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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 82
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 85

Jessica POV

“Do you have any special skills that would make me want to hire you” the man behind the bar asks me

with all the innuendo he can muster. He is a wolf but I can tell he has no pack by his smell. “I can serve

food and drinks, like a waitress.” “Feisty I like that in my girls.” If I could I kill this ba**ard right now for

talking to a former Luna this way I would but I can’t. I wouldn’t even be speaking to this disgusting wolf

if I didn’t absolutely have to. I used the money Brian gave me to get an apartment until I figure out my

next move to make Lake pay, so I’m going to have to work to live for now. I saved some of the money

to get the help I need to make him pay. I have no real skills because my job as a Luna was to be arm

candy for Raymond. “Until you fvcked that up” Blossom says and I block her out. “So do I have the job

or not.” “For now, but if you don’t play nice you might not have it for long.” I roll my eyes but thank him.

“You can start tonight” he says throwing a skimpy dress at me. I take it heading back to the apartment

since I my shift doesn’t start for a few more hours. I only picked this disgusting bar because both

humans and wolves frequent it. I can’t make them pay by myself so I need to try to get the help of the

kind of wolves that would hang out in a filthy place like that damn bar.

Monica POV

We just finished up our last class and I’m waiting for Macey and Leslie so we can walk back to the pack

house. I notice that Serina is standing near her locker probably waiting for Nicholas. I’m just about to

walk toward her when I see a girl that looks to be about her age walk up to her. With my hearing now

that I have my wolf, I can hear that she is being a b**ch to Serina about Gabriella being human. It

makes me think about how I was and how wrong it was to be that way. I start toward the two of them.

“Hey Serina everything ok here” I say and the girl wh!ps her head toward me. “Sure, Serina and I were

just talking” she says smiling at me. “What’s your name?” “My name is Lisa and I’m a warrior’s

daughter.” I don’t know if she thinks I’ll be impressed by that but I’m not. “Well, this is what’s going

happen Lisa.” “Gabriella and Serina are good friends of mine so if I find out that you are bothering her

or talking sh*t about my friend you and I are going to have a problem.” I’m sure she realizes that I’m a

warrior with a wolf because I see the fear flash on her face. Marigold chuckles in my head. “So, are we

going to have a problem Lisa?” “No” she says and rushes away practically tripping over her own feet.

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“Thank you, Monica.” “I’m not afraid of her but I’m trying to ignore her and be the bigger person.” “She

is making that very difficult but hopefully she will just stop talking sh*t against Gabby now.” “I know you

are trying to handle it like the future Alpha you are but I’m here if she didn’t get the message.” “That’s

my job as a warrior to protect my Alphas.” She smiles and I see Macey and Leslie coming toward us.

We wait a few minutes until Nicholas comes and we walk toward the pack house together. We are

halfway up the path when I notice that Bret is standing at the top of the hill. I haven’t spoken to him

since the rejection and I really don’t want to. We keep walking ignoring his presence. As we start to

pass him, he says my name. I turn with a look of disdain. “What” I say with all the venom I can muster.

“Can you please just talk to me for a minute alone?” “She has nothing to say to you” Serina says and I

smile. “What she said” I say and turn to start walking again. There really is nothing for us to talk about.

Once we head inside Macey, Leslie, and I head toward our rooms. I’m inside my room getting dressed

when there is knock on the door. “Hold on girls I’m coming” I say heading toward the door. When it

swings open it’s not the girls standing there. “I think I was pretty clear earlier Bret I’m not interested in

talking to you now or ever.” His eyes flash black and before I know what’s happening I’m pushed inside.

He slams his hand over my mouth and everything goes black.

Lake POV

I wake up with Gabriella in my arms. I can’t believe I have her and she is mine. The bond is complete

and I feel stronger than I ever have with her by my side I can’t believe my father thought because she

was human, she was weak. She is anything but weak. She is stronger than any she-wolf I have ever

met. When she laid her hand on my marking sp0t, I couldn’t believe the feeling that passed through

me. I really expected that we wouldn’t be fully bonded and I was fine with that but the fact is she

marked me. “That was like nothing I could have imagined” Razor says. “I agree, I know we hear stories

growing up about the mate bond but until you experience it they are just that stories.” She stirs in my

arms and I brush the hair from her face. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles. “Are you being creepy

watching me sleep?” I chuckle “absolutely and I won’t apologize.” She lifts her head k!ssing my l!ps. I

start to deepen the k!ss but I stop myself. I know she won’t heal as quickly and she is probably sore

from last night. We made love for hours. I pull back and she looks disappointed.

“Believe me love I would take you all day but I want to announce you to the pack and let them know

what will be happening.” She crosses her arms and I look at her confused. “It’s not nice to lie to your

mate” she links me. I forgot that with the bond we can hear each other’s thoughts. “I wasn’t lying I just

didn’t want to make you feel bad or self-conscious.” She smiles and uncrosses her arms. “I truly

appreciate that you are worried about sparing my feelings but I don’t need you to protect me from you.”

