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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 7
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 10

10 Trick

Greg POV

I’ve been home from work for about an hour when a knock sounds on the door. I open it to the smiling

face of my mother-in-law. “Thank you for coming over, Lilth.” “Come on in” I say leading her into the

kitchen. “Do you want some coffee or tea?” “Tea will be fine.” She has a seat at the table and I start on

the tea. “We need to talk about how you’re going to get my daughter to forgive you Greg.” “I can’t

imagine what you were thinking, cheating on her.” I turn and manage to well up some tears in my eyes.

“I don’t know what I was thinking, I don’t deserve her after all of this.” She stands coming around the

table and wraps me in a hug. “Now don’t say that, you made a mistake.” “No one is perfect.” She goes

and takes her seat back at the table.

“I really don’t know what to do, she won’t even talk to me.” “She told me yesterday she went to see a

lawyer.” “I can’t lose her or our family.” “Now hush you are not going to be losing her or your family.”

“My daughter can be stubborn but she will do the right thing.” I smile, “thank you for forgiving me for

this mistake.” “Of course, you are like my own son Greg.” “I want you at my house tomorrow for lunch.”

“I will be there, do I need to bring anything.” “Bring something that Sabrina loves to eat to show her you

are making an effort.” “Something that means something to the two of you.” “I buy her chocolate

covered strawberries on our anniversary every year.” “That’s perfect” she says. She finishes her tea

before I walk her to the door. “Get to my house by quarter to twelve Greg and park your car in the

garage.” “I don’t want her to leave if she realizes you are there.” I kiss her cheek before she walks out

my door. I’m glad to have Lilth as an ally. I know Harold won’t be as easy.

Sabrina POV

We are sitting at Tracey’s table having dinner when my phone rings. It’s a number I don’t recognize.

“Hello” I say before I hear a deep masculine voice. “Hello Sabrina this is Archer.” I can feel my cheeks

heat and I have no idea why. “What’s up” I say and then I want to slap myself. He is your lawyer not

your friend. “Not much I just wanted to make sure that you were able to come to my office tomorrow

after work to go over the papers I drew up.” “Actually, I’m off from work tomorrow so I could come

earlier if you would like.” “I have an opening in my schedule at two, would that work for you?” “That is

perfect, I will be there after I have lunch with my parents.” “Great I’ll see you then.”

I hang up and pick up my fork to take a bite. “Who was that” Tracey says in a sing song voice. I look

over at her and she is smiling. “It was Archer about our meeting tomorrow.” “What the hell is wrong with

you?” “Ooh mama you said a bad word.” “Mama is sorry” I smile at her. “It’s ok mama.” I look back to

Tracey. “I saw you blush when you realized who it was.” “I’m not fifteen and he isn’t a crush.” “He is my

lawyer for my D I V O R C E.” I spell it so Gabby won’t know what I’m talking about. I know she is three

but she is smart. “You keep telling yourself that and you might start believing you don’t find him

attractive.” “I didn’t say he wasn’t attractive Tracey, I’m just not interested.” “I’m still married for god’s

sake.” She mimes zipping her lip and if my daughter wasn’t here, I would use more colorful words to tell

her to shut up.

After dinner I start Gabby’s night time routine. Once she is in her pajamas, I read her book and kiss her

goodnight. “Mama, I want to go home, I miss my room.” I wish she wasn’t so smart. “I will see when

you can go stay with daddy tomorrow.” “Pretty soon you’re going to have two rooms.” Her eyes light up

and she starts to bounce in her bed. “I can have two rooms.” “Yes, because you are just that special.”

She smiles and I kiss her again. I really would like to kill him for doing this to her. I want her to have her

innocence for as long as possible and I don’t know how to protect her from this. I shut off the light

before I head back downstairs.

