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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 61
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 64

Six Months Later

Gabriella POV

It’s been months since the Alpha meeting. I know it will be a while before Serina and I take the t!tle, but

I want to spend as much time learning from my dad as possible. I still go to school on the territory

where I am a junior now. Serina is a freshman, so I don’t see her when we are in school. Most of the

other students know I am the future Alpha, so they either k!ss my a** or a select few are total b**ches

to me. I knew there would be pack members that didn’t agree with making a human the Alpha, but

honestly, that just motivates me to be the best Alpha I can be. As my father said, they can accept it or

not be part of our pack. The only real friend I have besides Serina and Nicholas is Cynthia. She is

genuine and kind. She is also a kick a** warrior. She treats me like I’m just another girl instead of some

type of royalty. After we finish up at school, we head to the pack house to change for training.

Serina, Cynthia, and I are running side by side, following behind Levi. Nicholas is with his male warrior

friends. I feel bad for him sometimes because Levi is harder on him than any other warrior. I know it’s

because he wants him to be a great Beta when he takes the t!tle. As we run, I think about how much I

used to hate all this running and working out. I’ve come to love training now, which I never thought

would happen. When we reach the training field, we start sparring. Serina and I go first, while Cynthia

spars with another female warrior. Serina is an amazing fighter for her age. I notice a few of the female

warriors looking in our direction and whispering to each other. Mean girls is not a thing that is exclusive

to human girls. Monica the queen b**ch waits till Levi starts sparring with one of the other warriors to

walk toward us. She has a problem with a human, being the next Alpha. She hasn’t come right out and

said it yet, but I can tell every time she is around me at school or during training how she feels. I don’t

care what she thinks, nothing will change me becoming the Alpha of the Scarlett Howl Pack with

Serina. “Gabby, maybe you should sit this one out.” “I wouldn’t want your fragile human body to get

hurt”, Monica says sarcastically so only Serina and I can hear. “Who would be the pack Alpha if that

were to happen,” she laughs. Serina steps toward her and I stop her. “Monica, anytime you want to

spar with me, by all means step up.” She laughs “do you think I’m stupid enough to hurt the Alpha’s

pride and joy.” “He protects you even though you’re not his real pup.” “Either fight me or shut the hell up

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Monica.” “Do we have a problem here ladies” Levi says as he walks over. “No, Levi Monica and I were

just going to spar.” I watch her eyes get big and I smile.

“Alright, human form only Monica”, Levi says. Monica got her wolf last month when she turned

eighteen. She is a senior and honestly the biggest b**ch I know. “Of course, Beta, I wouldn’t want to

hurt Gabby, our future Alpha” she says with a saccharin sweet smile. Oh, I’m going to enjoy beating

this b**ches a**. She is going to find out just how weak I am. I have been training with the warriors and

Levi for six months. I may not be able to fight in wolf form, but I definitely can in human form. We start

to circle each other and she has a smug look on her face. I watch her body movements and she throws

a punch at my face that I dodge. She throws three more punches but doesn’t land one. When she

throws the last one at my face again, I counter connecting with her jaw. She manages to stay on her

feet but she isn’t happy that a human hit her. I smirk which pisses her off even more. I hear a growl

before she corrects herself. She runs at me full force and knocks me to the ground. I roll her off of me

and get to my feet just as she comes at me again. This time I do a round house kick, knocking her on

her a**. She growls and her eyes turn black as she looks up at me.

I prepare myself for her attack, hoping that Levi will stay out of it but I know better. I wait for Levi to

jump in because her wolf is at the surface when one of the male warriors steps in front of her. “Enough

Monica, you got your a** handed to you, deal with it.” She stands up, brushing herself off and walks

back over to the girls without a word. “Good job, Gabby” Serina says. The warrior turns to me with a

smile “she’s just mad because she didn’t expect you to be so good at fighting.” “She thought you would

be an easy win.” He sticks out his hand, “I’m Bret, it’s nice to meet you, Alpha.” “I’m not Alpha yet, you

can just call me Gabby for now.” “That’s very sweet but if everybody doesn’t get back to sparring there

is going to be a lot more running in your futures” Levi barks out as he shoots daggers at Bret. I start

sparring with Serina again. “I think somebody likes you, Gabby.” “He would know if I’m his mate, so I

think you’re crazy.” “Not if he is seventeen too.” I look back and he is looking at me and so is Monica. If

looks could kill, I would most definitely be dead. I have a feeling that will not be the last run-in I will

have with her. Cynthia comes over “boy that just pissed Monica off even more.” “She has been in love

with Bret forever.” “Well, obviously he is not her mate but it’s not like I was going after him.” “She

doesn’t care you know she is a b**ch.” Cynthia says. “Great, she doesn’t need another reason to hate


After training, we head back toward the pack house. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to see a

smiling Bret. “Gabby, I was wondering if we could hang out if you weren’t busy.” “I would like that, but

unfortunately, I have to meet with my father.” “Maybe some other time then.” “How about we go to the

game room after school and training tomorrow?” “I would like that, Gabby.” “I’ll see you tomorrow.” We

head inside and straight up the stairs. When we reach our floor, Serina and I both go to get showered

before I head to my father’s office. I knock and head inside. My dad looks up and smiles when he sees

me. Then it looks like he gets a link and his smile falls. “What’s wrong dad?” “How was training today,

Gabby?” “It was good but I really would like to know why you look upset after you got that link.”

