’s lips. I felt him tug my panties aside and slip his boxers down. His fingers

ran back and forth across my wet pussy for a few moments before he slipped himself inside of me.

My moans were muffled by the thick morning air, but as Enzo slowly worked himself into me, they

raised in volume until the room was filled with the sound of our passion. Enzo wrapped his strong arm

around me and pulled me close, his lips brushing along my neck and my earlobe while he lifted my leg

and pulled it back. The new position made me even tighter, and I felt a burst of wetness cascade out

and run down my thigh.

“I love you, Nina,” Enzo whispered into my ear, his breath making me shiver. I smiled and bit my lip,

then turned onto my back with his cock still inside of me. I began to twist my hips on him as our

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foreheads pressed against each other.

“I love you, too,” I whispered. It still felt strange to say it, but I was happier than ever. I realized that I

had never felt love like this for anyone; Justin and I had said it a few times while we were dating, but it

felt like nothing now. The love between two fated mates was xo.com fast updateunparalleled.

Enzo let out a loud moan as I twisted harder against him. He dug his fingers into my hips and tugged

me closer, shoving himself deeper inside of me until I felt so full that I would burst. He then reached

around and slid his fingers into my mouth, letting me lick and suck on them until they were wet, before

he reached down and rubbed my clit. I felt myself beginning to tremble, and I tightened around him as

he rubbed me and simultaneously thrust himself into me. I could hear the sound of his balls slapping

against me as he moved, and with a grin I reached down and grabbed them, massaging them until

Enzo couldn’t contain himself any longer.

We finished together. I felt my eyes roll back as I tightened harder around him, and at the same time I

felt him throb inside of me, followed by that filling sensation that I craved so much. After several

minutes of laying there and breathing heavily after our morning passion, we took a shower and did it all

over again.

That morning, at training, I addressed the recruits.

“Since the semester is almost over, I just wanted to let you all know that you can take the antidote now

if you want to go home,” I said, feeling a bit sad about it as I spoke. “We won’t make anyone stay if you

would rather go home.”

The recruits murmured amongst themselves for a few minutes before one guy stepped out from the

group and spoke for them.

“We’ve decided that we all want to stay,” he said. “We want to stay and fight for our town.