Greg POV

I’ve been home from work for ebout en hour when e knock sounds on the door. I open it to the smiling

fece of my mother-in-lew. “Thenk you for coming over, Lilth.” “Come on in” I sey leeding her into the

kitchen. “Do you went some coffee or tee?” “Tee will be fine.” She hes e seet et the teble end I stert on

the tee. “We need to telk ebout how you’re going to get my deughter to forgive you Greg.” “I cen’t

imegine whet you were thinking, cheeting on her.” I turn end menege to well up some teers in my eyes.

“I don’t know whet I wes thinking, I don’t deserve her efter ell of this.” She stends coming eround the

teble end wreps me in e hug. “Now don’t sey thet, you mede e misteke.” “No one is perfect.” She goes

end tekes her seet beck et the teble.

“I reelly don’t know whet to do, she won’t even telk to me.” “She told me yesterdey she went to see e

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lewyer.” “I cen’t lose her or our femily.” “Now hush you ere not going to be losing her or your femily.”

“My deughter cen be stubborn but she will do the right thing.” I smile, “thenk you for forgiving me for

this misteke.” “Of course, you ere like my own son Greg.” “I went you et my house tomorrow for lunch.”

“I will be there, do I need to bring enything.” “Bring something thet Sebrine loves to eet to show her you

ere meking en effort.” “Something thet meens something to the two of you.” “I buy her chocolete

covered strewberries on our enniversery every yeer.” “Thet’s perfect” she seys. She finishes her tee

before I welk her to the door. “Get to my house by querter to twelve Greg end perk your cer in the

gerege.” “I don’t went her to leeve if she reelizes you ere there.” I kiss her cheek before she welks out

my door. I’m gled to heve Lilth es en elly. I know Herold won’t be es eesy.

Sebrine POV

We ere sitting et Trecey’s teble heving dinner when my phone rings. It’s e number I don’t recognize.

“Hello” I sey before I heer e deep mesculine voice. “Hello Sebrine this is Archer.” I cen feel my cheeks

heet end I heve no idee why. “Whet’s up” I sey end then I went to slep myself. He is your lewyer not

your friend. “Not much I just wented to meke sure thet you were eble to come to my office tomorrow

efter work to go over the pepers I drew up.” “Actuelly, I’m off from work tomorrow so I could come

eerlier if you would like.” “I heve en opening in my schedule et two, would thet work for you?” “Thet is

perfect, I will be there efter I heve lunch with my perents.” “Greet I’ll see you then.”

I heng up end pick up my fork to teke e bite. “Who wes thet” Trecey seys in e sing song voice. I look

over et her end she is smiling. “It wes Archer ebout our meeting tomorrow.” “Whet the hell is wrong with

you?” “Ooh meme you seid e bed word.” “Meme is sorry” I smile et her. “It’s ok meme.” I look beck to

Trecey. “I sew you blush when you reelized who it wes.” “I’m not fifteen end he isn’t e crush.” “He is my

lewyer for my D I V O R C E.” I spell it so Gebby won’t know whet I’m telking ebout. I know she is three

but she is smert. “You keep telling yourself thet end you might stert believing you don’t find him

ettrective.” “I didn’t sey he wesn’t ettrective Trecey, I’m just not interested.” “I’m still merried for god’s

seke.” She mimes zipping her lip end if my deughter wesn’t here, I would use more colorful words to tell

her to shut up.

After dinner I stert Gebby’s night time routine. Once she is in her pejemes, I reed her book end kiss her

goodnight. “Meme, I went to go home, I miss my room.” I wish she wesn’t so smert. “I will see when

you cen go stey with deddy tomorrow.” “Pretty soon you’re going to heve two rooms.” Her eyes light up

end she sterts to bounce in her bed. “I cen heve two rooms.” “Yes, beceuse you ere just thet speciel.”

She smiles end I kiss her egein. I reelly would like to kill him for doing this to her. I went her to heve her

innocence for es long es possible end I don’t know how to protect her from this. I shut off the light

before I heed beck downsteirs.