“Honestly, I’m not upset as much as concerned.” He waves his hand for me to take a seat. “Gabby, Levi

told me what happened at training today.” “Are you upset that I fought with Monica and won?” “No

actually I’m quite proud that you showed her that you are not one to be played with.” “Then I’m

confused what you’re talking about.”

“Levi told me about Bret defending you and you two making plans to hang out.” I don’t say anything

because I’m not sure where he is going with this. “Gabby, Bret will have a mate that the goddess

chooses for him.” “I know that dad.” “Unlike humans the pull to our mates is like nothing that can be

described.” “I wasn’t planning on mating him, he is nice so we were going to hang out.” “I understand

but I know that you may develop feelings for him and when he finds his mate you will be hurt.” I know

he is right and this part s.ucks for me. “I promise that I will keep our relationship purely friends so that

no one gets hurt.” He smiles “you really are amazing just like your mother.” “I believe the goddess has

a mate already chosen for you.” “I hope your right dad but if not, I’ll have to just fall in the love the

human way.” “Are you ready to go over more boring Alpha paperwork” he says with a chuckle.

“Absolutely, I can’t wait.”

Lake POV

“Lake come to my office” my father, links me. I head upstairs and knock before I walk in. Over the past

few months, I feel like my father has aged. Wolves don’t get sick but there is something not right with

him. “What wrong dad?” “Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you about taking over the t!tle.” “You will be

turning eighteen and gaining your wolf in a few weeks.” “I plan on having your ceremony the following

week.” “Why are you rushing this dad, I don’t understand.” “I thought you would want to have the t!tle a

few more years.” “This is not up for discussion.” “I decide when you take over, not you.” “Fine, I will be

ready to take the t!tle.” “Good I have also arranged a chosen mate for you.” “She will make a good

Luna.” “She is of Alpha blood.” “I never agreed to take a chosen mate.” “I am your father and I told you

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what happens when you lose a fated mate.” “Stopping being weak and thinking with your heart.” “A

chosen mate can fulfill all your needs just as a fated mate can.” “Like Jessica does for you.” He growls

“be careful Lake, I’m not above showing you I’m still Alpha now.”

“I will meet the girl but I will decide if I take her as a mate or not.” My father smiles like he won. “One

last thing, I have a meeting planned with some associates for tomorrow and I would like you to attend.”

“What associates are you talking about?” “I told you that no matter how long it took I would find super

naturals who could make Archer Lyons pay for disgracing our kind.” “What have you done father?”

“Just come to my office for ten.” “Is that all, am I free to go?” “Yes Lake, you can go.” I stand getting

ready to leave. “Just remember Lake when you become Alpha you have to make choices that you may

not always agree with if it benefits the pack and our kind.” I turn the knob without saying a word. I didn’t

say anything to my father, but my wolf started talking to me a few days ago. I won’t have my shift till my

birthday but he is with me now. I run through the woods until I reach the rock.

“Razor are you there?” “Yes Lake, I’m here.” “Did you hear that conversation?” “Lake, I hear everything

you hear.” “I can feel everything you feel.” “We are one and I am always with you.” “What do I do

Razor?” “Your father is wrong Lake.” “Can you be more specific?” He chuckles “we should not take a

chosen mate and dealing with evil super naturals is never a good idea.” “I don’t want a chosen mate or

to meet with those people.” “We need to attend the meeting so we know exactly what your father has

planned.” I sit for a while longer before I run back toward the pack house. Once I get inside and Jessica

is waiting. What the hell is her deal lately? “Hello Lake, I saved you a plate from dinner.” “I’m not

interested” I say as I head toward the stairs. “Lake, you have to eat something.” I don’t even respond to

her as I head toward my room. She is not my mother and I don’t need her to do anything for me.

The Next Day

I arrive at my father’s office ten minutes early. I knock and walk in. My father is sitting behind his desk

and I take a chair he has placed by his side. “I’m glad to see you arrived early.” I nod and a few minutes

later he gets a link. “Our guests have arrived.” A knock sounds on the door and a pack warrior leads

two men in. When I take a deep breath, I can feel my wolf stir. The two men are rogues. My father has

completely lost his mind. “Welcome gentlemen, please have a seat.” “This is my son, Lake, and the

future Alpha of the pack.” “There really is no need for small talk Raymond, we can get right down to

business.” “Lake, this is Kenneth, he is a rogue leader.” “He has agreed to help us make Archer Lyons

pay for his actions against our kind.” “I mean no disrespect, but why would you be helping my father

with anything?” “Smart boy, we don’t do anything out of the kindness of our hearts however this time I

have a reason to want the Scarlett Howl pack and it’s leader suffer.” “What would that be?” “Let’s just

say that Archer took something from me and I plan to repay the favor.”