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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 93
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 96

Jessica POV

As soon as they pull out of the parking lot, we head toward the woods. Derrick shifts first and then

Kenneth and I take off. I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of satisfaction that I have right now

knowing that ba**ard is suffering the loss of his mate. As we run, I think about the fact that he will

probably die from a broken heart because he is so weak, just like his mother. He is nothing like

Raymond. He will never know the truth about his mother’s death. Raymond and I were similar

creatures in that we did what we had to, to get what we wanted. We run back to the pack and Derrick

heads right into one of the cottages without a word. I shift, pulling on clothes I left near a tree outside

the cottage I’ve been staying in. I turn to Kenneth and he smiles. “That went well.” “Now that fvcker can

live the rest of his life, knowing that his pathetic friend killed his pup.” “It went better than I dreamed it

would.” “I still can’t believe that Leslie had it in her.” “Desperate people will do desperate things Jess”

Kenneth says. “You should know that.” He sticks out his hand and I take it thinking he is going to lead

me inside.

“Take care, Jesse” he says like we just had a nice visit. “Excuse me”, I say, realizing he is dismissing

me. “Our business together is done, so you can leave.” “Are you fvcking kidding me right now?” “You’re

kicking me out.” “No, because you were never in.” “This was a deal and the deal is done.” “Did you

think that you were going to stay here and what become my mate?” “I know what you did to your last

mate besides you aren’t that good of a fvck” he says turning for the stairs.

How dare this fvcking rogue think he can just dismiss me. Blossom is at the surface and I lunge at this

ba**ard attempting to swipe his back with my claw. He turns catching me around the throat. “Now Jess,

I know you’re not that stupid.” He starts to squeeze and I claw at his hand. “Leave now before I change

my mind and snap your fvcking neck.” “You are of no use to me anymore and the only reason I’m

sparing you is because the plan worked.” He drops me to the ground and I shift taking off. I can’t

believe that he didn’t even let me stay. I never expected him to mate me, he is a disgusting rogue. He

isn’t worthy of being my mate, but I at least thought he would give me time to figure out my next move. I

need to lay low, I have no idea what will happen with my brother or Archer Lyons. “What now Jessica,

you have no one “, Blossom whines in my head. “We don’t need anyone, we will find another pathetic

Alpha and pack to use.” “I was meant to be a Luna, not a filthy rogue.” I run back to the edge of the

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forest near the apartment I rented. I shift and slide on a dress before I head up to my apartment. Once

I’m inside, I head into the shower. I think about how I can make Kenneth suffer when I find a new Alpha

to s.educe. I did it once and I can do it again, mate or not.

Tabitha POV

“Tabitha, I would like to go with you to get Jessica” Lake says. I smile “I plan on having a little fun with

her before we bring her back here to be dealt with once and for all.” “I have no problem with that.”

Johnathon wraps me in his arms “be careful Tabby.” He k!sses me deep and when he pulls back, I rest

my forehead against his. “I always will.” “We won’t be gone long.” Lake k!sses Gabby one more time

before I loop my arm through his. I start to chant and the mark Leslie made on Jessica calls to me. I

close my eyes and a few seconds later, we’re on the stairs of an apartment building. I turn to Lake “stay

here, I’ll let you know when you can come in.” I cloak myself and teleport inside. I start to move through

the apartment and the door to the farthest bedroom is cracked open. I pop inside and she is sleeping

peacefully. I smile and walk over to stand next to her bed.

I place my hand above her head forcing my will into her mind. Her dream is playing like a movie in front

of me. She is dreaming about Gabby’s death and smiling. Lake is weeping over her body. She really is

a sick b**ch. I smile and begin to twist the dream in her mind. She is standing next to Gabby and I see

the panic rise on her face. Leslie, Brian, Gabby, and Lake move until they are standing around her in a

circle. “What’s wrong, Jessica,” Brian says? “What’s happening, you can’t be here.” “Why because I’m

dead” Gabby says. “Yes, you’re dead and I’m safe, not here” she screams. I smile as I watch Leslie

punch her in the face. She falls to the ground grabbing her cheek. “Why did that hurt, what is

happening?” I step out of my cloaking so she can see me . “You, how” she says with shock on her face.

She is silent and I step closer. “What Jessica, you didn’t expect to see me?” “You really thought that

you would get away with what you did?” “Evil people like you never win, they suffer.”

She laughs “I did win, even if you kill me, that human b**ch is still dead and Lake is still broken.” I grab

her by the throat and lift her off the ground. I toss her and she collides with a nearby tree. She grunts

from the force and I hear a bone crack. She grabs her arm screaming. She manages to get to her feet.