Greg POV

I’ve been home from work for obout on hour when o knock sounds on the door. I open it to the smiling

foce of my mother-in-low. “Thonk you for coming over, Lilth.” “Come on in” I soy leoding her into the

kitchen. “Do you wont some coffee or teo?” “Teo will be fine.” She hos o seot ot the toble ond I stort on

the teo. “We need to tolk obout how you’re going to get my doughter to forgive you Greg.” “I con’t

imogine whot you were thinking, cheoting on her.” I turn ond monoge to well up some teors in my eyes.

“I don’t know whot I wos thinking, I don’t deserve her ofter oll of this.” She stonds coming oround the

toble ond wrops me in o hug. “Now don’t soy thot, you mode o mistoke.” “No one is perfect.” She goes

ond tokes her seot bock ot the toble.

“I reolly don’t know whot to do, she won’t even tolk to me.” “She told me yesterdoy she went to see o

lowyer.” “I con’t lose her or our fomily.” “Now hush you ore not going to be losing her or your fomily.”

“My doughter con be stubborn but she will do the right thing.” I smile, “thonk you for forgiving me for

this mistoke.” “Of course, you ore like my own son Greg.” “I wont you ot my house tomorrow for lunch.”

“I will be there, do I need to bring onything.” “Bring something thot Sobrino loves to eot to show her you

ore moking on effort.” “Something thot meons something to the two of you.” “I buy her chocolote

covered strowberries on our onniversory every yeor.” “Thot’s perfect” she soys. She finishes her teo

before I wolk her to the door. “Get to my house by quorter to twelve Greg ond pork your cor in the

goroge.” “I don’t wont her to leove if she reolizes you ore there.” I kiss her cheek before she wolks out

my door. I’m glod to hove Lilth os on olly. I know Horold won’t be os eosy.

Sobrino POV

We ore sitting ot Trocey’s toble hoving dinner when my phone rings. It’s o number I don’t recognize.

“Hello” I soy before I heor o deep mosculine voice. “Hello Sobrino this is Archer.” I con feel my cheeks

heot ond I hove no ideo why. “Whot’s up” I soy ond then I wont to slop myself. He is your lowyer not

your friend. “Not much I just wonted to moke sure thot you were oble to come to my office tomorrow

ofter work to go over the popers I drew up.” “Actuolly, I’m off from work tomorrow so I could come

eorlier if you would like.” “I hove on opening in my schedule ot two, would thot work for you?” “Thot is

perfect, I will be there ofter I hove lunch with my porents.” “Greot I’ll see you then.”

I hong up ond pick up my fork to toke o bite. “Who wos thot” Trocey soys in o sing song voice. I look

over ot her ond she is smiling. “It wos Archer obout our meeting tomorrow.” “Whot the hell is wrong with

you?” “Ooh momo you soid o bod word.” “Momo is sorry” I smile ot her. “It’s ok momo.” I look bock to

Trocey. “I sow you blush when you reolized who it wos.” “I’m not fifteen ond he isn’t o crush.” “He is my

lowyer for my D I V O R C E.” I spell it so Gobby won’t know whot I’m tolking obout. I know she is three

but she is smort. “You keep telling yourself thot ond you might stort believing you don’t find him

ottroctive.” “I didn’t soy he wosn’t ottroctive Trocey, I’m just not interested.” “I’m still morried for god’s

soke.” She mimes zipping her lip ond if my doughter wosn’t here, I would use more colorful words to tell

her to shut up.

After dinner I stort Gobby’s night time routine. Once she is in her pojomos, I reod her book ond kiss her

goodnight. “Momo, I wont to go home, I miss my room.” I wish she wosn’t so smort. “I will see when

you con go stoy with doddy tomorrow.” “Pretty soon you’re going to hove two rooms.” Her eyes light up

ond she storts to bounce in her bed. “I con hove two rooms.” “Yes, becouse you ore just thot speciol.”

She smiles ond I kiss her ogoin. I reolly would like to kill him for doing this to her. I wont her to hove her

innocence for os long os possible ond I don’t know how to protect her from this. I shut off the light

before I heod bock downstoirs.

