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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 65
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 68

Lake POV

The doors open and Dr. Jacobs starts to walk toward me. I try to read his facial expression but I can’t.

“Lake, your father is asking for you.” “What happened, what’s wrong with him?” “Follow me, he wants to

discuss it with you with me present.” I follow him into a room and my father looks like he has aged even

more. He is hooked up to machines but he is at least awake. I walk over and stand next to his bed. Dr.

Jacobs is standing on the opposite side. “What is happening?” Before the doctor can speak, my father

does. “A member of the pack is poisoning me.” I growl “what the fvck are you talking about?” I look at

the doctor. “I couldn’t figure out what was making the Alpha sick.” “I ran all the normal tests to

determine what was causing him to be unresponsive.” “As you know wolves don’t just get sick.” “I

tested his blood and found traces of silver in it.” “Silver even in small amounts is deadly to our kind.” I

look to my father. “We have a traitor in our pack.” “Apparently they want me sick and weak.” “I think

they want you more than sick, they want you dead dad.” “Whoever is doing this has to have something

to gain by killing you father.” “We need to take immediate action to punish the person or persons


“Well, they didn’t succeed, so calm down.” “I’m an Alpha wolf and I won’t die easily.” “We will find out

who did this and make them pay with their lives.” “Dr. Jacobs, can you excuse us for a moment?” He

nods and leaves the room. I turn back to my father. “Lake, I need to rest.” “We will talk about this

tomorrow.” “Father, I think that Jessica is poisoning you.” My father starts to laugh and then begins to

cough. “Don’t be ridiculous Lake, she is my Luna and mate.” “If I die, she has loses everything.” “I

probably pissed off one of the pathetic omegas and they are trying to make me pay by making me

sick.” “You can’t be this blind.” “All of the sudden she is being nice and feeding you all the time.” “You

don’t think that is suspicious.” He growls grabbing my wrist. “You are not the Alpha yet, Lake.” “Don’t

accuse my mate of such crimes.” Why all the sudden is he protecting her? Half the time he acts like he

can’t stand her. “All the sudden you trust Jessica.” “You have never included her in pack business as a

Luna should be.” “She may have something to gain if she kills us both.” “She has been offering me food

too.” “Enough, Lake, she is my mate and you will not speak badly of her am I clear?” Something isn’t

right about this whole situation. “You are being ridiculous even suggesting that she would make such a

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plan against us.” “She has nothing to gain.”

“Fine father, how do you suggest we find out who did this to you if you think it’s not her?” “Go spend

time with Belinda, I need to rest.” “I need to be ready for your ceremony unless I change my mind if you

keep acting like a petulant child.” “I understand she is not your mother but for you to even suggest she

would try to hurt us is ludicrous.” “We will discuss this tomorrow along with your ceremony that will be

happening in two days.” I’m not going to have this argument while he is laying here in this hospital bed.

This conversation is far from over. I turn to leave the room. “Lake, you better not say anything to the

pack or Jessica about what the doctor said.” I stop but I don’t respond. “Answer me now Lake.” “Yes

father, I won’t say a word.” As soon as I’m outside the hospital I’m ready to lose it. “Shift Lake, lets run.”

“It will make you feel better.” I head to the clearing and shift. This time it is still painful, but nothing like

earlier. We take off and I try to push my father, Belinda, and Jessica from my thoughts. I run until my

muscles are on fire and I’m exhausted. We return to the clearing and I shift dressing before I head back

to the pack house.

I walk into the pack house heading for the stairs. “Lake” I hear from behind me and I was really hoping

not to see this b**ch tonight after what the doctor said.” I turn to see a smiling Jessica. “Lake, where is

your father?” “I’m worried I can’t link him.” I’m sure you are b**ch, you’re hoping he’s dead. “She is an

evil person.” “Why is your father acting like he doesn’t see it.” “I just met her and I can see it” Razor

says. “Lake did you hear me” her words bring me out of my conversation with Razor. I realize she has

her hand on my chest. I take a step back. “He is busy and can’t be disturbed.” “I hope he is eating.” I’m

sure you do I think to myself. “He is fine” I say before I head upstairs. “I want to kill that b**ch where

she stands.” “All in good time Lake” Razor says and I smile. I start up the stairs. Oh, my goddess

Belinda is at the top of the steps waiting for me. I can’t get away from these fvcking people.

Belinda POV

What the hell is up with the Luna? She is very touchy with my mate. I watch Lake step back from her

and it makes me smile. I wonder what her game is. I’ll have to have a conversation with her so she

understands he belongs to me. She will not screw up my plans. I am going to be the Luna of this pack.

He starts up to the stairs and when he sees me, he looks irritated. “Hi Lake, I was hoping we could

spend some time together to discuss our packs.” “Honestly Belinda, I’m exhausted, so we can do that

another time.” “Why do you smell different?” “Not that it’s any of your business but I shifted today for

the first time.” “Can I meet your wolf?” “Belinda, are you listening to anything I’m saying.” “Of course,

I’m listening.” “I don’t mean right now.” He steps toward me. “Nothing is going to change my decision

about mating with you.” “My father is not in charge of me.” “I got the message Lake, I just want us to be

friends and alliances.” “Fine, I will speak to you tomorrow.” “Oh, I just wanted to let you know since I

haven’t seen your dad that I’m going to see my aunt tonight and I will return some time tomorrow.” “I’ll

let the guards know.” He walks away and I smile. He will be mine whether he wants to or not. Once we

mate, this idea of some woman he never met will be gone.

