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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 62
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 65

Lake POV

It’s been a week since the meeting with the rogues. I still can’t believe that my father has taken it to the

point of involving such sorry excuses for wolves. They cannot be trusted besides that whatever is

happening in Archer Lyon’s pack has nothing to do with us. I don’t think it’s wise to put a human in

charge of wolves, but it is not my pack or my decision. I will not be dragging our people into this but, of

course, I can’t say that to him right now. When I take the t!tle, I will be calling off this so-called deal that

my father has made with Kenneth and his pack. My father informed me last night that we have a guest

coming today. I am supposed to meet with the girl my father thinks will be a good mate and Luna for

me. I don’t want that either. I told him I would meet with her, but that does not mean I will accept her. I

understand losing a fated mate is painful, but I still want mine after all my mother’s stories and

encouragement. I still haven’t figured out my father’s angle because I know its not out of concern for

my heartbreak. The last thing my father cares about is me.

I head downstairs to have breakfast and grab a plate. I start to load my plate with food when Jessica

approaches me. She has been acting very strange lately. “I am already making a plate for you and your

dad, Lake.” “I’m not a child I can make my own plate.” She looks hurt by my statement, but I know

better than that. She doesn’t care for me and she never has. I wish I knew what the hell is up with her

lately? All the sudden, she is nice. I don’t think so, something is definitely not right. I take my plate and

sit next to my father. “Belinda will be arriving shortly, Lake.” “I expect you to welcome her with open

arms.” “Do I make myself clear.” “I will be kind but I never agreed to accept her.” “Her father is the

Alpha of the SilverMoon Pack and he has no sons.” Before I can say anything, he stops me. His

insistence on me taking a chosen mate makes much more sense now. When her father is no longer

Alpha, we will gain his pack through my mating. As usual, he only cares about what he wants.

“We will talk about this later” he says as Jessica sets his plate down in front of him . I know he doesn’t

like talking about anything pack related in front of her. He says nothing more and starts to eat. I hate

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that he thinks he can treat me like a pup still, yet he wants me to take the Alpha t!tle. “Soon you will be

Alpha and what he wants will be just his opinion”, Razor says. I chuckle and my father looks up from

his plate. I start to eat and I’m grateful that everyone stays quiet for the rest of the meal. Jason will

return today, and I have a lot to tell him. Jason is my future Beta and the only person I can trust

because he is purely loyal to me and not my father. My father insisted, since I chose him from our

warriors, that Jason go for Beta training. His birthday is a week after mine, so he will be able to take his

t!tle at the same time as me. Normal packs have an Alpha and a Beta, but not ours. Not until I insisted

on it. That is because I know I need the help to run the pack properly. My father refused to have a Beta

because he wanted sole power over the pack. My grandfather was the same but I’m not like them, so

arrogant. I know that a pack is meant to be cared for by its leaders. Thank goddess for my mother or I

would probably be as cold and heartless as both my father and grandfather.

Once I finish eating, I get up to leave so I can get ready for training. “Lake, you need to be available as

soon as Belinda arrives.” I turn to him “I will meet with her after training, I’m sure you can entertain her

while she waits.” I walk out of the dining room and don’t wait for him to say another word. I head toward

the training field when I hear my name being called. I turn to see a smiling Jason heading in my

direction. We give each other a bro-hug before he starts busting my chops as usual. “It’s so good to

see you” I say. “Missed me that much did you.” “I knew you loved me.” I punch him in the arm. “Don’t

flatter yourself I just have a lot for you to do.” He laughs and we walk the rest of the way to training. Our

training typically lasts about two hours. An hour and a half into it, I feel someone linking me and

immediately know it’s my father. I try to ignore him but he persists. “What father, I told you I would meet

with her after training?” “Something is wrong Lake, come to my office now.” I don’t say a word and I

take off toward my father’s office at a run. I’ve never heard my father sound desperate for my help and

it’s unnerving.

When I reach the office, he is holding his chest and sweating. I rush over to him. “What’s wrong, did

you call the pack doctor?” “No, I called you first.” I pick the phone up since I can’t link the whole pack

yet and call the doctor. He arrives five minutes later. He starts to check my father out. Dr. Jacobs must

ask a million questions before he asks me to bring my father to the pack hospital so he can run some

tests. “I don’t want the pack to know I’m sick.” “Dad, you need to be checked out, you do not look well?”