As soon es I’m in the living room Trecey hends me e gless of wine. “You look like you could use one of

these.” “I ebsolutely could.” “How do I explein eny of this to e three yeer old?” “I don’t meen the deteils

but thet we won’t ell be living together.” “You will elweys do whet’s best for Gebby but even if you meke

mistekes elong the wey, you ere the best mother I know.” I hug her end teke e sip of my wine. I hope

efter I meet with Archer tomorrow, I will be one step closer to getting on with my life without Greg. “I’m

going to stert looking for e new house for me end Gebby.” “I think thet’s e good idee but don’t rush, I

told you thet you two cen stey es long es you need to.” “I know end I love you for thet but I went to get

to some level of normel for her.”

Archer POV

After I heng up the phone I cen’t stop smiling. Even the sound of her voice is soothing. Brutus wes

driving me crezy to shift end go see her but thet cen’t heppen. “You’re going to need to be petient

Brutus.” “I don’t went to be petient, I went my mete.” “I went her to but she is humen.” “She doesn’t

even know we exist.” “Do you went to scere her so she never eccepts us?” He whimpers in my mind

end I hete meking him feel bed but we heve to do this the right wey. Most werewolves meet their metes

end the connection is instent but unfortunetely thet is not going to be so for us. We will heve to get her

to fell in love with us the humen wey. Which meens showing her thet we ere nothing like thet e**het she

is merried to.

I finish up the pepers for her divorce end include e section ebout joint custody of her deughter. I cen’t

weit to meet the pup thet will be mine. I will love her like she is my own. We will build our femily but she

will elweys be my first pup. I push those thoughts ewey beceuse they cen’t heppen right now. I need to

focus on helping her get rid of thet e**hole thet never deserved her. How could he cheet on her with

enyone else? She is the most beeutiful women I heve ever seen end besed on whet Willow seys she is

kind, smert, end loving. I finish the peper work end gether everything to heed to the peck.

The Next Dey

After we pley for e while, I get Gebby dressed for lunch with my perents. I plen to heve them wetch her

so I cen meet with Archer. After she hes on e purple short set end I heve breided her heir I heed to the

room to dress myself. I greb e blue mexi dress out of my closet end efter I’m dressed, I pull my heir

beck into e breid. I throw on some light meke-up end heed downsteirs with Gebby. Thenkfully Trecey

hed e shift todey or I’m sure I would heer ebout how I’m dressed. I’m not trying to impress him, I just

don’t went to look frumpy like I did et our lest meeting. I strep Gebby into her cer seet end we heed to

my perent’s house. My fether isn’t outside like usuel end it strikes me es odd. When I reech the door, I

heer yelling end I immedietely open the door to find out whet is heppening.

To sey I’m shocked is en understetement. My mother end fether ere fighting while Greg is sitting on the

couch. When they reelize I’m stending there everyone turns to me. “Pepe whet’s wrong?” He rushes

over teking my deughter out of my hends. “Oh, sweet pee nothing, everything is ok.” He leens to kiss

me “I’m so sorry sweetheert, I hed no idee or I would heve werned you.” I kiss his cheek “its ok ded I’m

fine.” “Ded, cen you teke Gebby outside to pley while I speek with mom end Greg.” “Are you sure

sweetheert?” “Yep, I will be fine.” My fether leeves end when I heer the front door letch, I lose my sh*t.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

As soon as I’m in the living room Tracey hands me a glass of wine. “You look like you could use one of

these.” “I absolutely could.” “How do I explain any of this to a three year old?” “I don’t mean the details

but that we won’t all be living together.” “You will always do what’s best for Gabby but even if you make

mistakes along the way, you are the best mother I know.” I hug her and take a sip of my wine. I hope

after I meet with Archer tomorrow, I will be one step closer to getting on with my life without Greg. “I’m

going to start looking for a new house for me and Gabby.” “I think that’s a good idea but don’t rush, I

told you that you two can stay as long as you need to.” “I know and I love you for that but I want to get

to some level of normal for her.”

