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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 98
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 101

Terrance POV

I watch Tabitha as she gets off a wolf. I’m sure the fvcking one that marked her. She looks just as

powerful as the day I thought she died in that cottage. He wraps her in his arms to steady her and I

would like to turn him to ash right now, but I won’t. I have bigger plans for the two of them. He will suffer

for taking what should have been mine all those years ago. She will be broken and so much easier to

take as mine. I start to chant and when I’m done, I smile as I teleport back to the coven. That couldn’t

have gone any better. As soon as I head inside the mansion, I head to my father’s office. I knock and

head inside. “How did it go?” “Better than we could have imagined.” “Really, why is that, Terrance?”

“She was with her so-called mate and there was no one else around.” My father smiles “good very

good.” “A few days and she should be ripe for the taking.” “That’s excellent Terrance.” “Now what do

you plan on doing about Patricia.” “She won’t be a problem father.” “Good, we attack in three days.”

“Make sure the others are ready.” “What are you going to do about Megan, father?” “You know despite

all she has said she had feelings for Tabitha.” “Your sister won’t be an issue.” I leave my father’s office

and head to the wing of the mansion I share with Patricia. I’m heading toward the stairs when Megan

stops me. “I know you and father are planning something to capture Tabitha.” I roll my eyes because

she is pathetic.

“That was never a secret Megan.” “She was supposed to be mine from the beginning but instead she is

mated to a flea-ridden mutt.” “So, what is the plan to bring her home where she belongs, dear brother?”

“Megan, I have other things to deal with at the moment.” “Go speak to father if you have questions

about me bringing my beloved home.” I can see by the look on her face my comment pisses her off.

“Fine I will” she says like a petulant child. I head up the stairs and once I’m inside, Patricia is sitting on

the couch. She turns “Terrance, where have you been.” “You know how I hate being here all day by

myself.” Even her voice annoys me. She stands coming around the couch and wrapping her arms

around my neck. I immediately grab her arms and remove them from me. I haven’t touched this woman

in months and she still doesn’t get the message. “Terrance, what the hell is wrong with you?” “You have

been a total j.erk since you got back from that stupid mission your father sent you on.” “I would be very

careful how you speak to me, Patricia.”

“You may scare your coven members, but I’m not afraid of you.” I laugh, “you should be.” I grab her by

the throat and her eyes get big. “Terrance, what are you doing,” she manages to squeak out. “I never

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wanted to take you as my beloved but my father insisted since Tabitha was dead.” I start to squeeze

harder. “You are weak and I have found the beloved I should have always had.” “So, I need to get rid of

this fvcking mark and you.” She is fighting and tries to cast against me but I’m much stronger than she

is. After a few minutes, she stops fighting and I drop her to the ground. I chant and after a few seconds

she is nothing but ash. I call for someone to clean up the mess and I head to my office. I have many

things to get ready for my new beloved’s arrival, but first I have to make a phone call.

I put the phone to my ear and he picks up on the second ring. “Terrance, it’s so good to hear from you.”

“How is my baby girl doing?” “That’s actually why I’m calling you Simon.” “I don’t know how to say this

so I’m just going to tell you.” “Terrance has something happened to my daughter?” “She has been

cheating on me with one of my coven members.” “She wouldn’t” he says but I stop him. “She left me a

note about what she has been doing.” “I’m glad I didn’t catch them because I probably would have

killed her had I found them together.” There is silence “Simon I’m sorry you have to hear this.” “I need

to speak with her and understand why” Simons says. “I hope you find her and she can explain herself

but I don’t understand how she could betray me like this.” “I will be in touch Terrance.” “Take care

Simon” I say before I hang up. I chuckle, good luck finding her.

Cynthia POV

I’m sitting in the living room when Monica comes down the stairs. “Cynthia, why are you sitting here by

yourself?” “I did something that could have hurt someone I care about.” “Cynthia you are one of the

nicest people I know so I highly doubt that.” I smile, she is so different now and I’m glad she is happy.

When I said those things to Conrad about feeling left out it wasn’t because I was angry at Gabby. I was

just feeling sorry for myself. Monica needed her and I’m glad she had her. I tell Monica everything that

happened with Conrad and Serina. I see the sympathy on her face. “Cynthia, you would never have

taken her to meet him if you thought he was trying to hurt her.” “I know I just hate that ba**ard for using

me to get to her and that I believed him.” “I’m glad that Archer dealt with him so quickly.” “I’m sorry that

you are hurting right now but I have faith that the goddess will give you a second chance just as she did

for me.” She hugs me and stands up.

“I’ll walk with you.” “I’m going to head upstairs to get ready for training anyway.” We walk through the

doorway that leads to the stairs and the foyer. As soon as I step through the doorway, the smell of

cinnamon and apple invades my nose. Macie is losing her mind and growling. “Mate is near.” As soon

as she says the words, I’m looking at the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen in my life. He is staring at

me but makes no move to come toward me. I think about going to him but Macie’s words stop me. “He

doesn’t want us either” Macie whimpers in my mind. Even my second chance doesn’t want me. I can’t

take another rejection right now. I turn around running back through the pack house and out the back

door. We shift immediately and run as fast as our legs will carry us. “I’m sorry Macie” I say. “Don’t you

dare say you’re sorry for those two idiots not recognizing what a gift you are.” “As long as I have you,

Cynthia, that’s all that matters.” I smile, I love my wolf so much. My heart is still broken that we may

never have a mate to love us.

