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My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict

Chapter 4343
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Chapter 4343 Agreement

A few days later, Brian and Valda arranged to meet with Lornell’s parents to discuss calling

off the engagement.


“What? Breaking off the engagement?” Mrs. Quentin was taken aback. Even though the

things the Hart family had said at the party had given her a premonition, she still thought

she was overthinking it.

After all, this engagement has been in place for so many years.


Not to mention, the engagement of the Quentin family wasn’t something that could be

called off just like that!

“Yes,” Brian said, “There’s no love between the two kids. Such a marriage, I suppose,

wouldn’t end happily. It’s better to call it off now. Of course, it was the Hart family who

proposed to break off the engagement, so if the Quentin family has any demands, feel

free to voice them.”

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In other words, the Hart family was willing to pay the price to break off the engagement.

Mrs. Quentin looked upset, and Mr. Quentin also had a serious expression on his face.

“After all, this is a big deal. Does the Hart family really want to break the contract?” Mr.

Quentin asked.

Chapter 4343 Agreement

“Sure,” Brian responded without hesitation.

“Even if it means risking all of the Hart family’s assets in Zrodon?” Mr. Quentin added.


After hearing what Mr. Quentin had to say, Valda’s face turned very tense. Brian gently

squeezed his wife’s hand and responded to Mr. Quentin, “Alright.”

Zrodon was what the Hart family had worked hard to build over the past decade or so. If

all of Zrodon’s assets were given to the Quentin family, it would mean that the Hart family

would lose half of their own assets. For the Hart family, this would have been a

tremendous loss.

But for Brian, nothing compared to his daughter’s happiness.

Given Valda’s understanding of her husband, she knew he would definitely agree. But she

was still surprised at how readily he agreed. After all, that was the fruit of his labor for

over a decade!

The Quentin family couple’s faces turned even more sour because of Brian’s response.

After all, if they could agree to such terms, it meant that the Hart family was truly

determined to break off the engagement.

“Well, in that case, the Quentin family needs to think this over. Also, since this is about the

engagement of two kids, we should consider Lornell’s wishes,” said Mr. Quentin.

Chapter 4343 Agreement

“Of course!” Brian said.

After the Quentin family couple left, Valda asked, “Are you really willing to give everything

of Zrodon to the Quentin family?”

“Do you think I was joking just now?” Brian retorted.


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“No, I just…” Valda sighed, “I know how much effort you’ve put into your business in

Zrodon, for you…”

For a moment, she didn’t know how to put it into words.

“Harley is my greatest pride and joy,” Brian said with a smile. “I’ve worked hard in my

career, hoping to provide a better and happier life for you and our daughter. Now, if my

hard–earned career can bring happiness and joy to our daughter, then it’s all been worth it

for me!”

Valda wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck, her eyes. twinkling with laughter as

she looked at him, “I’m so glad I chose the right person back then!”

“Thank goodness you made the right choice, otherwise I’d probably be a drunkard

drowning in regret and pain all day, or maybe even a social outcast!” Brian said with a

gentle smile.

“So, do you think the Quentin family would agree to call off the engagement?” Valda

asked again.

“Sure,” Brian said, “After all, love can’t be forced. How could the Quentin family allow their

only heir to marry a woman who

Chapter 4343 Agreement

wants to annul her marriage? It’s just a matter of time.”

This engagement was definitely getting called off!