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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 73
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 76

Jessica POV

I can’t believe this is happening to me. Why couldn’t he just take the poison like his ba**ard father and

be dead? “I could have stayed Luna and run the pack with that little sh*t Jason.” “Atticus, please don’t

do this.” “I was your Luna please, this was all Jason’s doing.” “I would never betray Raymond.” “I loved

him.” He continues to pull me by my arm up the path. He won’t answer me and I can’t free myself from

his grip. When we reach the border, he crosses it and drops me to the ground outside the pack territory.

He walks back into the territory and turns back to me. “I only had one Luna and it sure as hell wasn’t

you.” “If you cross back into this territory, you will be killed without a second word.” “Am I clear, rogue?”

He doesn’t wait for my response and shifts heading back toward the pack. What the hell do I do now? I

start to look around and notice two patrol guards coming my way. I shift before they reach me and we

run as fast as we can. “You just had to fvck everything up didn’t you human,” Blossom growls as we

run. I can’t deal with her right now.

The Next Day

Lake POV

The sun shines through my window. This has been my room since I became a teenager. Normally,

when we become Alpha, we take the biggest room in the pack house. I refused to take my father’s old

room. The thought of using his bed, especially the one he shared with that b**ch did not sit well with

me. My room is big enough and I’ve had them change the decor so that it’s not a boy’s room. I know

my father would tell me that I should be in the Alpha bedroom if he was here but honestly, I don’t agree.

I’m Alpha in this room or any other room. What Elder Bradford said yesterday helped me understand

that I am what this pack needs. I am the Alpha my father should have been. I rub the sleep from my

eyes. It wasn’t a good sleep, but hopefully after today it will be. When I know that evil ba**ard is dead

and my father has been avenged, I’ll sleep much better. I head into the bathroom to get into the

shower. I str!p and place the watch my father gave me on the sink. Once I’m under the spray, I place

my hands against the shower wall and breathe deep.

After a few minutes of just calming my thoughts, I finish showering and head into my closet. I pull on a

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pair of gray sweats and black t-shirt. “Razor are you ready.” “I’m more than ready to make this a**hat

pay.” I head to my office and link Atticus to meet me there. A few moments later Atticus comes in and

we discuss what will happen this morning. “Atticus, I want the pack present when I deal with Jason.”

“Not because I want them to fear me as they did my father but because I need them to know that such

things will not be tolerated.” “I want them to understand that no relationship will protect a pack member

from such wrong doing.” “I agree they should be present, Lake.” “The pack already knows you are

nothing like your father.” “They trust you because of your fair and kind nature but they respect you as

the Alpha of this pack.” “Thank you, Atticus.” “Let’s go take care of Jason.” He nods and we head

downstairs. Elder Bradford is waiting for us near the pack house door. Two guards are dragging a

sputtering Jason through the pack house and out the door. I take a deep breath before I follow behind

them. We step out into the pack yard and I look around at my pack member who have gathered. They

all bare their necks and I take my place near the Elder.

The guards throw him to the ground about ten feet from me. “Jason, you have been sentenced to death

by the Alpha of the Blood Rose Pack.” “This sentence does not require approval by the Elders due to

its nature however it is given regardless” Elder Bradford says to him. “Do you have anything to say

before the sentence is carried out by Alpha Lake Solace?” I stare into his eyes before he finally speaks.

“I’m not sorry, I just wish you died with that ba**ard Raymond.” I know exactly what he is doing. He

wants this to be quick but that will not be happening. “It’s too bad you didn’t get your wish because now

you’re going to wish for death for yourself.” Elder Bradford steps back until he is out fo the circle the

pack has formed. Jason gets to his feet and we begin to circle each other. I watch his body movements

as he shifts his weight. He throws a punch at my face and I easily side step. I come around punching

him in the ribs. I can feel the change in my strength since I’ve gotten Razor and taken my t!tle. The hit

surprises him but he rights himself quickly.

I can see he’s angry that I got the best of him so quickly. He really believes he is a better warrior than I

am. We start to circle again and he’s movements are more erratic because he is pissed. He starts

toward me and attempts to kick me this time, but I catch his leg taking him off his feet. This time I don’t

give him a chance to right himself. I’m on him punching him repeatedly in the face. I stand because I

can feel Razor at the surface. I push him down. I will not kill him in wolf form when he doesn’t have one

to fight back. I back up and take a few deep breaths. “Lake” Atticus yells, and I look up to see the

ba**ard shifting into his wolf. He must have gotten his wolf but how did he keep him from me. I should

have been able to feel it. “My turn” Razor says and we shift. He runs full speed and the wolf

immediately tries to get away from him. Razor is twice as big and an Alpha wolf. If Jason thought this

was going to help him kill me, he is sadly mistaken. Razor jumps, landing on the wolf with his front

paws. The wolf is fighting, trying to free himself, but can’t.

