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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 246
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My Hockey Alpha Chapter 246

My Hockey Alpha Chapter 246: All the Power


“Hello, Nina,” the Luna said.

She wore all white. Even her hair, her eyelashes, and her eyebrows were pure white, and her skin was

as pale as a ghost. The only bit of color on her were her red eyes, staring out at me with disdain. But

while her eyes glared coldly at me, there was a smile on her face. I felt as though I was looking into the

face of someone who wanted nothing more than to kill me.

“M-Mother!” Selena yelled, scrambling to her feet. She scurried over to the Luna, blubbering and

whining over the fact that she was a human now. But the Luna only grimaced and, much to my

surprise, shoved Selena away.

With the force of the Luna’s shove, Selena fell backwards down the small set of stairs that led up to the

throne, where the Alpha King still sat with a blank expression on his face. Selena crumpled to the floor

and continued to sob quietly, curled up in a fetal position. With an agitated sigh, the Luna picked up her

skirt and slowly walked down the steps, then placed her shoe on Selena’s head and rubbed it into

Selena’s temple.

“You’re pathetic,” the Luna growled. “I can’t believe you let yourself turn into a filthy human… You’re

useless, and I never should have trusted you with this job.”

“M-Mother, I’m sorry!” Selena whined, clawing at the Luna’s skirt with her hands and begging. “Please

turn me back! I promise I’ll do better this time!”

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The Luna only rolled her eyes and stepped over Selena. Enzo and I began to back away, but the Luna

just followed us. She raised her hand and snapped, and I heard the doors to the throne room slam shut

behind us. I heard the sound of a large, heavy deadbolt clicking into place from the other side; we were

locked in here with her.

“Who are you?” I said. “What do you want?”

The Luna stopped, staring at me for a moment. I felt as though she was appraising me as she looked

me up and down, like an animal up for auction.

“You really are your father’s daughter,” she said, rolling her eyes once more. “The stupidity must run in

the family.” She turned away then and walked back up to the throne. Enzo and I looked at each other

and seemed to come to the conclusion that we both needed to make a run for it. I lifted my hand to

open a portal, hoping to do it before the Luna turned back around, but without even looking at me she

seemed to know what I was doing and snapped her fingers again. In that instant, I felt another invisible

force shove me to the ground. It was even stronger than the spell that Selena cast earlier, and both

mine and Enzo’s knees buckled beneath us. I felt as though I couldn’t even breathe.

The Luna walked up to the Alpha King, who still sat staring blankly ahead. I wanted to plead with him to

come to his senses, but I couldn’t. The invisible force weighed heavily on my throat, and it took all of

my strength just to suck in lungfuls of air. All I could do was watch as the Luna stopped beside him and

stroked his hair, almost like he was a pet, while she stared down at all three of us on the floor.

“You were supposed to be the smarter one, the more powerful one,” the Luna said, staring down her

nose at me. From this angle, she looked enormous and even more terrifying. “And I suppose, you are.

But you’re too obsessed with those filthy humans, and that will be your downfall.”

I furrowed my brow. What was she talking about? What did she mean when she said that I was

supposed to be the smarter and more powerful one? Did she mean… That I wasn’t supposed to be the

one who was stolen? That it was supposed to be Selena, and that I was meant to stay behind and be

her puppet?

But even then, I still couldn’t ask any of these questions. The pressure on my body was too great. I felt

as though I would sink through the floor, down into the earth. It began to burn, too, even more than the

burning that I felt earlier when the antidote was running its course in Selena’s body. I began to writhe in

agony, and so did Selena, just from my pain alone. Enzo began to squirm and grunt beside me as well;

I felt his fingers brush mine, and I latched onto them.

The burning became even more intense. A choked scream escaped my throat as I felt as though my

body would turn inside out and dissolve into embers. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling tears

immediately begin to stream down my cheeks.

“If you would only realize that I’m just looking out for the best of our species, then I would let you live,”

the Luna said, sounding incredibly nonchalant for someone who was torturing three people. She raised

her voice to speak over Selena’s screams, like her screams were nothing but a whistling tea kettle. “But

now, I’ve had to realize something of my own. And what I’ve realized is that your godforsaken family is

only going to stand in the way of my plans. I can’t have that.”

“W-What are you talking about?” I groaned, somehow managing to speak through the pain even

though it felt like I was vomiting up hot coals. “W-what plans?”

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The Luna laughed. When she did, it sounded light and airy, like a summer breeze. It didn’t at all sound

like the laugh of a villain; but when I looked up at her, her red eyes were still cold and emotionless.

Beside her, the Alpha King only appeared even more out of it. How long would it be before he met the

same fate as Richard?

“Surely you’re not serious?” the Luna laughed. “Can’t you tell already? I want to cleanse the world of

the filthy creatures that destroyed our species!”

My eyes widened as another wave of pain washed over me. I let out another involuntary scream; I was

going to die from this pain. I was sure of it. There was no escaping it. The Luna was too powerful, and

no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get up or make the pain stop.

All I could do was close my eyes and squeeze Enzo’s hand as I waited for death to take all of

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But then…

Silence. The pain disappeared, and the sounds of our screams were replaced by the sounds of the

wind blowing through the trees and the crickets twittering in the night.

I slowly opened my eyes, and found myself laying in the center of the forest clearing; the same clearing

that we left through last time. Beside me, Enzo groaned and sat up. I sat up alongside him, my pain

feeling like a distant memory now, and furrowed my brow as we stared incredulously at each other.

“Are… Are we dead?” I whispered.

Enzo shook his head, and looked at his hands.

“No,” he replied, looking up at the sky. “We’re home.