Tabitha POV

These women are my family, whatever the doctor has to say he can say in front of them. “We ran some

tests based on your symptoms and one in particular could account for you having these fainting spells”

I feel Johnathon squeeze my hand and his fear flow through our bond. I look at this man I love and I

hate the fear on his face. I look back at the doctor and he is smiling. Now I’m really confused. “Tabitha,

you’re pregnant.” “Excuse me” I say and the girls scream. “You heard me correctly, your pregnant.” “It’s

not possible.” “We have tried for years and it never happened.” “Nothing is impossible Tabitha” the

doctor says. “The goddess has blessed you now despite your trouble conceiving in the past.” I look

over at Johnathon and the look of fear is replaced by tears and happiness. Before I say anything, I

notice him flinch and place his hand on his side. “What’s wrong, Johnathon?” “Nothing, just a cramp.” “I

can’t believe we are going to have a pup Tabby” he says and leans down, pressing his l!ps to mine. I’m

going to be a mother. Once he sits back in his chair, he never lets go of my hand. I’m glad because I

need to feel him right now.

Serina and Gabby both hug me before they go to get their parents. As soon as Sabrina comes in, she

starts asking me a million questions. “Love slow down” Archer says and the girls smile at me. “Sabrina,

I’m fine.” “Actually, better than fine.” “We are going to have a pup.” She looks shocked and then the

biggest smile breaks out on her face. “I’m going to be an aunt again.” She wraps me in a hug. Archer

walks over to Johnathon, congratulating him. Then Archer hugs me and Sabrina hugs Johnathon. We

talk for a few more minutes before they all leave for me to rest. “Did that pain in your side go away?”

He bends down k!ssing my forehead. “You worry about making our pup, I’m fine.” He lays his head

near my belly “hey little one I’m your dad.” I couldn’t love this man more than I do in this moment. He

slides in next to me and I lay my head on his chest. I close my eyes and fall into the best sleep of my


I wake and I squeeze Johnathon. I hear hin m0an and my eyes fly open. When I sit up, I’m horrified by

what I see. Johnathon’s eyes are closed tightly and his skin has a blue hue. “Johnathon, love, please

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wake up and tell me what’s happening?” I can tell he is trying to open them but he can’t. I attempt to

link him. “Johnathon, you’re scaring me, please wake up.” “Tabby, I don’t know what’s happening but I

can’t move.” I lay my hands on him and his skin feels so cold. I start to chant but nothing seems to be

happening. I scream for help and the hospital staff come rushing in. They look at me first, “it’s not me,

something is wrong with Johnathon.” They start to check him over and I link Gabby. I don’t know what

else to do. I can’t lose him. We are going to have a pup. I lay my hand on my very flat stomach.

“Gabby, I need help.” She immediately answers me “Tabby, what’s wrong?” “Please come to the

hospital and bring Serina.” She cuts the link and the doctor looks over at me with fear in his eyes. This

cannot be happening.

Serina POV

The door opening to my room wakes me out of sleep. I sit up and Gabby rushes over to me. “Serina,

we need to go to the hospital.” I feel a pit form in my stomach. “What’s wrong with Tabby?” “I don’t

know but she needs us now.” I jump up and pull on jeans. We run as fast as we can to the pack

hospital and when we walk in the room, that pit is now a boulder. Tabby is sobbing and the doctors are

working on Jonathon. He looks like he was out in the snow for hours. He is breathing but it is very slow.

Tabby looks to us and we rush over to her. “What happened” I ask. “I don’t know I woke up and he was

like this.” “He is still aware because we talked through our link.” “I knew something was wrong when he

said he had a pain in his side last night.” “I should have pressed him more” Tabby says blaming herself.

“Don’t do that Tabby, we just need to figure out how to help him now.” “I tried using a healing spell and

a reversal spell but nothing is working.” “I don’t understand how I wouldn’t know that someone cast a

spell on him.” “Tabby you aren’t a hundred percent right now so give yourself a break.”

“Ruby, can we help him?” “I’m not sure, but we can definitely try.” I walk over and take his hand in mine.

It is so cold against my skin. I close my eyes and Ruby pushes forward. After a few minutes, I, open my

eyes but he looks no different. “Ruby”, I say like a question. “Whatever has been cast on him is strong.”

“We may need a little help this time.” I don’t understand what she means. “Remember we are still

developing our powers and not knowing exactly what was cast makes it more difficult for us to reverse

it.” I turn and look at Tabby. She sobs and falls to her knees. Gabby bends down and wraps her arm

around her. I kneel in front of her and Ruby pushes forward. “Now is not the time to give up Tabitha.”

She looks into Ruby’s eyes. We stand and put out our hands, leading Tabby over to the bed. “Now we

are going to do this together, but you need to have faith this will work.” Tabby nods and takes

Johnathon’s hand. We close our eyes and I can hear Tabby chanting. I feel the warmth moving through

our bodies and I pray to the goddess that together we can save Johnathan.