I get into my car and drive down to the gate. The guard walks over “ma’am does the alpha know your

leaving the territory?” “Lake is aware and I will be returning tomorrow.” He nods and walks back to the

building. The gate opens and I head toward my aunt’s cottage. I pull into her driveway. She left the

pack because she didn’t like all of the rules. She opens the door before I can even knock. She wraps

me in a hug. “Hello baby girl” she says and k!sses my forehead. “Come inside” she says and I follow

her. She leads me to her kitchen and a woman I’ve never seen is sitting at the table. “Belinda, this is

Megan, my friend” she says and winks at me. “It’s very nice to meet you, Megan.” “It’s nice to meet

you, Belinda.” “Your aunt has told me all about you.” “Have a seat Belinda, I’ll get you a cup of tea while

we talk.” I take a seat and Megan has a box in front of her. “Is that it?”

“Now we need to discuss exactly what this is worth to you.” I should have known nothing is done for

free. “What is it?” “I’ll show you after we discuss payment.” I look to my aunt. “She isn’t talking about

money or I would have already paid her already.” I look back to Megan. “What could you possibly want

if not money?” “In our world positions of power can help people like me when I need something.” “I just

purely need a promise.” “A promise of what?” “You’re a very smart girl to ask questions and not just

make deals.” “I have many powers but sometimes I require volunteers to test my potions on.” “When

you become Luna, I need a few wolves to use for my magic.” “Will you kill these wolves?” “Does that

bother you if they are just omegas?” “No not really I was just wondering.” “Your aunt was right you will

be a great Luna.” “You’re willing to do what it takes to get what you want, like a true Luna should.” “Do

we have a deal?” I don’t even think about it. Those wolves mean nothing to me. She sticks out her

hand and I take it. She slides the box across and a bottle. I open the box and I’m confused, but she

explains exactly what to do with it. “Now, because it only works when it’s on, you will need to give him

five drops from the bottle if he is going to shift.” “So, anytime he leaves the pack to be safe, give him

the potion.” “Thank you, Megan, I’m grateful for your help.” I head upstairs. Tomorrow is my eighteenth

birthday and I will get my wolf. Everything will be perfect. I’ll have my wolf, my mate, and my t!tle.

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The Next Day

Lake POV

Jason and I just finished training and we head to my office. Once were inside, I tell him everything that

happened yesterday. I trust Jason with my life and I know he will never betray me. “Do you really think

she is trying to kill both of you?” “I do, now I just need to prove it to my father.” “Something isn’t right

about him defending her too.” “I need to figure out what’s going on before he doesn’t recover the next

time.” “I’m just glad I never took any of the food she offered me.” “Your dad’s not wrong about her killing

him.” “If she only kills him then she is nothing to the pack.” “I believe that is why she wanted us both

dead.” “She must be working with someone.” “We need to figure out who that is.” “I’m here with you, we

will figure it out together.” “Whoever it is is going to be very sorry when we find them.” “Thank you,

Jason.” I get a link and my father wants to see me at the hospital. “I’ll see you later, I need to go talk to

my father.”

I walk into his room and he looks better today. I take a seat near his bed. “You wanted to see me.” “I

did, we will be having your ceremony in two days.” “You have your wolf now and it’s time for you to take

your place as Alpha of this pack.” “That does not solve the problem of who is poisoning you.” “Lake, I

don’t want to hear anything about Jessica.” “When she linked me last night, I told her that I was

handling pack business which is what she told me you said.” “Did you spend time with Belinda like I

told you to do?” “Dad I’m not going to keep discussing this with you.” “You need to rest so if you just

wanted to tell me about the ceremony then I’ll leave so you can.” “Lake, I know you think I’m a ba**ard

and cold but everything I do is for the pack.” “I know you really believe that dad but honestly you and I

have very different ideas of what is right for this pack” I say before I leave.

Gabriella POV

Cynthia and I are in the cafeteria eating lunch when Monica and her cronies come in. She shoots

daggers in my direction but I just continue to eat. “She is such a b**ch” Cynthia says. “Don’t worry

about her.” “She isn’t bothering me at all.” Bret comes and sits at the table. “Hey girls, some of the

warriors are going to hang out after training today.” “You want to join us?” I speak for myself in case

Cynthia wants too. “Unfortunately, I won’t be hanging out anytime soon.” “I have Alpha duties after

training.” “You’re not Alpha yet, can’t you just have some fun today.” “I take my future Alpha duties

seriously so you’ll have to have all the fun.” I pick up my stuff and head for the hallway. I feel a hand on

my shoulder and someone spins me. Before I know what’s happening, I feel l!ps on mine. What the

fvck? I push the person away and when I see its Bret, I punch him in the face knocking him on his a**.

“Are you out of your fvcking mind, you k!ssed me without my permission?” “Gabby, I think you’re going

to be my mate.”