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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 70
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 73

Lake POV

I’m in my office dressed for my father’s burial, which is in an hour. Everything that was said to me

yesterday about Atticus and Jason is plaguing all my thoughts. “Razor, how can I think the man I know

as my best friend and future Beta would betray me and my father?” “I think you need to listen to Elder

Bradford.” “Put what you want to believe aside and look for the evidence for what is true.” “I pray to the

goddess that I’m right because the thought of Jason helping that b**ch makes my stomach turn.” “I

know Lake but it’s better to know the truth and deal with it.” “If he has aligned himself with that evil

woman, he deserves everything he gets.” A knock on my office door brings me out of my conversation

with Razor. “Come in” I say and the door opens. Belinda followed by an older man and woman walk in.

I really don’t want to deal with her today with everything that’s going on. I still feel that pull to her but I

know it’s not real. I will figure that out as soon as I deal with the wolves that killed my father.

“Lake, I wanted to introduce you to my father, Alpha Blane of the Silver Moon Pack.” I stand to show

my respect reaching out my hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alpha Blane.” “I wish we were meeting

under better circ.umstances, Alpha Lake.” “I’m sorry about your father, I knew Raymond well.” “Thank

you, Alpha.” “This is my Aunt Esmerelda” Belinda says pointing at the woman. “It’s nice to meet you

Esmerelda.” She reaches out her hand and I take it. “Well, my niece is right you are very handsome.”

“She is a lucky girl.” “Esmerelda, act accordingly” Alpha Blane says. I like him despite his crazy

daughter. “Oh, Blane I’m paying him a compliment.” “He’s your future son-in-law I’m sure he doesn’t

mind.” “My apologies, Alpha for my sister.” “She doesn’t always think before she speaks” he says giving

Esmerelda a look. “I’m sure you haven’t had a chance to speak to Belinda about the mating so I’ll leave

that to her.” I say glaring at Belinda. “No need for apologies.” “If you’ll excuse me, I have a few things to

finish up before the ceremony.” “Of course, we will leave you to it.” “Let’s go ladies” he says as he leads

them out of my office.

As soon as they leave, I head downstairs to the kitchen to speak to the omegas. I’m sure they are busy

with preparations but I need answers. I walk in and three older women are tending to the food. I don’t

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know all their names but I plan to change that. They bare their necks as soon as they see me. “Ladies

how are you today?” “Good” they say in unison but I can tell they are shocked by my question. My

father could care less about the omegas of this pack. I am not my father. “Ladies can I ask you a few

questions?” “Of course, Alpha” Marjorie says. “Marjorie, were you working in the kitchen the night of my

Alpha ceremony?” I can see shock on her face that I know her name but again I am not my father. I

care about every pack member. “Alpha, we work in the kitchen for every meal that happens in this

pack.” “Can you tell me if you saw anything strange that night?”

“Well, were aren’t used to having warriors stationed in the kitchen while we make a meal.” I chuckle “I

imagine you’re not.” “How about anyone acting suspicious?” “Alpha, I know what you’re asking and I

will tell you the same thing I told Atticus when he spoke to all of us.” “The Alpha told us that Jason was

not to be in the kitchen during or before the meal.” I feel that knot tightening in my stomach. “Did Jason

come into the kitchen that night?” “Yes Alpha, he did.” “The guards didn’t notice him because he came

in the side door.” “He started fl!rting with Marie” she points at the blonde woman who is probably in her

forties. Why would Jason be fl!rting with her? Not because she isn’t beautiful but I’ve seen the women

he likes and she doesn’t fit that type. Before I can ask another question, she starts to talk again. “Marie

has a mate and wasn’t paying him any attention.” “He walked over by the food and almost fell on his

a** by the stove.” “The warriors approached him because he obviously wasn’t supposed to be there.”

“Atticus must have heard the commotion because he came in and threw him out of the kitchen.”

“Marjorie was Atticus or the Luna ever by the food?” “No Alpha, not that day.” “Was there ever a day

they were?” “Not Atticus sir but the Luna started cooking a lot for your father for some reason lately.”

“She would throw us out of the kitchen because she was making him special meals she said.” “It’s not

our place to question but I thought it was odd.” “Thank you, ladies.” “You’re welcome, Alpha.” They

smile “I promise you ladies things will be better for all pack members while I’m Alpha.” They bare their

necks to me and I head back to my office.

The pit that had started to form in my stomach is now a rock. The omegas have nothing to gain by lying

to me. Why would he be in the kitchen when he told me he was going to the bathroom? Atticus wasn’t

lying about my father forbidding Jason from going into the kitchen. “Why didn’t my father just tell me he

agreed with my suspicion?” “Why didn’t he tell me that he suspected Jason was working with her.” “I

wouldn’t be burying him today.” “Honestly Lake, if he told you that after the way he felt for Jason would

you have believed him.” Razors right I wouldn’t have because my father didn’t want me to have a Beta.

