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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 79
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 82

Gabriella POV

As I listen to Lake tell the Elder everything that happened with Belinda, my heart breaks for Alpha

Blane. No father should have to bury his daughter. I look at my own father and see sadness in his eyes

because I’m sure he is thinking the same thing I am. I know that what she has done cannot go

unpunished, but it doesn’t make any of this easier for all that are involved. When we walk downstairs,

I’m glad that Alpha Blane agreed to go to the living area instead of being there to watch what Lake’s

about to do. We walk outside and the guards are holding Belinda as she screams. She starts to plead

with Lake but he immediately silences her with his Alpha command. Elder Bradford steps forward and

we all stand in silence as he sentences her. “Belinda Cross, by werewolf law you have committed the

crime of using black magic to interfere with the mate bond of Alpha Lake Solace and Gabriella Lyons.”

“The sentence for that crime is death.” “The sentence, will be carried out by Alpha Lake Solace of the

Blood Rose Pack.” “May you find forgiveness in the goddess.” Five minutes ago, she was screaming

for mercy and now she stands stalk still as Elder Bradford speaks. She is staring directly at Lake. I get

a feeling in the pit of my stomach that something isn’t right.

As soon as the word death leaves his mouth, she smiles a sick smile. “You wolves are so self-righteous

with your beliefs about the mating bonds and the goddess’s chosen mates.” She points at Lake “you

would pick a human instead of your own kind.” “Your pathetic and the only one that will be dying here

today is that b**ch” she says pointing at me. Lake is already shifting and moving toward her. I’m sure

he realizes as I do that, she is the witch and not Belinda. My eyes lock on hers as she throws a blue

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energy ball in my direction.

Lake POV

When she starts to speak, she lets her aura free and I’m pissed. I fvcking knew she was going to be a

problem. That’s why I wanted that b**ch dealt with quickly. I shift and start toward her. She does

something to the warriors that are holding her and they fall to the ground. “We are going to rip her apart

for helping Belinda and threatening our mate”, I say to Razor as he runs as fast as he can. We are

almost to her when I watch the energy ball leave her hand. Razor whimpers but he lunges attempting

to take the b**ch in his jaws. He clamps down on air. She is gone and he wh!ps his head back toward

our mate. She is on the ground and everyone is around her. Archer is kneeling and I feel like my world

was just shattered. I haven’t even gotten to love her or hold her. I haven’t gotten to mark or mate her. I

shift and run over, but to my surprise they are helping her to stand. “How” I say as I come to stand in

front of her and wrap her in my arms. Feeling the tingles just solidifies that she is alive and with me.

“Let’s go inside and I’ll explain everything” Gabriella says. Atticus appears with Alpha Blane and hands

me a pair of shorts. I slip them on and we head to my office. Once we are inside, I lead Gabriella to the

couch because I have to touch her right now. Razor is just starting to calm down after we thought that

we lost her. Archer, Elder Bradford, Alpha Blane, and Atticus all take a seat. “Can someone please tell

me what the hell happened out there” Blane says. “The witch shimmered to look like Belinda and

attempted to kill my mate with an energy ball.” “Well, thank goddess she missed” Alpha Blane says. I

look to Gabriella for the explanation.

Gabriella POV

“She didn’t miss.” “How is it possible you survived such an attack Gabriella,” Elder Bradford asks with

curiosity in his voice. I look to my father and he nods. “One of our pack members is a powerful light

witch.” I feel Lake pull me closer to his side. “My father and I know that I am a human living in a super

natural world.” “I am strong and have trained as a warrior but I know that I am no match physically for a

wolf, witch, or vampire.” “When I agreed to become Alpha, I did so with the condition that my sister take

the t!tle with me.” “I wanted that not only because I love my sister and wanted to share everything with

her but because I have certain limitations as a human.” “That doesn’t mean I can’t be a great Alpha to

my pack.” “Part of being a great Alpha is to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses.”

“After we had a rogue attack on the pack, my father and I decided it would be beneficial if Tabitha, the

light witch, placed a protection spell on me.” Elder Bradford smiles, “I’m sure that black magic witch

wasn’t expecting you to survive her attack.” “That was her mistake for underestimating you my dear”

Elder Bradford says. I look at Lake and I can see pride in his eyes. “This is far from over and we will

make them all pay for what they have done.” “Gentleman, I was wondering if I could speak to Lake

alone and then we can discuss how to move forward.” Once they all leave the office, I go to stand but

Lake holds me in place. “I really need you close right now Gabriella for myself and Razor.” I smile and

k!ss his l!ps I sit back and take a breath.

“Lake, when we spoke about combining the packs earlier, I wasn’t fair to you.” He looks at me

confused. “Since I was sixteen, I have had this plan in my head about what my future was going to be

as the pack Alpha.” “I know you heard what I said about the reason I proposed my sister and I take

dual Alpha roles in our pack.” “We need to discuss a fair way to move forward with our mating and

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taking on our Alpha roles.” “Gabriella” he says but I stop him. “Lake, nothing is going to change that

you are my mate.” “You’re allowed to have feelings and wants.” “We are partners in this.” He smiles

“what are you proposing love.” “I propose that we take our time and decide a fair way to combine our

packs.” He takes my hand “ok it’s my turn now.”

Lake POV

“When I said to you that I was willing to move my pack and combine it with yours, I had my own

reasons.” She looks at me confused. “The pack has had a lot of bad things happen recently.” “I was

betrayed by my friend who was to be my Beta.” “He along with my father’s chosen mate killed him and

tried to kill me.” Her face contorts to one of anger. “It’s ok love they have been dealt with.” “The fact that

my father cared so little for me has tainted my t!tle and this pack.” “Combining our packs gives not only

myself but the pack members a fresh start without all this betrayal and death hanging over our heads.”

“The other details I promise you we can work out together and I will make sure I share my opinion.”

“Thank you, Lake” she says before I k!ss her l!ps gently. I pull back and she smiles “after we discuss

how we move forward with the others, I would like for us to return to Scarlett Howl so you can meet the

rest of my family.” “I would love that, Gabriella.” “I would also like us to complete the bond.” I smile

“there is no rush Gabriella I can wait until you are ready.” She shocks me when she reaches up pulling

my mouth down to hers. She k!sses me like I’m the air she needs to breathe. She pulls back when we

are both breathless. “I’m ready” she says with a smile before she gets up, heading for the office door. A

few minutes later, she returns with the other men and as she sits next to me, I say a prayer of thanks to

the goddess for Gabriella Lyons.