“I want you to be open and tell me what you’re feeling or thinking.” “I want us to be able to talk about

anything.” “I appreciate your worried that I’m probably sore.” “Are you sore?” “I would be lying if I said

no.” I k!ss her l!ps one more time before we get up to get dressed. She grabs the bag she brought with

her and heads into the bathroom. I head into the closet pulling on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt.

Gabriella POV

Once I’m dressed in my slacks and red blouse, I pull my hair into a high ponytail and slide on my heels.

I come out of the bathroom and stop dead when I see Lake. He is so hot but beyond that he is dressed

much different than I am. As he looks me up and down his eyes darken “mate you are the se.xiest

woman on the planet.” He pulls me to him before Lake’s beautiful blue eyes are staring back at me.

“He’s absolutely right and your ours.” “Yes I am.” “Am I over dressed to meet with the pack” I ask.

“Absolutely not” he says and k!sses me. We head to his office and Atticus is waiting for us. “Good

morning, Alpha and Alpha.” I smile “good morning, Atticus, please call me Gabby unless we are with

the pack.” He smiles “good morning, Gabby.” “Atticus, can we speak to you for a moment before we

meet with the pack” Lake says. “Of course,” he says and we walk into the office.

“Atticus we will be combining the packs.” “We will be moving our pack to the Scarlett Howl but we will

be calling the new pack the Scarlett Rose.” He smiles and I’m glad he isn’t upset. He turns to me “I’m

glad to be a pack warrior and support you both in our new pack.” Before Lake can answer I do “Atticus

you will be keeping your rank as Beta.” “Our new pack will have almost seven hundred members and

four Alphas.” “It only makes sense to have four Beta’s.” “Thank you, Gabby and Lake, I’m honored.” “I

will protect you both with my life.” We all stand heading downstairs to address the pack. The members

are waiting in the training field. Lake leads me to the front and Atticus stands next to us.

Lake POV

Once the pack sees me, they bare their necks. “I have gathered you here today because I have found

my mate.” “Alpha Gabriella Lyons is my mate and we will be sharing the Alpha position.” I can hear

chatter start hearing that my mate is an Alpha. I growl low to quiet them. “I’m sure you are all

concerned what this means but I promise you this is good for our pack after all the recent tragedy.”

“After much discussion we will be moving our pack to join Scarlett Howl and the new pack will be called

Scarlett Rose.” “This will be a fresh start for all of us.” “If you have questions now is the time to ask.” No

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one speaks and I can see concern on many faces. Gabriella squeezes my hand before she speaks.

“Alpha Lake and I will be in his office today.” “If you have concerns and you would like to discuss them

privately, please come to speak to us.” “We realize this is a lot to take in but I promise you that both

packs will be considered equal and no special treatment will be given to Scarlett Howl pack members

because of the territory change.”

I notice that some of the concerned faces seem to relax at Gabriella’s words. “You all need to ready

yourself for the move in two days.” “Atticus will be providing you all your living arrangements in the

Scarlett Rose pack.” “I want all pack members at our Alpha ceremony no exceptions.” “There will be a

pack run following the ceremony for all shifting members.” “Yes Alpha” they say in unison. “You are

dismissed but if you would like to meet with myself and Alpha Gabriella, please link me.” I lead her

back toward the pack house and upstairs to the office. Tabitha and Johnathon are waiting for us in the


Unknown POV

“This is ridiculous at least with that ba**ard Raymond we knew where we stood.” “Now this little sh*t is

going to move us to the human b**ches pack and we will be what obedient little pack members with no

status.” “You heard what they said we won’t lose our warrior status.” “I believe Lake, he is nothing like

Raymond.” “Then you’re a fvcking fool because we are moving to their territory we will be nothing in

this new pack.” “You better watch what you’re saying because I want no part of this.” “We have been

friends for a long time but I am not onboard with going against the Alphas.” “I am loyal to Alpha Lake

and his mate.” “Fine be another mindless sheep and you will end up washing dishes in the kitchen like

a common omega.” He walks away but I don’t need him or anyone else. I will not follow some worthless

human and a pathetic Alpha who couldn’t see his friend was a traitor.”

Gabriella POV

“The pack should be protected Gabby until the move and I would like to perform the same protection

spell on Lake that I did on you” Tabitha says. “Of course, thank you Tabby.” “You never have to thank

me for protecting my family.” Lake is part of our family.” I smile and I feel my phone ring in my pocket. I

take it out and my sister’s name flashes across the screen. “What’s up sissy?” “He hurt Monica,

Gabby.” “Who hurt Monica?” Tabby stands looking at me with concern.” “Bret hurt her.” “I’m on my way”

I say before I cut the call. “Let’s go” Tabby says and I stand. “You guys will have to drive if you want to

meet us there.” Before they answer she teleports us to the hospital. My parents and Serina are waiting.

They lead me back to the room and she is hooked up to monitors and unconsious. As soon as I see

her I know what happened and I swear to the goddess that ba**ard will die for what he has done to her.