“Probably not” I say. I’m just about to head downstairs when my door opens. “Hey, everyone is waiting

for you.” “You alright man” Jason says. “Yes, I’m fine.” “I just want to get today over with.” He places his

hand on my back and I want to shrug him off but I don’t. I need him to believe I still trust him until I’m

sure of everything. “Let’s go face this together, Lake.” “Just think a few more days and I’ll be Beta.” “We

will be in our rightful place together.” “I’m here for you no matter what happens.” His words that would

have once comforted me now just make me angry. I don’t respond with words. I nod and we head


We head to the pack cemetery and my father’s casket is over the grave ready to be lowered. It’s

surreal that he’s gone but this is as real as it gets. I join Elder Bradford as he speaks to my father’s

leadership for the pack. I look around at the faces of our pack including Jason and Atticus. I was so

quick to judge someone who has been nothing but loyal and so eager to believe someone who hasn’t

proven he is trustworthy. “I think you have your answer Lake” Razor says. “It may not be the one you

want but it’s the answer that is true.” I take a deep breath because first I will lay my father to rest then I

will deal with Jessica and Jason’s treachery. “Alpha Lake would you like to say a few words before we

complete the service.” “Yes, Elder Bradford I would.” “I want to thank each and every one of our loyal

pack members.” “My father may have not always been the warmest man but he put the pack above

himself.” “I promise you I will not rest until the people responsible for killing the pack’s former Alpha are

dealt with.” I make sure to say that last part looking between Jessica and Jason. “Now we will all head

to the banquet hall to have a meal in the late Alpha’s honor” Elder Bradford says. I watch as Jason

rises and puts his hand in his pocket walking toward the pack house. I’m joined by Atticus and Elder

Bradford as I walk. Before either can say anything, I turn to Atticus. “I want eyes on Jason for the entire

meal.” “Yes Alpha” he says and I watch him link before we make our way to the banquet hall.

Gabriella POV

I’m shocked to say the least when they say that Monica is Bret’s mate. I know Bret hasn’t gotten his

wolf yet but Monica has. A million thoughts run through my mind. Has she told Bret. Did he reject her

because he thinks I’m stupid enough to believe that I’m his mate? I hope this isn’t a ploy by Monica to

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ensure I stay away from Bret. I hope she wouldn’t lie about being mates just to get what she wants. I

have no interest in him but that is nothing to lie about. “Alpha, we just thought you should know.”

“Monica is going to kill us when she finds out we told you but we felt you should know.” “She has no

idea you came to tell me about this.” “No, after we saw you on the path, we told her she should tell

you.” “She absolutely refused before she shifted and took off.” I know she is a b**ch but in this moment

I feel bad for her. “Thank you for letting me know.” “I appreciate you looking out for your friend but if I

find out that any of this isn’t true you both will be very sorry.” “We swear to you Alpha, this is what she

told us and based on how she is acting we believe her.” I nod and they both leave.

I sink down into a chair my heart breaking for this girl. Mates are supposed to choose you no matter

what. I know she didn’t like me to begin with but I understand now her anger with me. Even though this

isn’t my fault she needs someone to blame and I’m an easier target than the man she is made to love. I

head out of the theater room and I decide to walk out into the garden. I love to sit out here and just

think. A few minutes later Serina joins me. I tell her about what the girls shared with me. “Do you

believe them?” “I actually do, it would explain a lot.” “I can’t believe he would deny his mate.” “What are

you going to do?” “I’m going to talk to Monica.” “I need to make her understand that if Bret is denying

their bond, he isn’t worth having.” “I know human relationships are complicated but honestly Serina I

thought werewolf ones would be easy.” “The goddess picks somebody for you, you mark, you mate,

and live happily ever after.” Serina laughs “just like humans sister there are wolves that are never

satisfied even if they are given the perfect other half.” I pull her into a hug and we head inside. My first

order of business tomorrow is to speak to Monica.

We are all sitting eating breakfast when Monica, Leslie, and Macey walk in. Serina leans in “do you

want me to come with you to talk to her.” I think about it for a moment. “If this was pack business, I

would definitely say yes but I don’t want to embarrass her.” “If my mate was rejecting me, I wouldn’t

want a lot of people to know.” “Your right, if you need me just call for me.” We finish our breakfast and I

walk over to the table the three girls are sitting at. Monica looks up when she notices me. “Can we help

you Alpha” she says with a sarcastic tone. I don’t acknowledge her disrespect. “I would like to see you

in my office in ten minutes Monica.” “Fine” she says while rolling her eyes. I walk out of the dining room

and straight to my office. It’s so weird to refer to it as my office. Technically I’m still sharing it with my

father but it’s still weird. I take a seat behind the desk and a knock sounds on the door. “Come in” I say

and expect to see Monica walk in but I’m very wrong. Bret is standing in my office doorway with eyes

black as night. “Mate” leaves his l!ps as he stares at me. What the hell is happening?