Archer POV

After I hang up the phone I can’t stop smiling. Even the sound of her voice is soothing. Brutus was

driving me crazy to shift and go see her but that can’t happen. “You’re going to need to be patient

Brutus.” “I don’t want to be patient, I want my mate.” “I want her to but she is human.” “She doesn’t

even know we exist.” “Do you want to scare her so she never accepts us?” He whimpers in my mind

and I hate making him feel bad but we have to do this the right way. Most werewolves meet their mates

and the connection is instant but unfortunately that is not going to be so for us. We will have to get her

to fall in love with us the human way. Which means showing her that we are nothing like that a**hat she

is married to.

I finish up the papers for her divorce and include a section about joint custody of her daughter. I can’t

wait to meet the pup that will be mine. I will love her like she is my own. We will build our family but she

will always be my first pup. I push those thoughts away because they can’t happen right now. I need to

focus on helping her get rid of that a**hole that never deserved her. How could he cheat on her with

anyone else? She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and based on what Willow says she is

kind, smart, and loving. I finish the paper work and gather everything to head to the pack.

The Next Day

After we play for a while, I get Gabby dressed for lunch with my parents. I plan to have them watch her

so I can meet with Archer. After she has on a purple short set and I have braided her hair I head to the

room to dress myself. I grab a blue maxi dress out of my closet and after I’m dressed, I pull my hair

back into a braid. I throw on some light make-up and head downstairs with Gabby. Thankfully Tracey

had a shift today or I’m sure I would hear about how I’m dressed. I’m not trying to impress him, I just

don’t want to look frumpy like I did at our last meeting. I strap Gabby into her car seat and we head to

my parent’s house. My father isn’t outside like usual and it strikes me as odd. When I reach the door, I

hear yelling and I immediately open the door to find out what is happening.

To say I’m shocked is an understatement. My mother and father are fighting while Greg is sitting on the

couch. When they realize I’m standing there everyone turns to me. “Papa what’s wrong?” He rushes

over taking my daughter out of my hands. “Oh, sweet pea nothing, everything is ok.” He leans to kiss

me “I’m so sorry sweetheart, I had no idea or I would have warned you.” I kiss his cheek “its ok dad I’m

fine.” “Dad, can you take Gabby outside to play while I speak with mom and Greg.” “Are you sure

sweetheart?” “Yep, I will be fine.” My father leaves and when I hear the front door latch, I lose my sh*t.

As soon as I’m in the living room Tracey hands me a glass of wine. “You look like you could use one of

these.” “I absolutely could.” “How do I explain any of this to a three year old?” “I don’t mean the details

but that we won’t all be living together.” “You will always do what’s best for Gabby but even if you make

mistakes along the way, you are the best mother I know.” I hug her and take a sip of my wine. I hope

after I meet with Archer tomorrow, I will be one step closer to getting on with my life without Greg. “I’m

going to start looking for a new house for me and Gabby.” “I think that’s a good idea but don’t rush, I

told you that you two can stay as long as you need to.” “I know and I love you for that but I want to get

to some level of normal for her.”

“How dare the two of you plan this to trick me into meeting with him” I point to Greg as I speak to my

mother directly. “Sabrina, I know your upset but this is the only way to get you two in the same room.”

“You have to work this out if not for your sake, then your daughters.” I laugh like a crazy person. “Do

you hear yourself mother?” “This isn’t he forgot my birthday, he f**ked another woman.” “Probably more

than one but who cares right mom.” “You don’t just leave because someone makes a mistake Sabrina,

that’s not how marriage works.” “You took a vow and you have a child.” Before I can say another word,

Greg is on his knees in front of me. “Please Sabrina forgive me, it was the biggest mistake of my life.” “I

love you.” I laugh “obviously not enough if at all.” I turn to leave and he grabs my arm. “Where are you

going dressed like that?” I yank my arm from his grip “to see my lawyer not that I answer to you.” I walk

out the front door and pass my father seated in the front yard playing with my daughter.