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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 66
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 69

Gabriella POV

“Are you out of your mind?” “Did you hear what I said Gabby?” “I heard perfectly what you said.” “Do

you think because I’m a human I don’t know how mates work?” “I grew up in this pack.” He goes to

speak and I stop him. “You do not have a wolf and cannot sense your mate yet.” “If you think that you

can bulls*t me into believing that I’m your mate when you can’t know yet, you can’t.” “Even if I was to

be your mate you do not k!ss me without my permission.” “I was saving my first k!ss and everything

else for my mate.” “You had no right to do that.” I turn because I need to get the hell away from him

before I beat the sh*t out of him. I start down the hall “I’m sorry Gabby” I hear as I turn the corner. I

don’t even turn back to respond to him. I don’t see Bret for the rest of the day and I’m thankful for that.

As I walk down the hallway to my afternoon class, I see Monica and her cronies. I am ready for this day

to just be over. I walk past and she is talking loud enough for me to hear. “A human shouldn’t be

anything in a werewolf pack.” “Her mother should have stayed with her ba**ard father and then we

would have a real Luna.”

Gabriella POV

“Are you out of your mind?” “Did you hear what I said Gabby?” “I heard perfectly what you said.” “Do

you think because I’m a human I don’t know how mates work?” “I grew up in this pack.” He goes to

speak and I stop him. “You do not have a wolf and cannot sense your mate yet.” “If you think that you

can bulls*t me into believing that I’m your mate when you can’t know yet, you can’t.” “Even if I was to

be your mate you do not k!ss me without my permission.” “I was saving my first k!ss and everything

else for my mate.” “You had no right to do that.” I turn because I need to get the hell away from him

before I beat the sh*t out of him. I start down the hall “I’m sorry Gabby” I hear as I turn the corner. I

don’t even turn back to respond to him. I don’t see Bret for the rest of the day and I’m thankful for that.

As I walk down the hallway to my afternoon class, I see Monica and her cronies. I am ready for this day

to just be over. I walk past and she is talking loud enough for me to hear. “A human shouldn’t be

anything in a werewolf pack.” “Her mother should have stayed with her ba**ard father and then we

would have a real Luna.”

I see red. They can say sh!t about me but she will not disrespect my mother. I turn and she has the

biggest smirk on her face until she realizes I’m moving toward her. I grab her by the throat and slam her

against the locker. “Don’t you ever say anything about my mother or I will rip your fvcking tongue out of

your mouth.” She is fighting to get out of my grip as I hold her in place. I drop her a** to the floor. She is

holding her throat and trying to catch her breath. The two girls that are her so-called friends never

move to help her. I don’t say another word as I head to my next class. At the end of the day, I head to

meet Serina at her locker. I can’t wait to go home and to training later. I need to blow off some steam.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We meet Cynthia outside and walk the path that leads home. I’m quiet, thinking about everything that

happened at school today. I walk upstairs without another word.

I grab my training clothes and head into the bathroom. I hear Serina’s voice at the door, “Gabby, what’s

going on?” “Nothing, I’m fine, just get ready for training.” Once I’m dressed, I head out of the bathroom

and Serina is standing with her arms crossed. I try to walk past her and she steps in front of me. “Tell

me what is wrong Gabriella.” She never calls me by my full name. I soften knowing that I’m being a

b**ch. I take a seat on my bed. “That a**hat Bret k!ssed me today without my permission.” “Trying to

tell me I might be his mate when I know damn well, he has no idea about that yet.” I see her tighten her

fists at her side. “Dad will kill him.” “No, he won’t because we’re not going to say anything to dad.” “I

need to handle these situations, Serina.” “I knocked him on his a**.” “We are to be the Alphas we can’t

run to dad to solve our problems.” She nods and comes to sit next to me. “Then that b**ch Monica was

talking sh*t about mom.” Serina hops off the bed and I swear she growls. She is only fourteen, so that’s

not possible because she doesn’t have a wolf, but it sounds like a growl. “I’m going to kick her a**”

Serina says. “I took care of her but based on her stupidity I’m sure at some point in our lives you’ll get

your chance.” We both laugh “I’m sorry Serina I should have just talked to you instead of being a

b**ch.” “You are never a b**ch Gabby.” “I’m glad you know you can tell me anything, good or bad.”