He starts to whimper as Razor growls. “It’s time Razor, end this pathetic excuse for a wolf.” He leans

down biting the wolf’s neck. He thrashes his head back and forth until I hear the snap. Razor drops the

wolf to the ground before he howls. The pack members shift and join him. After a minute, we shift back

and Atticus hands me a pair of shorts. I link the warriors “take his body to the clearing and burn him.”

“He will not be buried in the pack cemetery.” “Yes, Alpha.” The warriors head toward the dead wolf.

Elder Bradford approaches me. “Alpha Lake, I’m glad I was here to see you be the Alpha, I knew you

would be.” “I will be heading back to the Elder house but if you need anything please don’t hesitate to

call me.” I shake the Elder’s hand and head back into the pack house. As soon as I’m inside Belinda is

waiting near the stairs. I’m just about to approach her and tell her that it’s time she goes home to her

pack when I get a link from the patrol guard. “Alpha, there is a rogue at the border insisting to see you.”

“If it’s Jessica, I will not see her and do not allow her into the territory.” “We have our orders about

Jessica, Alpha.” “This rogue said he was an associate of your father and he wants to pay his respects.”

“Atticus, please come to my office.” “We are about to have a visitor that will not be returning to this pack

after today.” “Yes, Alpha” he says and we head to my office. I grab a t-shirt slipping it over my head

before I sit in my chair. Atticus stands at my side. A patrol guard leads Kenneth and his stooge into my

office. They take a seat and the guard leaves. “Alpha Lake, I just wanted to pay my respects to you

about your father’s death.” “As much as I appreciate our sentiment, I had hoped we wouldn’t be seeing

each other again, Kenneth after our last conversation.” I can see my words piss him off but he doesn’t

comment. “I guess our condolences wasn’t my only reason for the visit.” “I had hoped you would

change your mind as it was your father’s wishes to make Archer and his pack pay for his disrespect

toward our kind.”

“I believe I made myself perfectly clear that I do not share my father’s feelings toward Archer Lyons or

the Scarlett Howl Pack.” “My father’s death has not changed my stance.” “The Blood Rose Pack has no

issue with Archer Lyons or his pack.” “You and your friend can leave and I suggest you do not return.” “I

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will not be so kind at our next meeting.” He stands to leave “I will make sure that your father’s wishes

are honored even if you’re too afraid to do it.” He walks out of my office. “Atticus have the guards make

sure those two ba**ards leave my pack.” “Yes Alpha” he says and leaves my office. I pull my father’s

book with contacts from his drawer. I find the number I need and pick up my phone to make the call.

“Alpha Archer Lyons” he says in the voice I remember from all those years ago. “Alpha Archer this is

Alpha Lake Solace from the Blood Rose Pack.” “Alpha Lake, I didn’t expect to hear from you.” “Despite

your father’s behavior when you visited my pack you still have my condolences.” “Thank you, Alpha,

that meeting is actually why I’m calling you.” “I’m confused that meeting was over two years ago what

could you need to talk to me about.” “I would like to invite you to come to my pack to discuss the matter

and also to talk about an alliance.” “I’m a little surprised that you wouldn’t share your father’s feelings,

Alpha Lake.” “I promise you that I don’t, Alpha Archer.” “We can be at your pack tomorrow if that works

for you.” “We, I hadn’t realized that you passed your t!tle to your daughter.” “Actually, I haven’t but my

daughter Gabriella is acting Alpha with me until my daughter Serina comes of age.” “They will share

Alpha duties.” “I look forward to meeting with you both.”

Gabriella POV

“Gabby” I hear my grandmother’s familiar voice from behind me. “Nana Fern, I missed you” I say

wrapping her in a hug. “What about me, Papa River doesn’t get any love.” “Of course, you do” I say

before I hug him. “How was your trip?” “It was good but were glad to be home.” “So, how are your

Alpha duties going?” “Good, I’m learning to balance but I definitely feel like the pack is starting to

accept the idea.” “Your mother told me about that boy, Bret.” “I’m glad I wasn’t here because I probably

would have beat his stupid a**” grandma says. I laugh “I’m glad my grandmother didn’t do my dirty

work.” We visit for a little bit longer before I head to the office. My father is already there and I take my

seat behind the desk. “Nana and Papa are back.” “Good, I’m glad they travel but I like when they come

home.” I smile because my dad loves his family so much. “Gabby, I received a call today from an Alpha

who wants to meet with us tomorrow.” “Which Alpha” I ask. “Alpha Lake Solace called about an hour

ago.” “Alpha Raymond’s son.” “The same Alpha Raymond who wasn’t happy about me being an

Alpha.” “Yes, it’s the same but Alpha Raymond was murdered a few days ago.” I feel bad for my anger

in that moment but I still don’t understand why his son would want to meet with us. “Do you think

meeting with him is a good idea dad?” “I do, I believe that Lake doesn’t share his father’s att!tude

toward our pack or you as an Alpha.” “Ok, what time do we leave tomorrow.?”