“I will take you out the back entrance and the hospital staff will not speak about this.” “Fine” he says

and I manage to get him there with no pack member seeing him. Once he is situated, the doctor and

nurses start to take blood and hook him up to machines. “Lake, Belinda’s just arrived and the guard is

taking her to the pack house.” “Go meet her and remember what I said about being nice.” “Well, she

will just have to wait until we see what is going on with you.” “Lake go now, I don’t need you here.” “I’m

perfectly capable of taking care of things now.” How can he be such an a**hole even laying here in a

hospital bed? I leave without saying another word. If I ever have pups, I will never be like him.

As I walk into the pack house, a guard is leading a girl about my age in. She’s pretty but I feel nothing

towards her. Razor doesn’t stir in the least. If she was my mate, Razor would be losing his mind even

though I haven’t shifted yet. “She is not the one Lake” Razor says. “I know Razor, I have no intentions

of taking her as ours.” She walks until she is standing in front of me. “Welcome Belinda, I’m Lake, the

future Alpha of the Blood Rose pack.” “My father is busy at the moment so he asked me to welcome

you.” She tries to lean up to k!ss me and I stick out my hand. She brushes off my rejection by taking my

hand. “It’s very nice to meet you, mate.” I could kill my father at this moment for leading these people to

believe that I am mating with her. “Belinda, can you follow me, we have some things we need to

discuss.” She smiles and I have no idea what she thinks is about to happen but I have a feeling she is

going to be very disappointed.

I open the office door and once we are inside, I close it. She is standing very close to me. Please have

a seat, Belinda. She walks over and sits in the chair. I sit behind the desk putting distance between us.

“I understand that my father has made some arrangement with you and your father, but I still have a

say in my own mating.” She goes to speak and I continue. “I never agreed to this mating.” “I am happy

to get to know you and possible form an alliance with your pack but I’m interested in finding my fated

mate.” She is silent for a few minutes and I wait. “You haven’t gained your wolf, so maybe I will be your

fated mate” she says with a smile. “Tell her that I’m here and she is so not our mate” Razor growls in

my head. I push Razor to the back of my mind. “I have my wolf and unfortunately, you are not my fated

mate.” “As I said before, you are welcome to stay and we can get to know each other for the purpose of

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an alliance, but it will not be to mate.” “I would like to get to know you so that will be fine.” Why do I

have a feeling that is the only part of what I said that she heard? “I will show you to a guest room and

have the guards bring your belongs up for you.” I lead her to the guest room and once she is situated, I

head to my office. I need to talk to Jason about this mess my father has made.

Gabriella POV

Serina and I are getting ready for training. “So, Bret seems nice”, Serina says, batting her eyelashes at

me. I throw a pillow at her. “Bret and I are just friends.” “I promised myself and dad that unless he turns

out to be my mate, we will only be friends.” I see disappointment cross her face. “Why do you look

sad?” “I’m not sad that is the way it should be.” “I just thought about something.” “How will you know

when you find your mate?” I smile “mom said even though she wasn’t a wolf and she didn’t have the

tingles she felt something.” “Hopefully it will be the same for me but if not I’ll have to trust my mate to

feel all the tingles” I laugh. “I can’t wait to meet my mate” Serina says. Again, she has a concerned look

on her face. “Now I know you’re not worried because you will feel the tingles.” “No but what will our

mates be called if we are the Alphas?” “They aren’t Lunas and we aren’t Lunas.” I think for a moment

before I answer her. “Our pack will be the only one that has four Alphas then.” She hugs me and we

finish getting dressed for training.

We head out the door of the pack house and walk toward the training field. We meet Nicholas as we

walk and he seems really quiet today. “What’s up Nicholas, usually you would be gabbing our ears off

by now.” He smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He stops and turns toward me. “I know your older than

me, Gabby, and the future Alpha, but can I say something?” “Of course, you can.” “Please be careful

with Bret.” “Did he say something to you Nicholas about me?” “No, I just have this feeling that I can’t

explain.” “I don’t want you to get hurt.” I pull him into a hug. We have all grown up together and

Nicholas is like another brother to me. “I promise you I will be careful and we are just friends nothing

more.” “Hey Nick let’s go” one of his warrior friend’s yells to him. “I’ll see you guys later at dinner.” He

heads toward his friends and we walk the rest of the way toward training. Levi is already getting ready

to start our run. He takes off and we are running toward the back of the pack. Cynthia joins us as we

take off toward the woods. As we ran, I notice that Bret starts to run next to me. “Hey Gabby, are you

up for hanging out after training?” Nicholas’s words playing over in my mind. Before I can answer, I

hear a growl and turn to see dirty brown wolves coming out of the woods in the distance.