While we’re at training, Bret and Monica both stay away from me. I’m glad because, honestly, I don’t

want to deal with them anymore today. We start out on our run and the warriors with wolves run with

us. We haven’t seen any more rogues, but I know the younger wolves feel safer now that they are with

us. We finish training and I walk with Serina back toward the pack house. “Gabby”, I hear Bret’s voice

from behind me. I don’t stop walking and Serina gives me the side eye. I feel a hand on my shoulder

and I wh!p around. Goddess, I love my little sister. She steps between use crossing her arms like the

bad a** she is. “Serina, I just wanted to talk to Gabby for a minute.” “I think you have done enough

today”, she says back to him. He looks mortified that she knows what happened. I lay my hand on her

shoulder. “Serina, please give us a minute.” “I’ll be right there.” Serina turns and nods to me before she

starts toward the house. “What do you want Bret?” “I’m sorry for what I did today.” “Ok your sorry.” I go

to turn “Gabby please I didn’t mean to upset you.” “Well, you didn’t upset me, you pissed me off.” “You

had no right to do what you did.” “You are a pack member and I would never treat you badly but that is

all we are to each other.” “Pack member and future Alpha.” “Friends don’t violate each other’s personal

space.” I can see he wants to say more but I’m over this conversation. “Gabby your father” I raise my

hand. He’s worried about what my father will do to him. “I have no intentions of saying anything to my

father about what happened.” “I’m not a child and I can handle the situation myself.” I don’t say

anymore before I turn and head to my father’s office for my alpha work.

Alpha Ceremony Day

Lake POV

My father came home from the hospital last night. He looks much better but the silver has taken a toll

on him. Today is my Alpha ceremony and I wanted to start the morning out with a run. As we are

running near the border, the smell of rotting flesh invades Razor’s nose. “Rogues” Razor growls. We

slow and start to look around. One of the wolves that was at the meeting with my father steps out from

the trees. I shift “what the hell are you doing here?” “Now Lake, is that how you treat your pack’s

associates.” “What do you want?” “I’m here to see your father about our deal.” “Today is my Alpha

ceremony and I hate to inform you but the deal is off.” “Excuse me, I must not have heard you

correctly.” “Oh, you heard me just fine.” “I am Alpha as of today and I want nothing to do with you or

your pack.” “The deal is off.” “This pack has no issue with Scarlett Howl.” “Does your father know about

your little decree?” I shift back and start to stalk toward him. He raises his hands in surrender. “Fine but

you are making a very big mistake mutt.” He shifts and takes off towards the woods. Razor takes off

toward the clearing so we can get dressed and back to the pack house. I need to get ready for the

ceremony in a few hours. I’m glad I got to tell that a**hole that we are done dealing with him. My father

may not like it, but in a few hours it won’t matter what he likes. I will not be his puppet and I will always

do what’s best for the pack.

I’m in the process of getting dressed when my father links me to come to his office. “I’ll be there when

I’m done getting dressed.” I cut the link and once I’m ready I head to his office. Jason was supposed to

have his ceremony with me but because my father pushed everything up, he can’t. He will get his wolf

in a few days. His ceremony will be in a week. I’m almost to the office when I see Jessica walking down

the stairs with Atticus. That’s strange why would the head warrior be speaking to her. “Do you think that

he has something to do with what’s happening to your father” Razor asks. “I don’t know but I intend to

figure out just what that b**ch is up to.” “If he has anything to do with it he’ll die with her.” I knock on my

father’s door and head inside. My father looks up and smiles at me. It makes me uneasy. He doesn’t

usually smile about anything, let alone at me.