I’m done playing with you. I walk forward and place my hands on each side of her head. She must think

I’m going to break her neck because she fights until I quiet her. I close my eyes rolling through her

memories. My eyes fly open when I come to one specific memory. I can’t even wrap my head around

what I just saw. “You are so lucky that I am not the one to end you because after what I just saw you

deserve no mercy.” I grab the arm that is very evidently broken and I pull her from her dream. I link

Lake to come in and when she realizes that I am really here in this apartment she starts to scream. The

door opens and Lake barges in. His eyes are black and Razor is at the surface ready to rip this b**ch


“Lake, please it was the rogue” she starts to plead. I laugh “really, you’re going to continue to blame

others for you being an evil b**ch.” “Let’s take her back Lake, she has something she has to say before

you end her.” I wave my hand and she falls back on the bed. Lake throws her over his shoulder and I

wrap my arm in his. I take us back to the Silver Moon pack. Everyone is waiting in the pack yard when

we arrive and I can see they are ready to have their pound of flesh from her. “Lake, you can put her

down.” He throws her to the ground like touching her burns him. I hate all she has done to my family.

My mind flashes to Megan and her family but I shake that away. Gabby wraps her arm around Lake

and I can see him breathing in her scent. He is going to need that when he hears this b**ch’s truth. I

can’t keep it from him. Brian is holding Leslie, who also looks ready to rip her head from her body.

Monica and Atticus have the girls inside because they don’t need to see this.

I wave my hand and she starts to wake. She is m0aning, still gripping her arm that is trying to heal. I

block her wolf so she doesn’t try and shift. She finally notices Gabby standing by Lake. “It’s not

possible, I watched her kill you” she points at Leslie. “No, you watched Leslie kill a spell I made.” I see

her face fall in defeat. “Now tell Lake what you and Raymond did to his mother.” Her eyes get big. “I

don’t know what you’re talking about.” “You are going to die here today.” “For once in your pathetic life

do the right thing and tell him what you did to his mother.” “What are you are talking about Tabitha”

Lake says. “I wanted to get Kenneth’s location so I went into her mind and I saw something that you

have the right to know.” I turn back to her “tell him now or I will make it hurt.” She stays silent and I start

to wave my hand causing pressure on her broken arm. She starts to scream again. “Fine, please I’ll

say it.”

Jessica POV

I can’t believe this is happening. A few hours ago, everything was perfect and now here I am. That

b**ch is alive. I can’t feel Blossom at all. When she finally stops the pain in my arm, I fall to my knees. I

have nothing left.


I’m bent over Raymond’s desk and he pumps into me harder with each thrust. A banging on the door

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makes my body stiffen but he grabs my hair and doesn’t stop. A few seconds later the door flies open

and the Luna stands there with anger and hurt on her face. “You ba**ard, now you are bringing them to

the pack.” “Calm down, you gave me my pup but I haven’t fvcked you in years.” “Fine you want these

wh*res, you can have them.” “I, Elizabeth Solace reject” her words die on her l!ps as he has her by the

throat. “You don’t reject me, I am the Alpha.” He turns to me “Jessie you’re of Alpha blood, I will take

you as my Luna if my mate is dead.” I was shocked at first, by his offer to become Luna and to kill his

fated mate but I composed myself quickly. “Raymond please just let me leave.” “I will take Lake and

you can do whatever the fvck you want.” He laughs “you will never take my heir and honestly I’m tired

of you.” “Well Jessie” he says turning to me and I nod. He lets her go and I grab her by the throat,

snapping her neck.

Flashback Over

Lake POV

I feel numb as I listen to her speak about my father. He had her kill his mate, my mother. I knew he was

a monster but that isn’t even a sufficient word to describe him. “You killed my mother.” She drops her

head and I know it’s not because she is sorry for what she has done. I turn to Tabitha. “Please release

her wolf.” Tabitha nods at me and waves her arm. The b**ch looks up at me “Lake/” “Don’t you ever say

my name again.” “Now shift you despicable she-wolf.” Her wolf has no choice but to follow my

command. She is having trouble standing on her front leg as it is still broken. “Jessica, you are

sentenced to death for the murder of Luna Elizabeth Solace.” “I pray that the goddess gives you

punishment tenfold for all you have done.” I shift into Razor and start to circle her. She doesn’t make a

move and I could care less. We bite into her hind leg and her wolf whines. The bones crunch and

Razor yanks, pulling it from her body. She attempts to drag herself away from me. As we come around,

Razor bites down on her already broken leg. He rips it from her body. She shifts because her wolf has

left her. I can feel her presence is gone. She looks at me with pleading in her eyes “please Lake.” I shift

for a moment. “Isn’t that what my mother said.” “She pleaded to leave and take me but you killed her

anyway.” “You killed her for a t!tle.” “You deserve no mercy from me.” I shift and Razor sits on his

haunches as she continues to plead. After a few minutes, I am ready to be done even looking at her.

“It’s time” I say to Razor and he walks until he is over her body. “Your mother is at peace”, Razor says

before he bends down and bites her in half. He drops her to the ground. We stalk toward Gabriella and

bend. She lays her head against Razors before she walks to his side. She climbs on to Razor’s back

and we take off. I feel her lay her body against us and I need her in this moment more than I need air.