Raymond POV

I link Lincoln to come to my office after Belinda leaves. He walks in and he is looking at me strangely.

Today is the day he becomes Alpha. I didn’t think Belinda would come through but she is definitely

smarter than she looks. If this works, our pack will double in size. This is the only reason I’m making

Lake Alpha now. I want that pack and him mating with her is the only way that will happen. I know my

son will listen to me if I give him a command. He may fight me but in the end I’m still his father. “Lake,

have a seat son.” He does “today you take your rightful place as Alpha of this pack.” “I know we have

different ideas of what makes a pack great, but I know you will be always do the right thing as Alpha.” I

stand coming around the desk with the box in my hand. “I got this for you and I want you to always

wear it.” “I want you keep it close to you and know that I have faith in the man you have become.” I

open the box handing the watch to Lake. He slides it on and he may not notice, but a purple haze

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

sweeps over him. It’s gone as quickly as it came.

Raymond POV

I link Lincoln to come to my office after Belinda leaves. He walks in and he is looking at me strangely.

Today is the day he becomes Alpha. I didn’t think Belinda would come through but she is definitely

smarter than she looks. If this works, our pack will double in size. This is the only reason I’m making

Lake Alpha now. I want that pack and him mating with her is the only way that will happen. I know my

son will listen to me if I give him a command. He may fight me but in the end I’m still his father. “Lake,

have a seat son.” He does “today you take your rightful place as Alpha of this pack.” “I know we have

different ideas of what makes a pack great, but I know you will be always do the right thing as Alpha.” I

stand coming around the desk with the box in my hand. “I got this for you and I want you to always

wear it.” “I want you keep it close to you and know that I have faith in the man you have become.” I

open the box handing the watch to Lake. He slides it on and he may not notice, but a purple haze

sweeps over him. It’s gone as quickly as it came.

He looks up to me. “Are you ready to become Alpha?” “Yes I am, thank you, for the watch dad.” “You’re

welcome”, I say. “Why don’t you go see if Belinda is ready for the ceremony?” He leaves without a

word. I pick up the phone and call Kenneth. I haven’t heard from him since our meeting and I want to

make sure everything is still on track. He had planned to recruit rogues to build up his numbers.

Between his pack and our warriors, it will be a lot easier to make that b**ard Archer and his pack pay

for insulting our kind. The phone rings a few times but he never answers. I leave a message before I

head downstairs to the ceremony. Now I just need to figure out which one of my pack members is a

traitor and everything will be perfect.

I’m in my room getting ready for the ceremony and praying that Lake accepts the watch from his father.

“You better hope he does because, otherwise, we will have no mate.” “Enough Lizzy, I told you William

is not good enough.” “I agree but I want a mate so Lake better accept us.” I roll my eyes at my wolf.

“Trust me, Megan said the watch will work.” A few seconds later a knock sounds on the door. I open it

hoping its Lake but unfortunately, it’s that b**ch of a Luna is standing there. “Luna, what can I do for

you?” “I think we need to talk little girl.” “Excuse me, I am no little girl.” She pushes her way inside and

turns on me. “If you think for one moment that I have dealt with that a**hole Raymond and his son for

you to come in and ruin everything your mistaken.” “I have no idea what your talking about Luna.” I

cross my hands over my chest. She walks up until she is in my face. “I know what you’re all about and

you know exactly what I’m talking about.” I hear someone clearing their throat and when I look back

Lake is standing there. My eyes immediately go to his wrist and I smile. It’s showtime, I say to Lizzy

before I walk over to him and press my l!ps to his. I wait for him to push me away but he doesn’t. He

wraps his arms around me and k!sses me back. He actually k!sses me back. When I pull back, he is

smiling at me. I am giddy inside. It worked, the watch actually worked. She told me once I k!ssed him,

he would accept me. He wraps his arm around me, “Belinda, is there a problem here?” I watch

Jessica’s face fall and I know she wasn’t expecting that. “No Lake, I think Jessica and I understand

each other now.”